"A good education is a foundation for a better future" - Elizabeth Warren
DCP-Redford Highlight
Greetings DCP-Redford Friends & Families,
Our academic year is almost near the end. DCP-Redford has plenty of fun days planned for the remainder of the year. With that said, we are accepting treat donations for our promotional ceremonies. Due to scholar peanut allergies we ask that all treat donations be store bought and unopened. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact us at 313.543.3226.
DCP-Redford 2024-2025 School Year Enrollment
Join us at DCP Redford! We're now accepting new families for the 2024-25 school year. Click Enroll to get started today.
5th Grade Clap Over
5th Grade will have a Clap Over to Middle School event on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 10AM. K-7 scholars should make celebratory signs and banners to mark the hallway as the 5th graders step into their new learning space in the middle school wing! Parents will be invited to help clap and briefly meet the teachers.
DCP-Redford Field Day 2024
Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals
- Outside of emergency/urgent circumstances, please avoid early dismissals after 3:00 p.m. This allows us to keep our bus lot clear and prevents interference with instructional time and dismissal procedures in our main office.
- If it is a last minute doctor’s appointment, please call the office at 313.543.3663 and let us know as soon possible. We try very hard to not call students on the PA system during instructional time. Please explain the procedure to your student.
- The Parent/Guardian MUST COME IN to the Main Office and sign the student out. A picture ID must be provided to the Front Office Manager.
- If the student is returning to school, he/she is to bring a Doctor's Note to the office to be signed back into school. The parent/guardian must sign the scholar into the school.
- We ask parents to make every effort to ensure that their student arrives to school on time. Repeated lateness will result in a Counseling Center referral and a letter home.
- Students that are late should bring a note stating the reason. Oversleeping and missing the bus are unexcused lateness. All students without a note/parent will be coded unexcused.
- Note should include: Student’s full name, Grade of student, Reason for being late, Parent/guardian signature and up to date contact information.
- Students that are late to school will do as follows: Enter school through the main entrance and proceed to the main office, sign in to receive a Late Pass, Provide Late Pass to the classroom teacher.
Uniform Shorts Policy
Greetings Families,
Starting May 28, all students will be allowed to wear shorts to school for the remainder of the school year with exceptions:
1. Shorts must be at or below the knee. NO EXCEPTIONS
2. Beige or blue khaki uniform shorts only.
3. No leggings or stretch pants/ shorts of any kind.
4. No ripped shorts.
5. No skinny, skin tight, or biker shorts.
Much of this information Parents, we trust that you will monitor your children's clothes before they arrive. If not, we will call you to bring them a change of clothes. These are still children attending school. Even in shorts, dress should be appropriate.
Please note that DCP-Redford is a uniform school and will be moving forward.
Thank you for all of your support,
Principal Johnson
Kindergarten Promotion
Our Kindergarten Promotional Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 9am at the DCP Redford Campus. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All participants are encouraged to wear special clothes for the occasion.
8th Grade Celebration
Our Kindergarten Promotional Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 1:30 p.m at the DCP Redford Campus. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All participants are encouraged to wear special clothes for the occasion.
8th Grade BBQ Celebration
8th Graders will have their End of the Year BBQ on Monday, June 3 on the grounds of DCP Redford. This celebration is only for the 8th graders. This is one of the last times they will get to enjoy each other before moving on to high school.
8th Grade Spirit Week
As we approach the final weeks of the 23-24 school year, we would like to keep our students healthy, active and engaged in continuous learning environments. Please click on the links below to find a variety of events happening in the Metro Detroit Area.
Community Food Pantries
Free Reading Resources For Struggling Readers
- Heggerty Phonemic Awareness
- Free Phonetic Readers
- SPELD SA Phonic Books
- Sounds-Write Phonics Games
- Sonday System Parent Empowerment Pack
- National Center on Improving Literacy
- BYU Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy lessons
- Florida Center For Reading Research
- Mississippi Department of Education (K-3)
- The Writing Revolution activities
- Teach Your Monster To Read
- Really Great Reading
- Dog On A Log Books
- Letterland
- Scholastic Learning At Home
- Live story read alouds by authors and illustrators
- Storyline Online – books read aloud by celebrities
More Free Educational Resources
- Funbrain
- Prodigy grades 1-8
- Math Playground grades 1-6
- Splash Learn K-5
- Math Game Time pre-k-7
- Khan Academy
- PBS K-8 math
- Greg Tang math grades 1-5
- Figure This grades 1-6
- Math Help grades 5-12
- Discovery Mindblown
- Mystery Science
- NASA Kids Club
- Amazing Space
- Code Academy
- Code.org K-12
- How Stuff Works
- PBS Kids Design Squad grades 2-8
- 30 Day Lego Challenge
- Engineering activities for all ages
- Breakout EDU all ages
- Kids Discover K-6
- Fun & easy science experiments for elementary
- Marine science live lessons on Facebook
Social Studies
- Brain Pop
- PBS Kids
- Duolingo
- Hello Kids coloring & drawing
- Wonderpolis
- Starfall
- What’s going on in this picture?
- Online art lessons
- Typing
- Go Noodle – movement activities for preK-elementary
Virtual Field Trips (all ages)
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
— Henry Ford.
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