Bobcat Tales
August 9, 2024
Mark Your Calendar
August 15th: Back to School Night~please see schedule below
August 29th: Fall Picture Day
August 30th: Teacher Professional Development Day/No school for students
September 2nd: Labor Day Holiday (No school)
Principal Ponza's Message
It was so great being back at school. Students were full of smiles and excitement as they reconnected with old friends, teachers and staff. Many students came up to tell me that they had already made a new friend this year and that they loved their new teacher and class. The transition from summer back to school was super smooth.
I was so happy to see such a great crowd at today's Coffee with the principal. What a great opportunity to see familiar faces and meet new families. Thank you to the Bobcat Club for hosting and to the parents and families for coming. We definitely need to do it again this year!!
On Monday, students will be participating in our PBIS rotation stations. Students will be visiting several stations around campus to review rules/procedures/ and practices for being Safe, Responsible and Respectful at SLVE. This is always a great "Reboot" of our school wide expectations and an important tradition for launching our school year.
Back to School Night Thursday, August 15th 5:00-7:00
Back to School Night is early this year! Please mark your calendars with the date, 8/15. We hope to see everyone there. This is a very important time for you to hear your student's teacher talk about expectations, routines and all of the amazing things that your student will be learning about in their classrooms. This is a NO STUDENT EVENT
BTSN Schedule
5:00-5:10 Principal's Welcome MU
5:15-5:45 TK/K/1st grade classrooms
5:50-6:20 2nd/3rd grade classrooms, 1st/2nd Combo classroom, and 4th/5th Science Classroom
6:30-7:00 4th/5th grade classrooms and 3rd/4th Combo Classrooms
Fall Picture Day is coming, Thursday August 29th
Fall picture day is coming up fast this year.Ordering pictures takes place online. Information will be sent home with your student with picture day details.
Friday, August 30th is a Professional Development Day for teachers/staff and a school holiday for students. Teachers and staff will be working on a number of professional training opportunities which will help to strengthen the work they do with students everyday.
Bus and School Lunch Information
We will continue to provide free lunch to all students this year. We do ask that you complete the application on the district webpage. It is very important that ALL families complete this form, as it helps us with funding in several different areas.
If your child will be riding the bus this year and will need a bus pass, please make sure you purchase your bus pass online here. Once you log in to LinqConnect you will see "School Store" on the bottom right hand corn. Click that to buy your pass. Any questions contact the Transportation department at 831-336-2223 Please also complete the Transportation Registration Form for all students riding the bus.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
It is VERY important that all cars have the student placard in the front windshield when picking up your student. It allows staff on duty to see the name and call the student so they can be standing and ready to get in your car quickly. Thank you for following this very important pick up protocol
We are really needing to focus on safety during our pick up time each day. As a reminder, the far right lane is the ONLY lane that you may idle in to pick up your student. The middle lane is a drive thru lane only for parents who are driving up to park. If cars stop in the middle lane, buses CANNOT get up the hill to pass without going into the far left lane which is the exiting lane. There have been some close calls and unsafe situations where cars are stopped in the middle lane when buses are making the wide turn to go down the driveway to head out onto Highway 9. We would also like to remind you that the parking lot in front of the school office is reserved for teachers/staff only. Please do not stop there to drop off or pick up your student. We appreciate your role in helping to ensure the safety of our SLVE students and families.
Attendance Matters
We are so happy to welcome our students back to school after the summer break. Now that we are all back, we'd like to emphasize the importance of daily attendance for your student.
We know people get sick, people get injured, and there can be family or life responsibilities and other issues that are reasonable and excused. But if your student can attend, they need to be in school.
If your student is out for three or more consecutive days, we may request a doctor’s note to continue excusing the absences. Students who miss 3-5 days will receive a Chronic Absence letter. We will then meet with those families to attempt to support the student attending school. On the second Chronic Absence Letter, families may be required to meet at the District Office to put a plan in place for the student’s attendance. On the third Chronic Absence Letter, families may be required to meet with the County Office Student Attendance Review Board for truancy. Our goal is that nobody ever gets that far along with truancy. We are here to help and support, but it does start at home with the expectation that your student will attend school regularly.
Please remember that students who are absent 3 days or more should complete an independent study contract. Lisa Ghelardi, at lblairghelardi@slvusd.org our SLVE Registrar, will work with families to get the paperwork and the missed classwork assignments needed to complete the contract.