#PointerNation News
December 16, 2024
Our district-wide Sources of Strength Generosity Day Wednesday was an awesome time! Great things happen when we gather together.
Acts of kindness towards others, big or small, can make a big impact.
Cards and gift bags were made for many folks, some of which included: senior citizens, hospitals, police, EMTs, and fire department.
Middle and high schoolers gave the gift of time to our elementary students while teaching them about generosity through activities in small groups.
#PointerNation is a great place to be!
Check out more photos here: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict/posts/pfbid08DXxpTMj6BLxDCe8RjFDcrxPUZmwvVTEaXnJrbej2c7wMXFyAewUA4reSdaLSQtil
The Association of Wisconsin Artists WRAP Teen High School Art Show was held Wednesday night in the Harry & Laura Nohr Gallery at UW-Platteville! This year, six local schools participated in the exhibit.
Congrats to Ella Wilson with a ceramic piece being selected to move on to the State exhibition in 2025!
Earning Honorable Mention accolades were Nolen Fox, Finn Renwick, and Ryley Reichling.
Great job, everyone! We are #PointerNation proud of your talents!
Several Wisconsin middle school student groups, including one of our own from Mineral Point, will have a unique opportunity to make their mark on their communities after being awarded with Character Playbook Community Impact Grants from the Green Bay Packers!
Student groups were invited this fall to develop a service project to help their school, neighborhood, or surrounding community. After the project proposals were submitted and reviewed, 10 group project ideas were selected to receive a grant.
Groups selected will receive grant awards up to $500 through funds from the NFL Volunteerism Grant to help fund implementation of the project.
Three students from Mineral Point Middle School came together to present this grant application. Sydney Godfrey, Collins Thousand, and Jack Tippett will use this money to fund the community gift bags on Sources of Strength Generosity Day this past Wednesday.
Congratulations, all!
Grinch Day is always one of the best days at Mineral Point Elementary!
Enjoy these snapshots from an outstanding Winter Concert by our middle and high school musicians! If you couldn't make it Monday night, or would like to watch again to get in the holiday spirit, you can view the video here: https://youtu.be/dELPiiQw5Fg?si=lguXzwW3HGqFPrfk
More photos here: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict/posts/pfbid02hNBH4SCySgqPtHgF9PuaXFYvruKVWdETmZvoVuMhvL6hd6TMHMNqanfbJnHvpNykl
#PointerNation's Roen Carey has committed to NCAA Division 1 Wisconsin to continue his academic and athletic career as a Badger Wrestler! Some accolades on the mat for Roen include:
-- 2024: State Runner-Up, Academic All-State, First Team All-Conference
-- 2023: State Runner-Up, Academic All-State, Sectional Champion, Conference Champion, First Team All-Conference, 100 wins achieved
-- 2022: State Runner-Up, Academic All-State, Regional Champion, Second Team All-Conference
Congrats and best wishes, Roen!
Santa Claus is coming to town! Thank you to the Odd Fellows Lodge for hosting Mr. and Mrs. Claus and welcoming our kindergarten classes! They are all good girls and boys!
'Tis the season! Superintendent Mitch Wainwright enjoyed the annual tradition of looking through the artwork of elementary students to select his favorites to be featured on staff holiday cards and online!
Pump that Pointer spirit up! Let's give a big shout out to our Pep Band, setting the stage for a great atmosphere at home games!
Last month, we had Name Turkeys -- this month, it's Name Trees! Our youngest Pointers are getting so good at spelling their names!
Kindergarten students and their 3rd Grade Buddies had an awesome time teaming up on their gingerbread house creations! Check them out!
Festive Fridays at the elementary! The 5th Grade judging panel had such a hard time choosing. First they rated each person and narrowed it down to four. After reviewing, they trimmed the list down to two. Finally, they did a silent vote. Congratulations to Mrs. Dunham for being the winner in this festive challenge!
From choir students caroling, to Key Club helping with the Kiwanis chestnut roast, to FBLA wrapping presents for others -- it was fantastic to see our students helping make Mineral Point a brighter place during Gallery Night and Candlelight Shopping!
1st Graders traveled to Mexico for the holidays! They learned about the legend of the poinsettia and made one, too.
Kindergarten students had a great time walking to downtown businesses and delivering their handmade poinsettias! We hope you enjoy seeing them in the windows!
Article and video from Monday's School Board meeting is now available: https://mineralpointschools.org/2024/12/december-school-board-notes-votes-2/
It's time to be thinking of 2025 School Board candidates. Please read more details here on the April election and filing deadlines: https://mineralpointschools.org/2024/12/2025-school-board-election-information/
Girls Basketball if off to a real solid start to the season, being ranked in the Top Ten in the State by Wissports.net -- check out some photos from a recent home game here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=MineralPointSchoolDistrict&set=a.1104704771631404
WisSports.net is proud to showcase the Wisconsin Sports Network High School Basketball Awards -- congratulations to Ella Kroll for being named to the Pre-Season Point Guard Senior Watch List!
The pre-season list will be trimmed to 15 semi-finalists for each position halfway through the year, with five finalists to be selected at the outset of the playoffs. WSN staff will review the finalists and select a winner for each award, with an announcement made the week of the state basketball finals.
Read more: https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1325704
WisSports.net is proud to showcase the Wisconsin Sports Network High School Basketball Awards -- congratulations to Laci Lindsey for being named to the Pre-Season Shooter Senior Watch List!
The pre-season list will be trimmed to 15 semi-finalists for each position halfway through the year, with five finalists to be selected at the outset of the playoffs. WSN staff will review the finalists and select a winner for each award, with an announcement made the week of the state basketball finals.
Read more: https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1325706
Hello #PointerNation! Going forward, our athletic department prefers that fans use QR codes to access programs as we will be printing a significantly smaller number of programs for home games. QR codes will also be available at ticket tables and on the video board. A small number of print programs will still be available only for those without the ability to scan a code. You can also find the latest digital program at this link: bit.ly/mpdigitalprogram
The Mineral Point Excellence in Education Endowment Fund is again hosting a drive to help us fill our Care Cupboard! There is a need for these items in our schools:
-- Personal Hygiene products such as: deodorant, laundry detergent pods, tampons/pads.
-- Individually packed non-perishable snack items such as: granola bars, applesauce pouches, crackers (plain, cheesy, and peanut butter sandwiches), fruit snacks, trail mix.
-- Monetary donations
-- Items from the Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1779SXQ5SQ2JP/
Items may be dropped off at:
-- Middle/High Winter Concert in the high school gym Monday, December 9 at 7 pm
-- Elementary Winter Concert in the high school gym Wednesday, December 18 at 12:30 pm
-- Any school office
Thank you for your generosity!
Elementary (grades K-5) students are getting excited to share their musical talents with you at their Winter Concert Wednesday, December 18 in the high school gym beginning at 12:30 pm! If you can't make it, check out the livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
Save the date! Mineral Point Wrestling will induct its 2024-25 honorees to the Allen E. Bauman Wrestling Hall of Fame Friday, December 20 at the home match vs. Belmont/Platteville. Congrats to Todd Doney, Matthew Gevelinger, and Troy Pittz!
A reminder there will be no classes in #PointerNation Saturday, December 21 through Wednesday, January 1 due to Winter Break. Classes will resume Thursday, January 2. Enjoy the time off!
Band Alumni and Friends! Join us for Pep Band Tuesday, January 7 at the home girls basketball game vs. Darlington. Everyone welcome! If you're needing to borrow an instrument, please contact Mr. Nevers at matt.nevers@mp.k12.wi.us and we'll see what can be arranged!
It’s that time of year to start submitting your student’s senior photo for the school yearbook, newspapers and the senior class gift. We’d also like a baby/toddler photo for the graduation slideshow.
Please email your senior’s digital photo (not a screen shot) to media@mp.k12.wi.us in portrait format only. If you need us to scan a hard copy of the baby/toddler picture, we can do that and return the photo right away. The deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Senior Yearbook Tributes also have an upcoming deadline of Tuesday, April 1, 2025. These may be placed by parents, grandparents, siblings, or friends. You may even purchase more than one! All hard copy photos will be scanned and returned to the owner so please make sure your name is on the back. Lastly, you’ll be able to proof your tribute before it goes to print.
For more information and the Senior Yearbook Tributes order form, please go to https://mppointers.com/index.aspx and click on the dropdown by MEDIA. Under YEARBOOK you will find Senior Photo Submission and Senior Tribute Ads.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristin Staver at kristin.staver@mp.k12.wi.us.
Let's give a big welcome (back) to Ed Joestgen who has come out of custodial retirement to join us as a part time custodian! We're glad to have you here.
#PointerNation events coming up this week -- join us! (Please note these schedules are always subject to change)
Tuesday, December 17
-- Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Boscobel 6 pm. Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
Digital tickets (cash still accepted at door): https://gofan.co/app/school/WI13618
Digital program: bit.ly/mpdigitalprogram
--JV & Varsity Wrestling at Fennimore 5 pm. Radio: 1590 am. Livestream: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/wi/fennimore/organization/15382/fennimore-high-school or https://www.youtube.com/@queenbradiosports or possibly https://www.youtube.com/@FennimoreSchools
-- Gymnastics at River Valley/Barneveld vs. Sauk Prairie 6 pm. Livestream: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/wi/spring-green/organization/618/river-valley-high-school
Digital tickets: https://gofan.co/event/2184366?schoolId=WI19218
Wednesday, December 18
-- Elementary (K-5) Winter Concert 12:30 pm in HS Gym (Donations to school Care Cupboard accepted). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
-- Early Release 2 pm (every Wednesday)
Thursday, December 19
-- 4K Winter Concerts 10 am & 2 pm in ES Gym
-- POSTPONED TO JANUARY 6: Boys Basketball vs. Cuba City
Friday, December 20
-- Last day of classes before Winter Break (Classes resume Thursday, January 2)
-- JV & Varsity Wrestling vs. Belmont/Platteville 6:30 pm (Hall of Fame Night). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
Digital tickets (cash still accepted at door): https://gofan.co/app/school/WI13618
Digital program: bit.ly/mpdigitalprogram
-- Varsity Girls Basketball at Southwestern 6 pm. Livestream: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/wi/hazel-green/organization/18847/southwestern-high-school
Saturday, December 21
-- Varsity Girls Wrestling at Alliant Energy Center in Madison 10 am
-- Gymnastics at Prairie du Chien/Fennimore 10 am
-- Girls Basketball at Prairie du Chien (JV 5 pm, Varsity to follow). Livestream: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/wi/prairie-du-chien/organization/7502/prairie-du-chien-high-school
Please be aware of other companies claiming to livestream our games, especially if there are links different than posted above and ask for credit card and personal information -- these are scams. We will update this pinned post as available livestream information is relayed to us.
Mineral Point Unified School District
"Grounded by our history as one of the oldest publicly supported schools in Wisconsin, Mineral Point Unified School District is the heart of a small community that educates and inspires our students for a bright future in a big world."
Email: joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us
Website: mineralpointschools.org
Location: 705 Ross Street, Mineral Point, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 987-0740
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict