Robert Frost ES
2024-2025 March Newsletter No. 6

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Families,
March is here, and with it comes a month full of exciting learning opportunities and events for our students! We have several important academic initiatives and fundraisers happening, and we appreciate your continued support in making them a success.
- First, our 5th-grade students will be taking the MISA (Maryland Integrated Science Assessment) this month. Please ensure they get plenty of rest and arrive at school on time each day to do their best on this important assessment.
- Additionally, we invite families of students in grades 2-5 to join us for MCAP Night on March 20th, where we will share helpful information and strategies to support your child’s success on upcoming assessments. Although MCAP testing is for students in grades 3-5, we would like parents in grade 2 to see what their students will be challenged with next school year. This will be a fun-filled game event for families with delicious dinner and high energy from the wonderful Robert Frost Staff.
Attendance is key to student success, so we ask that all families prioritize daily school attendance.Students are considered chronically absent with two days of school missed in one month.
In addition, we encourage students to read for at least 20 minutes each evening and work on online learning platforms such as Lexia, iReady, and Dreambox to strengthen their skills.
- We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Spring Read-a-Thon Fundraiser, kicking off on Tuesday, March 4th! On this day, students will bring home important information about how they can participate and help support our school. Parents should check their email for a link to sign up and their child’s book bag for additional information about the read-a-thon. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we encourage students to select books about influential women in history for their nightly reading. Families can visit the library—either in person or online—to help students find a great book. Best of all, this reading can count toward the Read-a-Thon!
- Finally, we are excited to introduce "School Store", a simple way for families to help raise funds for our school through their regular shopping. Keep an eye out for more information coming home during the second week of March. All funds raised this spring will go toward making our end-of-the-year celebrations extra special for our students.
Thank you for your continued support!
Let’s make March a fantastic month of learning, reading, and growing together!
Dr. Tracie Connelly
Robert Frost Elementary School
PEA: Ms. Ledesma
Greetings Robert Frost´s Family!
Look for updates and communications through ClassDojo.
Any suggestions please email me at sofia.ledesma@pgcps.org or send a dojo message!
Counselor's Corner
Professional School Counselor: Kodi Ross
February was a quick month with a lot of content packed in. We had so much fun with our second Glow Party PBIS event for our students who had earned 85% or higher Dojo Points for the previous month.
We also started a monthly Attendance Incentive with framed certificates for the three homeroom classes with the most Tenacious Tigers for each month. In our classroom lessons, we explored building a Growth Mindset and setting Goals.
In March, we will be doing lessons about Organization, Confidence, and what to do when we feel worried.
Please continue to prioritize attendance - your student has to be in school each day to learn the material in order to succeed in their classes. It is also important to send notes when your student is absent due to illness so that their absences are coded as Excused/Lawful.
Kodi Ross - Professional School Counselor
Reading Corner
Ms. Gordon's Reading/Testing Corner
February was a great month for Reading at Robert Frost!
Snow, a few warmer days, and lots of reading!
Our Multilanguage Learners completed their annual state testing, and did a great job of showing what they know!
We also showed what we know with Benchmark Reading and Math Testing! As well as 5th Grade Science!
We studied African American inventors, athletes, and other famous people who have done so much for our society and communities.
Our students are growing and learning. We are looking forward to Reading Celebrations for our progress in Lexia and i-Ready–coming soon!
We’ll also have a Read-a-Thon to focus on reading!
Happy Reading!
Ms. Gordon
Reading Specialist
What's New in the Library?
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Banks
Students will learn about amazing women who have changed the world!
From scientists like Marie Curie to leaders like Rosa Parks, and other women who have made history in science, sports, art, and more.
Students in grades 3-5 will practice for the state math test (MCAP) by solving one or two problems and using a foldable to demonstrate their understanding step by step.
Math Corner
Mr. Tamoshunas' Math Corner
Please practice math together every day.
A single addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problem
completed every day will make your child grow stronger and
more confident with their math skills.
Have your child answer simpler math facts in their head.
Mental Math is performing the math in your head without paper.
Kindergartner Parents- Have your child practice mental math to:
- Make 5 or even 10
1st Grade Parents- Have your child practice mental math to:
- Make 10 or even 20
2nd Grade Parents- Have your child practice mental math to:
- Make 20
- Skip count by 2's, 5's, or 10's (2,4,6,8 or 5,10,15, 20 or 10, 20, 30, 40...)
3rd-5th Grade Parents- Have your child practice mental math to:
- All Multiplication Facts from a times table from 0 to 10
Math Fluency Practice Links for Grades K-5 (Your child will need their computer)
Math Fact Practice from K-5 (Also in Clever under Teacher Pages)
Continue playing board and card games which include counting or comparing
number values- like War.
The MCAP testing window opens on April 7th and the testing dates will be
announced as we get closer to that date.
As always, remember... Math is your friend!
Best numeric wishes- always!
Mr. Tamoshunas
Math Resource Teacher
Kindergarten: Ms. Rowe & Ms. Stancil
~In our Really Great Reading series, we will begin Unit 18, where we will use our phonics knowledge to learn three new heart words
~Please continue to review the list of Heart Words that was sent home with your students
~We will continue to use our chrome books to access the Lexia and
Really Great Reading Playground apps
~We have been writing sentences, and we are getting better day by day!
~We will identify and classify 3-dimensional (3-D) shapes, and we will also describe locations
of 3-D shapes using positional vocabulary
~We will continue to use our chrome books to access the Dreambox app.
~We will be discussing all types of weather
Social Studies
~We will discuss Women’s History Month, and learn about women who have made a difference in the world
1st Grade
1st Grade Team: Ms. Jones & Ms. James
Do you like the hustle and bustle of the city or the peace and quiet of the country?
Ask a 1st grader and they will gladly share their opinion.
1st Grade is learning all about how people create stories, and how to write their opinion.
We are reading “The City Mouse and The Country Mouse” as we study story elements.
In math we are finishing learning how to problem solve while solving for the unknown.
Next up ,we will learn all about the attributes of 3D shapes.
In Science, we are finishing our unit about Animal Sounds.
1st Graders have been busy exploring different sounds and learning about how vibrations cause sound.
In Social Studies, we are looking at our world, as we study maps, globes, landforms and oceans.
Spring is right around the corner and we are looking forward to learning about all different types of weather and seasons.
What is your favorite type of weather?
Ask a 1st grader and they may just tell you their opinion!
2nd Grade
2nd Grade: Ms. Toms & Mr. Berry
We are working hard in second grade this month! Here is what we have in store for us in March.
-We are continuing to read non-fiction texts and learning facts about real people from history.
-We are building our phonics skills by learning about vowel digraphs and r- controlled vowels.
-We are using place value to find strategies to add two 3-digit numbers.
-We are learning about fast and slow land changes and what they do to the earth.
-We are learning about Geography and building our map skills.
-We are learning about saying NO to drugs and making safe and healthy choices.
3rd Grade
3rd Grade RELA & Social Studies: Ms. Jackson
We began with Ancient Societies and learned about Ancient Egypt, China, and other ancient civilizations.
We learned about their food, dress, and inventions. Did you know that the Ancient Egyptians invented toothpaste? We didn’t!
Next, we moved to the Native Americans. We learned about their customs, dress, languages, and government.
Now we are beginning to study the Thirteen Colonies.
We’ll be back in March with information about the colonists.
Do you know which were the Northern Colonies? We are learning those now!
Third Grade Math, Science, & Health: Ms. Richards
I hope this message finds you well!
My name is Mrs Stella Richards, and I am excited
about the wonderful learning adventures ahead of us!
This week, we will be diving into the world of fractions. It’s an important skill, and I encourage you to help your child practice at home.
Simple games and flashcards can make studying fun!
