The Cub Corner
Expect Excellence In Everything
March 31, 2023
A Message from Dr. Brown
Important Dates
4/11 Cubs Care Club 7:30am
4/12 Day of Awesomeness (during Specials)
4/12 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
4/12 Running Club 3:15pm-4:00pm
4/13 Garden Club 7:00am
4/13 Chorus 7:15am
4/14 PBIS Pep Rally (during Specials)
4/14 Kindergarten Egg Hunt 9:45am
4/17-28 Kids Heart Challenge
4/18 Cubs Care Club 7:30am
4/19 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
4/20 Chorus 7:15am
4/20 International Night 5:30pm-7:30pm
WMES Presents International Night
What: A night to celebrate our school’s diverse culture!
When: April 20th from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: WMES
If you would like to make a dish to be sampled, set up a table with artifacts from your country (countries), or would like to help with organizing and setting up the event, please contact Crystal Johnson at
Specials Teacher Appreciation Week: April 17-21
Gwinnett Community Services April Events
Bear Beginnings Camp 2023
April 10-14, 2023
Monday: Chicken sandwich, hummus basket, or pull apart cheesy bread
Tuesday: Bean bowl, quesadilla, or PBJ
Wednesday: Chicken wings or yogurt basket
Thursday: Pizza, french bread, or hot dog
Friday: Dumplings, hummus basket, macaroni & cheese, or PBJ
*Menu is subject to change due to supply shortages.
Spotlight on wOMEN'S History Month
Here Come the Girl Scouts by Shana Corey
Juliette Gordon Low was not like most girls of the Victorian era. Prim and proper? Bosh! Dainty and delicate? How boring! She loved the outdoors, and she yearned for adventure! Born into a family of pathfinders and pioneers, she too wanted to make a difference in the world - and nothing would stop her.
Combining her ancestors' passion for service with her own adventurous spirit and her belief that girls could do anything, she founded the Girl Scouts. One hundred years later, they continue to have adventures, do good deeds, and make a difference.
April 1-30, 2023
During the month of April, encourage your child to read and log at least 300 minutes! Students will login to Beanstack using their GCPS student number and their birthday month and date (MMDD) as their password. Students are able to log reading minutes either on their laptop or on a mobile device.
Refer to the media center link of the school website for helpful resources to get your child started with Beanstack. Contact if you have any questions about this digital reading program.
Spring Break
Spring Break is April 3rd-7th. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to avoid taking extra time off before or after the break. Please remember allergies are not a reason to miss school. If your child has Asthma and/or Allergies, please reach out to the clinic to complete an Asthma and/or Allergy Plan. You may also keep medication for them at school to help control symptoms by completing an Administration of Medication Form. Our clinic worker is Ms. Bacon, and she would be glad to assist you with this process. Please encourage your child to come to school every day they can. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect with their peers and teachers.
We appreciate each one of you. May these Spring break days off be restful and rejuvenating. If your family or your child needs support, please reach out to your school counselor for help. We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on April 10th! Thank you for partnering with us!
College and Career Day
What an AMAZING College and Career Day! It was wonderful seeing our students explore career and college options in such a fun, hands-on way! Thank you to our over 45 volunteers!
Join us on Facebook for more updates & upcoming PTA meeting information!
Thank you to all who were able to join us for the Parent Informational meeting on Tuesday. If you were not able to join, you can view the recording linked below. Information is shared in both English and Spanish.
Publix Partners
Support your school every time you shop!
Publix Partners has contributed $38.7 million to more than 4,950 schools across the Southeast since the program's inception.
Participating is easy! Simply sign up for Club Publix or log in to your existing account, click Publix Partners, and select a school. Then, every time you shop at Publix, pay with the Publix app or enter your phone number at checkout. We’ll give back to the school of your choice—one of the many perks of being a Club Publix member!
Business Partners
Woodward Mill would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous business partners that support the students and teachers at our school. Our business partners support our school in various ways such as sponsoring after-school clubs, providing teacher appreciation gifts, donating supplies, and mentoring students. Please check out our wonderful business partners below:
Woodward Mill proudly thanks our business partners! Please support these businesses that support our school!
Smiles Forever Orthodontics
Whiz Learning Kids
Heo's Tae Kwon Do
About Us
Location: 2020 Buford Drive Northeast, Lawrenceville, GA, United States
Phone: 678-407-7590