St Patrick's Inglewood
Newsletter No. 6- 8th May 2024
Contact Details:
Phone: 06 756 7908
Email: office@stpatsinglewood.school.nz
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/p/St-Patricks-School-Inglewood-100057544385936/
School Website: https://www.stpatsinglewood.school.nz/
From the Principal
Kia ora koutou katoa - Greetings to you all
It is exciting being back at school and carrying on some of the great mahi from last term!
The Life Education van made a visit to our school, providing our students with important lessons on health and well-being. The kids thoroughly enjoyed the interactive and engaging lessons delivered by Megan our facilitator.
Our Year 7 and 8 students had an unforgettable time on camp, thanks to the unwavering support of our dedicated parents and the superb guidance of our amazing teacher Mrs Hall and learning assistant Mrs Kirsty. The memories made during this camp will surely last a lifetime.
In addition, our students have been having a blast during their Rippa Rugby training sessions, making the most of the beautiful sun-filled days. It's heartwarming to see them having fun, staying active and preparing for our upcoming Rippa Rugby tournament.
A warm welcome to Mrs Byrne, who will be taking over Mrs Robertson's PRT release in Room Genesis. We are thrilled to have you join our team and are looking forward to the wonderful contributions you will bring to our school community.
We would like to sincerely thank our outgoing Community Link Chairperson, Kylie Ewing, and Vice Chairperson, Michelle Julian, whose children have now completed their journey at St Patrick's. Your immense support, dedication and passion for helping raise funds to support our kura and tamariki over the past years are much appreicated. Please make sure to read the new information from Community Link further down in the newsletter and some special parting words from Kylie herself.
Here's to a fantastic term ahead!
Ngā manaakitanga
April Baylis
Term two value - Aroha & Forgiveness
Week 1 Aroha certificate winners
Barbier: Tessa & Joshua
Aubert: Sabina & Ayla
Genesis: Hunter and Fergus
Week 2 Forgiveness certificate winners
Barbier: Quintin & Keeley
Aubert: Josiah & Abby
Genesis: L-Jay & Isaac
What does Aroha look like in practice?
For the last two weeks, the staff at St Patrick's have been on the lookout for students showcasing our Aroha School value. The students are given a coupon and go in the draw to win a prize at the end of the week. Congratulations to this week's winners.
Month of May
For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of Mary to honor Mary, Mother of God. Not just a day in May, but the entire month. In May the special prayers or ceremonies may be organized on each day throughout the month. Children may learn to pray the rosary in this month.
Pentecost Sunday
On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the founding of the Church (sometimes called “the birthday of the Church”) and the beginning of its mission to all peoples. The liturgical colour for Pentecost is red, which symbolises the Holy Spirit and the tongues of fire which appeared above the heads of the apostles when they received the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost falls on our school mass date for this term. 19th May we will join together as a school wearing red, yellow or orange. Our prayers of the faithful will be spoken in different languages that are represented within our school. We will have a shared morning tea after mass so if each family could please bring a plate to share. We look forward to seeing you all there. Some students will have special jobs on the day so please let us know if you can’t make it.
Ngā mihi
Michelle Julian
Upcoming Calendar Events
Keep an eye for all the events happening this term!
Term 2:
- Tues 14th May - Rippa Rugby & Year 8 IHS korero
- Wed 15th May - NYLD conference Yr 7&8
- Thur 16th May - Inter School Sports Yr 5&6 - Clifton Park Waitara
- Fri 17th May - Pink Shirt Day (Gold Coin Donation)
- Sun 19th May - School Pentecost Mass 9am
- Wed 22nd May - Yr 5&6 Rippa Rugby Tournament
- Tue 28th May - Epro8 Kahui comp (Yr 6- 8 selected teams)
- Thur 30th May - Epro8 Kahui comp (Yr 6- 8 selected teams)
- Fri 31st May - Teacher only day (NO SCHOOL)
- Mon 3rd June - Kings Birthday Weekend (NO SCHOOL)
- Fri 7th June - PCT Comp (Yr 7&8) & Inter School Sports Yr 5&6 - Clifton Park Waitara
- Tue 18th June - 5 aside cluster football
- Tue 25th June ETEC programme for Enviromental Leaders
- Thu - 27th June - School Matariki Celebration
- Fri 28th June - Matariki (NO SCHOOL)
- Mon 1st of July - Reports go home
- Tue 2nd July - Parent/student conferences
- Thur 4th July - Inter School Sports Yr 5&6 - Clifton Park Waitara
Teacher Only Day
We will be having a staff only day on Friday 31st May where all staff will be heading to Parihaka with all of the other New Plymouth Catholic Schools.
The Library back in action!
We have moved our library back into the old Redwood room so the students have another, quiet learning space to build their love of reading! The students are so happy and really enjoy using the space already.
Genesis have been learning about Anzac Day through shared reading and literacy. One of our favourite books was Anzac Ted. Here is some awesome artwork and one of our comprehension activities we used to strengthen our understanding and ideas.
Community Link Notices
Goodbyes and Cogratulations
The new term brings us a newly elected team of volunteers to lead a wonderful group of parents that offer their time and skills to Community Link. Our purpose it is to fundraise for, and support the school.
Our team for the 2024-2025 year is:
Chairperson – Sarah Paul
Vice Chairperson – Janet Chamberlain
Secretary – Rochelle Wheatley
Treasurer – Alicia Saunders
Committee members – Pauline Monforte and Camielle Monforte
We are looking to recruit new members so if you are keen please get in touch with us or come along to our next meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th June at 6.30pm in the school hall, please come along and share your ideas.
We would like to sincerely thank our outgoing Chairperson, Kylie Ewing, and Vice Chairperson,
Michelle Julian, whose children have now completed their journey at St Patricks. Your support, timeand friendship has been much appreciated over the past years.
Here is a very special outgoing word from ourdeparting Chairperson;
Well……. what a year – and I can't believe that its gone by so quickly!
Soooooo since I have the floor, I’d actually like to take you back……all the way to 1991…when a not much shorter, but significantly slimmer little girl started her journey at St Patricks school Inglewood. It was where I met two of my most favourite teachers in the whole world and encountered probably two of my least favourite – both groups helped shape my view of world. I learnt that my history with the school actually goes back even further, my grandad attended and so did my father-in-law! It was also where I met my husband to be – who agreed to be my boyfriend, only to dump me about a week later when I wanted to hold his hand as we walked to manual! Over the years we often reminisced about St Pats – there were lots of shared stories about making houses in the freshly mown lawns, being of age when you were trusted to go and get the lunches from around the corner, cathletics events that seemed to have thousands of kids and you marched behind the school flag! We spoke of the teachers, good and bad, our friends - some we continued the friendship with and others relegated to ‘hmm- wonder what happened to so and so”. I went to 8 different primary schools and while I have memories of them all, St Pats has always held a special place in my heart.
Ben and I never intended to ever move back to Taranaki – We came back for visits of
course but totally scoffed at the idea of ever moving back. On a trip back to the Naki, we were casually flicking through the real-estate mag and couldn’t believe the prices – we could actually afford a pretty decent place up here and if we chose Inglewood, we actually had enough for a deposit!! So it turns out the place you’re desperate to escape as a teenager, is quite possibly the best place to raise a child! So Standish street became our new home and it was a no brainer for us to send our little man down the street every day to our old school! We have loved being a part of the school community and absolutely treasure that our son had to opportunity to weave St Patricks School into his story.
I have been proud to be a part of the Community Link and have honestly enjoyed everyone’s company – for such a small group, I think we have achieved some really great outcomes. Its not for everyone – this fundraising gig. So thank-you all for your support over the years. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for your time – some of the events/projects required quite a bit behind the scenes but I want you all to know that it was seen. But most of all I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to let me weave a bit more St Pats into my story.
Kupu of the Week
Some Fun Back at School
Looking for before school and after school care?
Edventure Inglewood - Before/After School Care & School Holiday Programmes
Edventure is pleased to offer the following services:
- Before School Care: 7.30am - 8.30am, starting from $10 per day
- After School Care: 3.00pm - 5.30pm, starting from $17 per day
- Holiday Programmes: 8.00am - 5.30pm, starting from $50 per day
Our services include OSCAR availability, engaging activities, themed days, and transportation to and from local schools.For more information and to make bookings, please visit our website at www.edventure.co.nz.
School Docs
School name: St Patricks School Inglewood
SchoolDocs site: https://stpatsinglewood.schooldocs.co.nz
Community username: stpatsinglewood
Password: catholicstandish
The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our board of trustees has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented. We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review.