Mills Elementary School
October 7, 2024
A Note From The Principal
Dear Families,
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!
Join us on October 11 at 7:50am in the library for a Principal’s Coffee, where we’ll be screening a documentary about dyslexia and the science of teaching reading. Our expert reading teachers will be present to answer your questions and lead a discussion on how to support students' literacy development at both home and school. Morning refreshments and donuts will be available. We look forward to an engaging and informative session!
Fall Parent Conference Sign-Ups
Fall Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Conferences will take place in the month of October, with the official Elementary Fall conference day held on October 14. Students have the day off that day, and families will be invited to sign up for conference sessions with your child's teacher. These conferences provide a wonderful opportunity for you to meet with your child's teacher, discuss their progress, and learn more about how we can work together to ensure a successful school year.
Please be on the lookout for more details, including the specific dates and sign-up information. We encourage all families to participate in these important conversations, as your involvement plays a key role in your child’s academic and personal development.
During the conference, teachers will be sharing information about your child's:
1. Social emotional progress and personal development.
2. Academic performance- District assessments and grade level assessment data given at the beginning of the year. Prior year STAAR scores will also be shared if applicable.
3. Ways for you to support at home to build academic and social/emotional growth.
Join the CATCH Family Wellness Night Fun!
Come out and join us on campus October 16th from 5-7pm for our annual CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Children's Health) Night! We will have tons of health vendors raffling out amazing prizes and sharing their local resources, as well as many fun movement stations for the kids! All grade levels are welcome. Check out the volunteer link to help PE monitor a fitness station for the night!
We encourage you to pack a healthy picnic and have dinner on campus during CATCH night as well! This will be a great way to mix and mingle with other families and share in family fitness and wellness at Mills!
Upcoming Mills Mock Elections
On Monday November 4th, your Mountains Lions will participate in a Mock Election. With sweet treats still on their minds, your students will participate by voting for candidates in the Milk Chocolate Party, the Fruit Candy Party, or the Lollipop Party. Write in candidates (such as the Fresh and Dried Fruit Parties, etc.) will also be allowed. Preceding that day, your children will learn about elections and the voting process in MakerSpace and the Library, with a special emphasis on Social Emotional Learning.
Excited about this democratic process and want to learn more? Reach out to our librarian Sarah Rasmussen and MakerSpace/STEAM teacher Sara Sanchez!
Sample Election Flyers
Congrats, Mills Student Artists!
We are so proud of the Mills artists who's art was selected for the district's Hispanic Heritage Showcase! Great work, Blakely H., Henry O., Maddie H., Eliza K., Elena L. and Kirthi K.! Thank you to our wonderful Mills art teachers for providing these opportunities for Mountain Lions!
Check out their their art and the Austin ISD virtual showcase here:
Dates to Remember
10/7- October Campus Advisory Council Meeting
10/8- 5th Grade Super Fun Book Club after school
10/9- City of Austin Walk to School Day
10/11- October Principal Coffee: Dyslexia Awareness and Dyslexia Documentary Viewing in the Mills Library, 7:50am
10/14- October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!
10/14- Elementary Student Conferences/Student Holiday
10/16- World Unity Day (District Bullying Prevention Month)- Wear Orange to Show Your Support!
10/16- Family Fitness 'CATCH' Night, 5pm-7pm
10/21-10/25 Book Fair
10/23- First Grade Field Trip
10/23- STEM/Maker Space Family Night
10/25- World Dwarfism Awareness Day- Wear Green to Show Your Support!
10/25- Kindergarten Field Trip
10/25- PTA 5th Grade Monster Mash
10/28- Love Your Brain (SELebration) Week & Kick-Off
10/29- 1st Grade Glow Show Art Program, 1:55pm-2:40pm
10/30- 3rd Grade Music Program 8am & 9am
10/31- Halloween
11/1- Student/Staff Holiday- Diwali
11/5- Student/Staff Holiday Election Day
11/8- PreK Field Trip
11/8- Veteran's Day Assembly, 2pm, Cafeteria
11/12- Fall Picture Retakes
11/12- Principal Coffee Spotlight: Mills Counseling Program & Managing Student Anxiety
11/21- Mills-Giving Thanksgiving Luncheon for Families
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
Super Spooky Book Fair Coming!
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Come join the fun and volunteer! The Spooky Book Fair will start on Monday, Oct. 21st and run through Friday, Oct. 25th. It truly takes a village to make a fantastic book fair. You can volunteer to help decorate the outside of the library, set up bookcases and tables inside the library, or run a register during the book fair. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other Mills community members and see the joy on kids' faces when they experience the book fair! We truly appreciate your help. -Sarah Rasmussen
Ready to Volunteer on Campus?
Welcome to Austin ISD's new volunteer management platform! All Mills Elementary Volunteers must complete the application through the link above.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our students and schools.
Volunteer Opportunities at Mills! Contact the front office to learn more: 512-841-2400 or email or
Teacher Work Room
Front Office
Roaring Readers (help students with literacy)
Spanish Program Volunteer
Archived Family Newsletters
September 30-
September 23-
September 16-
September 9-
September 3-
August 26-
August 19-