Community Update
Community Update
May 13, 2022
Hello North Rockland Families,
Our end of the year events are underway NR Strong! The most up to date information on all our celebrations and milestones can be found under the Events section below. Please click the link here or on the video below to view this week's message.
NRCSD Budget Information
The latest 2022-23 Budget Presentation can be found linked here.
On April 19, the North Rockland Central School District Board of Education approved a $253 million spending plan that enhances current programs and services and increases efforts to support the social and emotional health of our students.
The 2022-23 proposed budget ensures a 0% tax levy increase for a third consecutive year— remaining well below New York State’s property tax cap of 2%. Always mindful of the long-term interest of our school community, our fiscal plan does not include a tax increase in the amount of money the District is asking from it's residents.
The 2022-23 NRCSD proposed $253,025,692 budget provides:
• Increased mental health and counseling supports
• New electives
• Movement toward a “Integrated Co-Teach Model” for special education
• Year one of our Dual Language Program roll out
• Increase extra-curricular offerings
• Specialized support programs
• Additional field trips
• Addition of two school resource officers - for NRHS and FMS
• Implementation of work study program
The District has allocated $10 million in the 2022-23 budget to the capital line for a variety of facility improvements - without an additional cost to taxpayers while receiving state aid returns.
Planned improvements include: HVAC upgrades at Farley Elementary School, roof replacement at Willow Grove Elementary School, electrical upgrades at Haverstraw Elementary School and district-wide maintenance and security upgrades.
Be on the lookout for the 2022-23 Budget Newsletter mailer arriving soon!
What is Proposition 2?
This year, we're asking voters to approve Proposition 2: Referendum accessing the capital reserve fund which allows us to utilize more than $14 million to start capital improvement projects - at no additional cost to taxpayers.
Funds will pay for improvements to North Rockland High School's athletics fields, phys. ed spaces and building, including heating, cooling, ventilation, and rooftop units. All the funds spent to complete the anticipated project work generate building aid. NR's building aid ratio is about 80% with voter approval. We estimate building aid of approximately $11 million that will be paid over a period of time.
Meet the Candidate Night
The North Rockland Central School District PTA Council will be hosting Meet the Candidate on Monday May 16 at 7PM in the North Rockland High School Library where each candidate running for a seat on the school board will introduce themselves.
Audience members may submit questions to the candidates via question cards which will be available between 6:45 PM and 7:15 PM. Note: Questions should be applicable to all candidates. Questions can also be submitted prior to the event to the PTA Council President Suzanne Tiso at
Launch of the NRCSD FREE App!
For a tutorial and navigation overview on the NRCSD App check out the YouTube video linked here.
Stay connected on your mobile device. Download the NEW FREE district mobile app today!
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Get push notifications about breaking news, closures, weather, events, and more
Tap to see school locations, phone numbers, and staff information, fast
To download on your mobile:
Visit iTunes App Store ® or Google Play ®
Search North Rockland CSD
Then select North Rockland CSD App for FREE download
2022-23 District Calendar
The 2022-2023 District Calendar linked here, was formally approved at this week's Board of Education meeting.
Student District Workshops and Assemblies
Student Sessions
- Anti-Bullying with Stephane Matteau - May 20 and June 3
- Anti-Bullying with Stephane Matteau - May 19 and June 1
- Anti-Bullying with Stephane Matteau - May 18 and June 2
Third grade trip to the "Boulders Against Bullying" at Boulder's Stadium - May 19
Parent District Workshops
Parent Sessions
In collaboration with Box Out Bullying a three part series will be held for parents virtually.
- Hone in on best practices of cyber etiquette, cyber-bullying prevention strategies
NRCSD Summer Programs
Immunizations Information
Important reminder for the 2022/2023 school year. It is never too early to think ahead about what your child will need for the following school year, including immunizations.
The North Rockland Central School District maintains strict compliance with New York State Immunization laws. New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164 requires that schools will not permit a child to attend school unless the parent provides the school with a certificate of immunization or proof from a physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant that the child is in the process of receiving the required immunizations. More information can be found linked here.
Upcoming Events
District Overview of Year End Events
Year End Event Lists by Building
West Haverstraw Elementary School
Willow Grove Elementary School
Red Raider Reminder - Senior Prom/Graduation
NRHS Graduation is Friday, June 17, 2022.
Rain Dates are Wednesday, June 22 or Thursday, June 23, 2022.
Location: NRHS Football Stadium.
NRHS Prom is Tuesday, June 21, 2022
at the Rockleigh Country Club.
More information to follow as we get further into the year.
EdCamp Rockland
Save the date!
North Rockland Central School District will be hosting our 5th annual EdCamp Rockland on Saturday, June 11th from 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Fieldstone Middle School!
- Edcamp is a free, participant-driven, shared educational experience open to all interested educators. Food and beverages will be provided and there'll be lots of swag and amazing sponsored prizes.
- Be on the lookout for our registration link coming out soon!
Click here to follow EdCamp Rockland on Facebook!
