Anderson School News 8/23/21
Welcome Home!
Dates to Remember
- Thu 26th from 10:30 am- 10:00 pm at MOD Pizza in Elgin
- Tue. - 31st Curriculum Night from 6:00-7:00 PM. (See below)
- Wed 1st Early Release Day. Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM.
- Thu 2nd PTO Family Picnic and PTO Meeting 5:30-7:30 PM River Bend Park
- Fri 3rd No School for students. Teacher Institute Day.
- Mon 6th No School. Labor Day!
- Thu 9th Picture Day!
- Wed 29th Early Release Day. Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM.
Run Club Sign Up closes Wed. 8:00 AM
Click here to read more info about the Anderson Wild Fox Run Club and to sign up.
Curriculum Night!
Save the date for curriculum night! It will be Tuesday, August 31st from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
More details about the event will be forthcoming.
Stay tuned, and save the date!
Early Release Dates
Please mark your calendars for the monthly early release dates. The school day for students will end at 2:10 on the following dates.
September 1
September 29
October 27
December 1
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
Snack Reminder
Parents, please remember to send your child to school with a healthy snack every day. Also, please pack something that the students can open and eat quickly. Thank you!
Morning Drop Off Reminder
Community News
Come out this Saturday, August 21 from 2-3 pm to the Davis blacktop for some bike fun! Pack 260 will have a variety of stations set up including:
Bike Safety - basic tune-ups and brake checks, tire pressure checks
Decoration Station - trick out your bike!
Obstacle Course - test your skills. How many water balloons can you squish?
Car Wash - prepare to get wet!
The whole family is welcome and this event is FREE. Don’t forget your bike helmet!
From the Anderson PTO
MOD Pizza Dine Out Fundraiser
Join us for our first Dine Out Fundraiser of the year on Thursday, August 26th from 10:30 am- 10:00 pm at MOD Pizza in Elgin. Enjoy some delicious pizza with your family and friends and MOD Pizza will donate a percent of sales from Takeout, Delivery & Pick up orders to Anderson Elementary PTO!
Send us Your Back to School Pictures
The yearbook needs your pictures from the first day of school!
Send your pictures to: Please make sure your pictures include Anderson students only. In your email include the name(s) and grade level(s) of the children in the pictures. Thanks for your support!PTO Donations
The PTO depends on help from ALL our families to create a fun and memorable experience for ALL students throughout the year. If you have already paid your $25 donation through Push Coin, thank you! If you still need to do here is how to do it:
• Log into your Push Coin account from the D303 or Anderson web page.
• Under your child’s name/picture click on the “Web Store” link. From there you will see a list of all district fees. Scroll down to “Anderson 2021-2022 PTO” and add to cart. (Note: the same fees will show up for all your children registered but we do not expect you to donate $25 for each child. Although, we won’t stop you if you want to donate more ☺)
Other Ways to Support Our School
We’re very excited to share that our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program and Amazon Smiles. What is exciting about these two programs is that there is NO out of pocket cost to you! We simply ask that you enter your Coca-Cola product codes at: and our school will receive a donation. Want to learn more about the program, please check it out at
Like to shop on Amazon? Support Anderson Elementary by going to AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know with the same products, prices and services except they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchase to the school. While you are sipping on your Coca-Cola product and shopping at Amazon, please consider participating in these two great programs.
Upcoming Parent University Programs
Parents! We want to invite you to participate in these Parent University sessions. If you are unable to join us live, don’t worry - the sessions will be recorded so you can watch another time. Additional information about Parent University can be found here on the D303 website.
Please take a moment to register for these upcoming programs. The Zoom link will be sent to you closer to the date.
September 2, 2021 - Mental Illness: The Silent Epidemic, Zoom Webinar, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
(Recording will be available after the event)
Mark Potter is a nationally recognized basketball coach and speaker who is bringing his message of promoting education about mental illness to families in St. Charles. His passion is to share his story in hopes that people will also pursue treatment and find a way to live productively with mental illness.
October 6, 2021 - SOS for Parents in the Trenches, Zoom Webinar, 6:30 p.m.
Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
(Recording will be available after the event)
When parents are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out, it’s hard to show up in a way that best supports their child’s development, especially if/ when our kids are struggling, too. In this practical and actionable talk, Debbie shares ten powerful “tilts,” a.k.a. practical ideas to help parents shift their thinking, responses, and actions in a way that will help them feel more confident and peaceful as they parent their unique children.
October 13, 2021 - Supporting Kids Who Learn Differently: Back-to-School Edition, Zoom Webinar, 6:30 p.m. Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
(Recording to be posted)
School always presents certain challenges for students who learn and think differently (kids with ADHD, dyslexia, giftedness, autism, anxiety, or other neuro-differences). But the COVID-19 pandemic has created even greater obstacles. Debbie shares ideas on how parents can best prioritize and plan in the pandemic-era school landscape. She also offers advice on how to support differently wired children’s cognitive, social, and emotional needs during this atypical time, while also taking care of one’s own emotional health and well-being.
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300