Ms. Richards
4th Grade
Fourth Grade ELA: Ms. Glover
What’s happening in 4th Grade ELA!
As we dive deeper into writing our opinion please help support your learner by helping them to understand that writing is a process. As a matter of fact we use the writing process to help us become better writers. Please take a look!
Fourth Grade Math & Science: Ms. Bechtold
4th grade Math and Science in December
Math 4th grade - We are learning all about fractions. We are adding, subtracting, comparing, ordering, and finding equivalent fractions..
Parents please continue to work with your kids on multiplication facts.
Science we will be learning about Earth's Changing Surfaces in Unit 3.
5th Grade
5th Grade RELA & Social Studies: Dr. Harvin
Hello Grade 5 Families!
It's called March Madness for a reason.
There is lots going on this month:
1) Read Across America Week - March 3-7, 2025.
2) MCAP MISA Science assessment - March 11-14, 2025.
3) St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2025.
4) The Camp Schmidt trip has been rescheduled for March 26-27, 2025.
Updated permission slips will be sent home soon.
5) MCAP Bootcamp! Preparing students for the upcoming MCAP assessment this spring.
Dr. Harvin
5th Grade Math & Science: Ms. Brady
What's Happening in 5th Grade Math & Health?
We are continuing Unit 5.5 Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by Decimals.
Please continue encouraging your child to practice their multiplication facts daily.
Health: Students are learning about drugs in our unit: Danger Ahead: The Truth About Drugs
Science: Students are learning about the importance of water and water conservation.
SEAD: Ms. Watts
Welcome to the third quarter!
This quarter, the students will focus on Social Emotional lessons about healthy relationships and interactions.
As our program continues to grow, . we are reminding the students how to be good friends, respect others and their belongings and to be accepting and understanding of differences. Please use the following links to continue the discussion about healthy relationships and interactions while conversing with your family and children at home:
ELD (English Language Development)
ELD (English Language Development) Team
Ms. Scarato, Ms. Constantino, Mr. Levine
Dear Parents,
Reading Tips from the ELD Team
Reading together remains one of the most important things adults can do with their children. Nonfiction books present many opportunities to learn new concepts and vocabulary and broaden a child's view of the world.
They are written differently than picture books, often including more pictures, graphics, charts, and photographs.
Parents can ease the transition into more nonfiction reading by encouraging their children to preview a book before reading it and to be active readers who ask lots of questions.
RFES ELD Teachers
Special Education
Special Education: Ms. McCollum
Parents & Guardians,
Here is a link to a document explaining the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS)
"...systemic practices to support a rapid response to student's needs..."
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Art: Ms. Hall
to St. Patrick's Day, Math-driven designs done in student pairs (Partner Pictures),
and First Graders will color by Long Vowels sounds.
Music: Mr. Porter
This month, students are learning how to read rhythms
by incorporating games, songs, and sentences to represent notes.
Mr. Porter performed the Saxophone for all students last month
and will also perform for students this month.
Physical Education
Physical Education: Ms. Fortunato
- Outdoor Art:
- Collect natural materials like leaves, sticks, and flowers to create nature art pieces.
- Birdwatching:
- Build bird feeders, learn about different bird species, and keep a birdwatching journal.
- Plant a Garden:
- Start seeds indoors or plant a small garden outside, learning about plant life cycles.
- Spring Scavenger Hunt:
- Create a list of spring items to find outdoors like blooming flowers, butterflies, or specific types of leaves.
** And as always try to be as active as possible. Thirty minutes a day of physical activity can be extremely beneficial to one's life.
Mental Health & Wellness
School-Based Clinician: Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Mental Health and Wellness Corner!
Click on the image -------------------------------------->
Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
School-Based Mental Health Clinician
Mark Your Calendars!
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
March Dates
3/4- 3/19 Read-a -Thon
3/11-3/14 5th MISA Science Testing
3/17. Regular School Day
3/20 MCAP Family Night
3/31. Schools & Offices Closed