Paw Prints

March 8, 2024
Principal Corner
The third trimester of school starts on Monday! It's hard to believe that we are two-thirds of the way through the school year, especially since we're still finishing up winter activities like girls' basketball and boys' swimming!
Natural breaks like this in the school schedule are always a great time for a fresh start - if you finished the second trimester strong, be sure to continue that into your new classes. If you struggled as we ended - this is a great time to regroup and start over.
Please take a look at the NWEA schedule for the week of March 18 below. We'll be testing on March 18, 19, and 21. On those days (and those days only!) classes for seniors will start at 9:15 AM.
Have a great weekend!
- Mr. Reed
Looking Ahead
March 18 - NWEA Testing (Classes start at 9:15 AM for seniors)
March 19 - NWEA Testing (Classes start at 9:15 AM for seniors)
March 21- NWEA Testing (Classes start at 9:15 AM for seniors)
March 29 - No School
April 1 - 5 - Spring Break
April 8 - Return from Spring Break
Top Five Things to Know
After-School Support Update
This year, we replaced spring parent-teacher conferences at the high school with our After-School Support program. To date, this program has been used over 330 times by students.
Weekly Highlights
Artificial Intelligence
Several of our OHS students are serving on the district AI Policy team - they've got great input!
Our robotics team had a great weekend, currently ranking 26th in Michigan, 121 in the US, and 136th in the world!
Food Trucks
NWEA Testing
Food Pantry
Do you know OHS offers non-perishable food items for students in need? We provide this service for over 20 students each year! We always accept donations of non-perishable, easy-to-fix food items such as easy mac & cheese, ramen noodles, peanut butter, and canned fruit/vegetables. If you want to donate, please drop the items off in the office. If you need food, please contact Anna Starr at astarr@otsegops.org. We are here to help!
Link of the Week
OHS Musical
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Email: treed@otsegops.org
Website: ohs.otsegops.org
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otsegops