KES November Newsletter
November 1st, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our first PBIS reward party was awesome today! We appreciate all of the volunteers and hard work from our staff and students on showing PRIDE each and every day.
We are thankful for your support as we wrap up a great first quarter at Keystone Elementary School. We are excited to share that our third grade students completed the first round of state testing, and they truly rocked it!
Looking ahead, we want to remind you that parent-teacher conferences are coming up this month on November 12th and November 21st from 4:30-7:30 PM. To schedule your conference, please click the link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Keystone_Elementary_School_1.
Thank you for being an important part of our school community!
Best regards,
Mr. Alferio and Miss Brouse
Miss Brouse, Assistant Principal: taylor.brouse@keystoneschools.org
Mr. Alferio, Prinicpal: jacob.alferio@keystoneschools.org
- November 12th at 4:30-7:30pm
- November 21st at 4:30-7:30pm
To sign up for a conference, please click the link here: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Keystone_Elementary_School_1
If you are stopping by for conferences this month, please stop by the lost and found across from the library! The lost and found will be cleared out after Thanksgiving break so be sure to look for your belongings!
KES November Calendar
(Click calendar to open as a PDF and print!)
Monthly PRIDE Winners for October
Below are the classroom PRIDE Students for October:
- Lola Peck
- Lacey Pincura
- Cayden Mancuso
- Ella Holztrager
- Reagan Schatz
1st Grade:
- Ellyana Wallace
- Tyson Bockmore
- Evelyn Spears
- Ariea Pfeifer
- Alexzander Edwards
2nd Grade:
- Addison McKee
- Daxton Fisher
- Harley Yeaples
- Xavier Durbin
- Skylar Blackford
3rd Grade:
- Kinsley Holliday
- Bailey Shaw
- Cora Trenchard
- Livie Banks
- Colten Mantle
4th Grade:
- Scarlet Showlater
- Logan Cunningham
- Greyson Lankey
- Colton Creak
- Kyra Clement
5th Grade:
- Gabby Abraham
- Katie Duncan
- Lily Bryant
- Elisa Augustinov
- Cassie Grace
And the Winner of the October PRIDE Raffle is...
Reagan Schatz from Mrs. Murray's class!
FinalForms- PLEASE READ!
As you know, we have done away with the Yellow Medical Cards! Our emergency medical forms are now online through FinalForms. FinalForms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign Emergency Medical forms, Demographic forms, Athletic forms, and more for students.
Final Forms must be updated and signed at the beginning of every school year so that we have up-to-date information on your child's health and information. Additionally, forms must be updated at any point in time throughout the year if you have had a change in address, phone number, person of contact etc. for your child during the school year.
Current students already have accounts; this was verified in an email you received. If you DO NOT see this email or have questions, contact Tina Bednarski.
Tina Bednarski: 440-355-2424 | tina.bednarski@keystoneschools.org
These forms MUST be completed in order for your child to attend school field trips.
Friendly Reminders
School Fees Assigned
School Fee letters are being mailed home during the week of Oct 7th. Please make sure that you are addressing these fees at your earliest convenience. Your child's account needs to be in good standing to be able to participate in any field trips in the future.
Ways to Pay:
- Send in cash or check with your child
- Cash must be exact change
- Checks made payable to Keystone Local Schools
- Online through https://payschoolscentral.com/
KES Office Procedures
Here is what you can expect when you come to the KES office for picking up, dropping off, or bringing materials to a student:
- When in the front vestibule, press the doorbell on the right side of the wall
- You be greeted by a secretary and asked how they can help
- If you are picking up a student for any reason, you will be asked to show a photo ID into the camera on the doorbell
- You will be prompted to also sign your child out while your student is being called to the office
*Please note that if it is past 9:00am, an adult must escort the student into the KES vestibule and sign in the student after speaking with a secretary.*
News From the PTA
- We now have a "landing" page for sign ups for all available and open spots needed for volunteering and donations. Check out: https://signup.com/go/ViweGft
- Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6p. Held in the KES library - with the exception of November as that will be held in the cafeteria.
- Binglow on November 5th at 6:30 in the KES cafeteria
- Conference meals sign up:
- Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the first Class party and 1st quarter PBIS party.
- For the Book Fair to be successful, we are in need of volunteers- please sign up for a timeslot!
Indoor Walking at KES
Come walk the safe, warm halls of Keystone Elementary School, 531 Opportunity Way, 6pm to 8pm every Tuesday and Thursday from October 1st to April 24th (on days when school is open- check Facebook or KeystoneLocalSchools.org for cancelations). Enter through Keystone Elementary school's front doors and sign-in at the indoor walking table. There is no cost to participate. If school is canceled due to weather, indoor walking is also canceled. Contact us at KeystoneEmpowersYou@gmail.com for more information.
Literacy Lounge
To our Kindergarten Families...
Dear Kindergarten Families,
We hope this message finds you well. As we wrap up the first quarter of the school year, we wanted to share some information regarding literacy in our classrooms.
At the beginning of the year, students K-3 completed the Acadience diagnostic, our literacy screener. This assessment is administered three times a year and helps us identify areas of strength and growth in specific reading skills for each child.
In accordance with Ohio's dyslexia laws, we are not required to assess and monitor kindergarten students and their progress until January of the 2024-2025 school year. However, we believe in being proactive and are committed to enhancing our students' reading foundation skills. To support their learning, students are working in groups during their intervention time each day to work on targeted foundational reading skills. These interventions are provided by their classroom teacher or title tutor and address their areas of growth according to their beginning of the year Acadience data.
After the winter benchmark is given, your child's progress will be sent home in January. Additional information regarding progress and areas of growth will also be included in these letters.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Please reach out if you have any additional questions!
Best regards,
Mr. Alferio and Miss Brouse
Safety Drills at KES
The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priority. Throughout the year, we perform various safety drills including fire, bus evacuation, severe weather, building evacuation and lockdown. Schools conduct these safety drills during which students and staff practice emergency procedures. These procedures are evaluated for improvements after each drill.
We understand that some of these drills can be stressful or confusing to families and children so we hope this information will bring some ease and clarification to our safety drills. Below is an explanation of an ALICE Drill and what students can expect.
An ALICE/Lockdown Drill: Keystone schools conduct lockdown drills during which students and staff practice emergency procedures. Students and staff will participate in ALICE drills together to practice the tools and knowledge to respond and escape in the event of an active shooter or threat to our building.
It is important to note that we have our classroom teachers and staff make sure that they are preparing and discussing the reasons and procedures for safety drills at the beginning of the school year, as well as revisit these procedures often. Below we have provided the various weeks that we will be conducting a safety drill for your reference on our monthly calendar.
Class Dojo Information
1. Download the ClassDojo app or go online.
2. Click "I'm a parent"
3. Select “Get Started”
4. Enter your personal information and click “Create free account”
5. Select the "Kids" tab.
6. If you have been given an invitation code, click "Add code" to enter the code and connect to your child's teacher.
NOTE: We use the free version of this app so please make sure that you do not pay for any subscription!