Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Washington, DC
Juniors and Seniors interested in the DC Trip: Permission forms and deposit are due Aug. 31.
Check here for details and see Dr. Weatherwax in room 315 to turn in forms
or to ask questions.
Club Meetings
Tuesday Aug. 29th
Mock Trial 5:30-7:30pm, Room 315 ** Enter via 100 hallway entrance
Thursday Aug. 31st
Diversity Club 3:00pm, Room 400
Mock Trial 5:30-7:30pm, Room 315 ** Enter via 100 hallway entrance
Talawanda Tribune (Newspaper) 7:30-8:30pm, Room 315 **Enter via 100 hallway entrance
Friday Sept. 1st
Best Buddies - Informational Meeting, During Tutorial, Room 316
On the Horizon
The Robotics Club, Sept. 11, 3:00-4:00pm , Room 412
We will discuss the new challenge for the year and ideas for the season!
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.