Wildcat Weekly August 17, 2024
Some important info & thoughts for the starting school year

Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Weekend Wildcats!
I hope you had a great first full week! This past week we had our first block days and our back to school assembly on Friday! Thank you to Jamie Kirkland and our student government for leading out the assembly with very little prep time and to all our new staff for playing along in the games! It was a great time!
For block days, if you are going to take your students for a quick walk outside, please do not bring your students on the north side of the building during lunch/recess since we have so many students already outside during this time.
On Monday, we will have our fall Lockdown drill in the afternoon. As we learned at our security training before school started, we will not be announcing the time of the drill ahead of time. Please review these expectations with students in your 1st period class so that students are aware. You can tell students we will have the lockdown drill and we'll announce this in the morning as well.
Tom Romolo's last day was Friday. We are going to really miss Tom and we wish him and his family well! The search for our new AP is still ongoing as we haven't found the right person yet for our team.
I will be out of the building Thursday for a principal meeting, but back towards the end of the day.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
- Ben
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
August 17 - Jen Jahner
August 19 - Julie Heiland
August 20 - Maranda McGowan
Here is the schedule for the next week
August 19th
- Lockdown Drill - This drill will happen sometime during the day on Monday. District security and law enforcement will be at school, going around with admin and counselors to check doors and come in to see where everyone is located.
August 20th
- AVID Site Team Meeting 3:00 pm - Room 215
- 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Game vs. CRMS 4:00 pm, A/B Home
August 21st
- First PLC Meetings - see schedule that Graig sent out last week or pictured here
- Cross Country Meet vs. SMS & CIMS @ Sierra MS 4:00 pm
August 22nd
- 8th Grade Girls Volleyball vs. CIMS @ 4:00 pm, C Home
- 25 Year Anniversary Celebration @ Takoda Tavern, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
PRIDE Focus for the Week
This week we'll be using MY AVID to help kids get organized. Please log into My Avid and complete Lesson 1: The WHY of Organization
Click here for the Google Slides presentation
Team Meeting Notes
Reminders to be in the hallways and pods after each class and greeting students as they enter!
Please schedule your Beginning of the Year meetings with either Ben (via Jayme) or Colleen via Calendly. Those who were originally on Tom's evaluator list will hear from either Ben or Colleen regarding which one will now be your evaluator, until a new AP is selected!
Sagewood 25 Year Celebration - Click the picture to RSVP!
AVID Site Team
On Tuesday, August 20th, we will have our first AVID site team meeting of the year. As an AVID school, we are looking to get as many people on our AVID site team as possible. If you attended an AVID training this past summer, we'd love for you to come. If you are interested in learning more and helping to grow AVID here at Sagewood, please come.
The AVID Site Team pays $45/hr, so you will be paid for attending!
Watch D.O.G.S. - Heroes of the Hallway - We need your input!
For a quick overview of theWatch D.O.G.S. program, check out this video.
Please take a moment to fill out this FORM so that we can prepare for which classrooms we can allow parent volunteers to come into.