District Highlights
Historic School Funding, 0% Tax Increase (Again), and $1M Tax Certiorari Aid for North Rockland
Senator James Skoufis and Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski joined Superintendent Kris Felicello, The North Rockland Board of Education, Administration, and local officials to announce, for the second year in a row, special state aid of $1 million to offset the effects of the Mirant debt crisis on local property owners. The legislators also announced a total increase of $14.6 million in state school funding over last year for North Rockland. The additional funding and hard work of our business office has resulted in a 0% increase in school property taxes for local homeowners. Keeping the tax levy at 0%, the District has saved local taxpayers a cumulative $23.7 million over the last three consecutive years.
These two key provisions from the recently enacted state budget will provide substantial relief to local families while improving educational outcomes and holding the line on property taxes for the year ahead. North Rockland will receive a total of $67.22 million in core school aid this year, a 28% increase over last, which will enhance classroom instruction and support educators and students alike. The school district will also receive special funding to create 45 first-ever universal pre-kindergarten seats in addition to their existing capacity.
Superintendent Dr. Kris Felicello said: “We are grateful to Senator Skoufis and Assemblyman Zebrowski for following through on their commitment to fully fund Foundation Aid by 2023-24. Our district currently receives about 64% of our full Foundation Aid funding, representing a gap of more than $29 million. The state’s budget for next school year makes up a little more than half of that gap, providing the district with a more than $14 million increase. We also thank Senator Skoufis and Assembly Member Zebrowski for - again - delivering $1 million in special tax certiorari aid. This support will go a long way to easing the district’s ongoing Mirant debt and associated tax burden. With this additional state funding, our 2022-23 proposed budget advances NRCSD's mission to prepare our students for their futures, while protecting the community’s investment in our schools, and honoring our fiscal responsibility to taxpayers.”
NR Athletics
Community Information
Resources for Combating Substance Abuse
Following the nationwide and unfortunately countywide upwards trend in youth substance abuse, recently, there has been an increase in the number of instances involving student use of substances forbidden by the North Rockland Central School District’s Code of Conduct. The District is taking this very seriously as the safety and well-being of our students and staff is always our top priority. Subsequently, the District has set forth measures to help inform students and parents of the inherent dangers of these substances, while also deploying measures to promote a healthy school environment.
Measures being implemented include:
A search of North Rockland High School was conducted in late February by the K-9 units from Rockland and Orange County. 15 officers and their K-9 service dogs swept the facility. Future sweeps are planned in conjunction with the Haverstraw Police Department.
Training for faculty and staff members is being scheduled to help detect the signs of student substance use and the recognition of various forms of paraphernalia.
Increased security in areas of schools where student misbehavior is more likely to occur.
Educational presentations on the dangers of controlled substances are being held for students. A parent information night will be scheduled for later this month.
Adjustment of bathroom supervision protocols
The District will continue our partnership with the North Rockland Coalition for Drug and Awareness Prevention to support our students and families in need of assistance.
The District will add staff to provide substance abuse counseling.
The District is working closely with the town of Haverstraw to bring two School Resource Officer Positions (SRO) to the District.
We recognize the potential dangers associated with the use of substances by our student body and remain committed to the safety and well-being of our students.
Substance abuse for families
Strategies parents can use to help their children:
Look for signs
Talk to your child and explain your concerns in detail.
Seek help/resources from your family physician, school counselor or school social worker
Get help
Helpful links:
- Behavioral Health Response Team
- Haverstraw Reach Out Center: 845-429-5731
- High Focus Center: 1-800-877-3628
- Volunteer Counseling (VCS): 845-634-5729
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Hotline: 1-800-622-HELP(4357)
- Samaritan Daytop Village: 845-353-2730
- Arms Acres: 845-208-0632
- Adolescent Outpatient Substance Abuse Program (Nyack Hosp): 845-348-2075
Signs parents could look for that determine if their child may be using:
Poor performance in school
Emotional and behavioral problems
Losing interest in activities they once enjoyed
Dropping old friends for a new group
Acting despondent, aggressive or angry
Sleeping more than usual
Breaking rules
Exhibiting physical changes like sudden weight loss, frequent nosebleeds, bloody or watery eyes, or shakes and tremors
More detailed signs: Linked here
Informational Articles:
HKDL Affordable Connectivity Program
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
All families with children attending NRCSD’s six elementary schools are eligible to receive a discount of $30/month for home internet service, and a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider through the Affordable Connectivity Program.
The Haverstraw King's Daughters Public Library is participating in the Hudson Valley Digital Navigators program (, paid for with federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.
The library can connect families to the ACP to access the discounts they're entitled to. Call (845) 786-3800 and speak with a librarian for more information.
Internet Safety Materials
At North Rockland Central School District we take internet safety very seriously. It is important that we all have access to information on how to keep our students safe. Here are a few web resources:
Common Sense Media - click here
Connect Safely - click here
- Internet Safety Tips - click here
Peachjar Flyers
NR Community 5K Walk
School Meal Information
School Meal Sign up!
Red Raider Reminder
NR students who enroll in the free/reduced breakfast & lunch program qualify for college application fee waivers, free ACT and SAT exams and reduced AP exam registration fees! To qualify please complete the Free or Reduced Price Meal Application Form linked here as soon as possible.
Join the NRCSD Family!
Food Service Helpers
The North Rockland (Haverstraw-Stony Point) Central School District is seeking candidates for Food Service Helper positions at various school buildings for the 2021-2022 school year. The starting rate of pay is $14.00/hour. Apply here