Raccoon News
Jan. 30, 2025
Keeping Our Raccoons Healthy
Our major focus is to maintain, improve and promote the health of all school age children. To meet the needs of all students we ask that you follow these general practice guidelines.
Keep your child home if they have a fever of 100 degrees or more, they should remain at home until they have been fever free without the use of medications for 24 hours.
If your child has vomiting or diarrhea, keep them home for 24 hours after the last episode.
- If your child has any rash or skin condition of unknown cause please check with your healthcare provider before sending them to school.
Infinite Campus Parent Contact Preferences
If you are the parent or guardian of a MAPS student and did not receive an email or text message about today’s late start, we want to make sure you’re receiving all the necessary communication.
To help resolve this, please check the following:
Do you have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account?
- If not, please follow THIS LINK to create one.
Do you have an account, but you're unsure about your contact preferences?
- If so, follow THIS LINK to review and update your settings.
If you have checked your preferences and still haven’t received the message, we recommend contacting your phone carrier, as some carriers may have issues with third-party or mass messaging services.
For further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Infinite Campus support at icsupport@isd77.org.
Click HERE for a copy of the Winter Weather Information.
Winter Weather Info
Winter weather will be here soon, so it’s a good idea to have a plan for your family in case of school closings, early dismissals, or late starts.
Notices for school closings and early dismissals will be posted on the following websites, radio, and television stations. You can also hear a recorded message on the District Notification Line at 507-387-6046.
Other ways to track school closing delays/dismissals/closures:
● www.isd77.org ● katoinfo.com ● mankatofreepress.com ● southernminnesotanews.com ● keyc.com ● KEYC 12 - TV AND MANY MORE.
Click HERE for a copy of the Winter Weather Information.
Please note: Blue Earth Area Schools is a smaller school district south of us. When you hear or see this, IT IS NOT Mankato Area Public Schools. This is something that can be confusing because of the county in which we live.
Books on Blankets Times
FEB. 28th
4th Grade: 8:30-9:00
1st Grade: 9:15-9:45
Kindergarten: 10:00-10:30
3rd Grade: 11:00-11:30
2nd Grade: 12:45-1:15
5th Grade: 1:45-2:15
11.......PTO Meeting 5:30pm-6:30pm, Media Center-Childcare Provided!
12.......Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30
17.......NO SCHOOL
28.......Books on Blankets Event-Parents Invited! (See times in newsletter above)
4.........PTO Meeting 5:30pm-6:30pm, Media Center-Childcare Provided!
6.........Science Fair
12.......Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30
14.......NO SCHOOL
18.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
19.......K, 2, 4 Spring Music Program 9:30am and 1:00pm
20.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
24.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
26-31..NO SCHOOL
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285