Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 29th November 2024
Welcoming Visitors from Near and Far!
David and Goliath Come to Life!
On Monday we welcomed Open the Book into school to lead collective worship. This time, the group told the story of David and Goliath, helped by four pupils from Year 5 and 6. The hall was divided into two halves – the Philistines and the Israelites – who cheered and booed as their heroes (David the young boy and Goliath the Giant) argued and fought. The children recognised that with God’s help, David was able to overcome the challenge the giant presented and save the Israelites. Anything is possible for God. The children also thought about how someone so small could achieve something so significant. Thank you to the volunteers from Open the Book who really make these important stories come to life.
Friends of the School Christmas Fair
A Fun Filled Fair!
A huge thank you to the Friends of the school for organising a fantastic Christmas Fair on Thursday. A number of local businesses attended with stalls ranging from cakes to photographs to jewellery to baby clothes. We welcomed former pupils to raise funds for their World Challenge visits, and parents and pupils ran a number of games including guess the number of sweets in a jar, find the snowman’s nose and Higher and Lower. We were also very excited to welcome a special visitor in a red suit! The children loved meeting Father Christmas and the Fair once again proved extremely popular. Thank you for supporting this event, which raises valuable funds for school. If you were successful in the hamper raffle which was drawn at the end of the Fair, you have been contacted by text to collect your prize from the school office.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to this week's stars who were celebrated in our worship time this morning.
Nursery - Freddie for a creating a really detailed Owl Babies painting.
Reception - Luna for working hard to complete our star challenges this week. She has been a concentrating crocodile at all times, doing her best and persevering even when she finds something tricky.
Year 1 - Arjun for putting lots of effort into his phonics sessions.
Year 2 - Kiyansh for settling into Ripon Cathedral School and Year 2 so well. We are so lucky to have a super role model like Kiyansh! He's always striving to be respectful and he is so eager to learn.
Year 3 - George W for having a great attitude to learning, especially in English when we worked together to edit and improve. He took on board feedback and listened carefully.
Year 4 - Roman for great effort with writing and starting a wonderful diary entry as Ruskin.
Year 5 - Olive for her resilience to problem solving when learning about cubed numbers.
Year 6 - Bea for having a positive attitude to her learning and taking every opportunity to improve.
Information Sharing
Health and Safety
Please could parents and carers dropping off and collecting pupils refrain from allowing children to use the play equipment on the playground, including the Nursery outdoor area, the area outside Year 1 and the Outdoor Gym before and after school. This is for Health and Safety reasons and to help keep our school tidy. The staff and children work hard to put away all the outdoor toys at the end of playtimes so that school can be left tidy overnight. The Outdoor Gym is specialised equipment with its own safety rules and age limits so this must not be used without staff supervision. Many thanks for your help with this matter.
Pupil Premium Message from North Yorkshire
Redeem your vouchers for free holiday activities and food this Christmas
On Monday 25th November we issued vouchers to all families whose children/young people are eligible for free places on FEAST activities this Christmas. You should have received this via email or text, from a platform called Holiday Activities. Follow the link in this email/text to redeem your voucher and book your child’s place on some of the fantastic activities on offer in our area.
Don’t worry if there’s a waiting list - it doesn’t always mean that an activity is full. To ensure that a wide range of families get to take part in FEAST, providers to wait a number of days after vouchers are issued before accepting any bookings. Please request a place and you should receive a notification from Holiday Activities if your place is confirmed.
If you believe your child is eligible and you have not yet received your voucher, or you have lost it, please contact the school office.
To learn more about FEAST, and for information on activities, eligibility and how to manage your bookings, visit the website.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 3rd December - Econ Goldie the Gritter Event (Year 6)
Wednesday 4th December - Year 4 Sound Day
Tuesday 10th December - 9am Reception and KS1 Superstars Worship
Wednesday 11th December - School Christmas Dinner, Christmas Jumper Day and Parties
Thursday 12th December - 9am KS2 Superstars Worship
Friday 13th December - Friends of the School Christmas Disco
Thursday 19th December- 1.30pm Nativity in the Cathedral
Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas
Monday 6th January - Training Day
Tuesday 7th January - Return to school
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool