Principal's Message
Dear WAMS Community,
I am both honored and thrilled to introduce myself as the new principal of William Adams Middle School. As we embark on this new school year together, I want to take a moment to express my excitement about joining this school community and to share my passion for student success.
As your new principal, my primary goal is to foster an environment where every student feels valued, inspired, and empowered to achieve their fullest potential. Collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to excellence will guide my approach, and I am dedicated to working alongside each of you—students, parents, and staff—to create an inclusive and supportive learning atmosphere.
This year, we will focus on academic achievement, student growth, social-emotional well-being, and community engagement. I am excited about the opportunities these initiatives present and am confident that together, we will achieve great success.
To our students, I want you to know that your education is my top priority. I am here to support you, to celebrate your successes, and to help you overcome any challenges you might face. I encourage you to approach this year with curiosity and enthusiasm, knowing that you have a team of support behind you every step of the way.
To our parents and guardians, thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children. Your support is invaluable, and I look forward to partnering with you to enhance our students' learning experiences and to address any questions or concerns you may have. I ask for your continued support throughout this school year!
To our dedicated staff, I am excited to work alongside such a talented and passionate group of educators. Your commitment to our students is truly inspiring, and I am eager to support you in our shared mission of academic and personal growth for every child.
I am looking forward to meeting each of you in the coming weeks. Together, we will make this a memorable and successful year for everyone at William Adams Middle School.
Grace Perez
William Adams Middle School
Our goal this year is to ensure that every student attends school regularly and on time in order to succeed at high academic levels!
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and in life.
We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But, we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. In an effort to avoid academic struggles, we would like to partner with our families and students to ensure that all students maintain strong attendance.
We don’t want your child to fall behind in school and get discouraged. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:
Make sure your children keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine.
Remove distractions such as: phones and gaming systems.
Lay out clothes and pack backpacks/athletic bags the night before.
Ensure your children go to school every day unless they are truly sick.
Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.
Talk to teachers, the school counselor and social worker for advice if your child feel anxious about going to school.
Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up.
Let us know how we can best support you and your children so that they can show up for school on time every day. We want your child to be successful in school!
Breakfast will served from 7:50-8:05 a.m.
First bell rings at 8:00 a.m.
Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.
Dismissal bell rings at 3:45 p.m.
Back to School Information
Schedule PICK-UP
Online Registration for New/Returning Students
Please make sure to register your child for the upcoming school year! Please click on the link for online registration access: https://www.aliceisd.net/en-US/registration-8258fd4a
School Supplies
Dress Code
Dress Code Clarification
Shirt Colors: Students may now wear solid t-shirts or polo shirts in any color.
Cell Phone Policy
In order to enhance the learning environment and reduce distractions, students will be required to turn in their cell phones at the beginning of each school day.
Effective August 12th, the following cell phone policy will be in place:
Phone Check-In: Students will be required to check-in cell phones to their 1st period teacher. Phones will be securely stored in a designated area, which will be supervised by school staff. School staff will monitor and track students who are/who are NOT turning in cell phones.
Restricted Use During the Day: Students will not have access to their phones during instructional time, breaks, or lunch. This measure is intended to minimize distractions and ensure that students are fully engaged in their educational activities.
Phone Pick-Up: At the end of the school day, students will retrieve their phones from the designated check-in location. We will ensure that phones are returned to students in an orderly and timely manner.
Emergency Situations: If a student needs to make an emergency call during the school day, they should request permission from a teacher or school staff member. Parents can also contact the school office directly in case of urgent matters, and we will ensure that messages are relayed to students promptly.
Consequences for Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with the cell phone check-in policy will result in disciplinary action according to our school’s Electronic Device Policy.
We believe that this policy will help create a more focused and respectful learning environment for all students. We appreciate your support in discussing this policy with your child and reinforcing its importance. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
WAMS Construction
Due to ongoing construction, the front entrance of the school is not accessible. If parents need to attend to business at the school, please use the entryway located by the gym. We will have an office staff member located at that entrance who will be able to assist you.
Student Arrival/Dismissal
Student Arrival
The instructional day begins at 8:05 a.m. Breakfast will be served at 7:50 a.m. Please have your child on time everyday in order to maximize the instructional time. Due to safety concerns we ask that students not be dropped off any earlier than 7:25 a.m. The front of the school is currently undergoing construction, so we ask that all 6th grade students be dropped off at the front of the school and enter through the gym doors. All 7th students should be dropped off using the west entrance located on Presnall St. 6th and 7th grade students will wait in the gym until 7:50 a.m. 8th grade students can be dropped off and enter the school using the east entrance located on Dickey St. They will wait in the cafeteria until 7:50 a.m. WAMS staff will monitor all drop off locations and waiting areas .
Student Dismissal
School Dismissal will begin at 3:45 p.m. Students will be dismissed from the same locations used for arrival purposes. If you have students in multiple grade levels, please communicate with your children and determine one central dismissal point.
Lunch Procedures
Due to safety concerns, parents will not be allowed on campus during lunch times. Alice ISD Food Service Department will serve all students nutritious meals daily. You may also send your child with a packed lunch or drop off their lunch at the front office. If you choose to drop off lunch for your child, please make sure to label it with the student's name and grade level. Fast food deliveries will not be accepted.
Nurse's Office
- If any medication must be given during the school hours you MUST complete a medication administration consent form. This form must be signed by a parent/legal guardian and prescribing physician.
- Please contact our school nurses Carla Manriques or Lora Garcia if you have any questions at 660-2055.
School Communication
To enhance our communication and keep you informed about important school events, updates, and announcements, we highly encourage you to stay connected using: Remind and our official Facebook page.
1. Remind: Remind is a messaging tool that allows us to send you important updates directly to your phone. It is a secure and convenient way to receive real-time notifications about school events, assignments, and other important information.
How to Join:
- Download the Remind App: Available on both iOS and Android.
- Join Our Class or Group: @wadams1
Please also be on the lookout for class codes as well.
2. Facebook Page: Our official Facebook page will be used to post updates, event information, and other relevant content. It’s a great way to stay connected with school activities and engage with other parents and the school community.
How to Join:
- Search for Our Page: Go to Facebook and search for William Adams Middle School.
- Like and Follow: Click on the “Like” and “Follow” buttons to receive updates on your news feed.
Benefits of Joining:
- Receive timely and relevant updates
- Stay informed about school events and activities
- Access important information and resources
- Connect with the school community
If you have any questions or need assistance with joining Remind or our Facebook page, please feel free to contact us at 660-2055.
Parent Volunteers
WAMS encourages members of the community to volunteer in our school. The school also acknowledges the need to maintain a secure and safe learning environment for students, staff and visitors. All parent/community members interested in volunteering at our campus MUST complete the volunteer registration form. Upon completion of the criminal background check, volunteers will be notified of approval to volunteer. If you have questions please reach out to our Parental Liason: Ruben Rosenbaum at 660-2055.