Littlerock High School
September 18 - September 22, 2023
Good Things
California PBIS Coalition State recognition!
W are excited to announce that, due to the extraordinary efforts of our entire Lobo team, Litttlerock met the GOLD standard for the California PBIS Coalition state recognition!
We would like to especially thank our PBIS coordinator, Cat Mellen, and Dr. Jada Jackson, who offer terrific district support for our program!
Thanks to each and every one of you, who through your daily interactions with students create a positive, welcoming environment.
LHS Band Fundraiser!
Wednesday, Sep 20, 2023, 04:00 PM
Panda Express, 47th Street East, Palmdale, CA, USA
📚 After School Tutoring! 📌
After-school tutoring will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:50 PM to 5 PM in the School Libray.
We provide valuable support and assistance to improve students' academic performance and achieve their desired grades.
Don't wait, get the help you need today!
School Site Council Self Nomination
School Site Council Self Nomination Form
The School Site Council (SSC) consists of students (4), parents (2), community members(2) , teachers (4 - 5), and school staff(2).
Responsibilities of a a SSC member: to attend and actively participate in monthly meetings; to report out to department at department meetings, or class at class meetings, or community events and to assist in the development of the SPSA (done at meetings).
During meetings, we listen get information from our EL coordinator and ELAC chair, learn about the different jobs that are funded via Title I funding, review and discuss school programs and review data specific to the SPSA (graduation rate, SBAC scores, tutoring participation)
Parent members must have a student currently enrolled in the school and cannot work for the school
Community members must live in the Littlerock area and not be employed at the school
School Staff includes all members designated as classified
Meetings for this year are in person, located in the Community Center and normally last 1 hour
Dates for this years meetings are as follows: 9/25, 10/30, 1/29, 2/26, 3/18, 4/29
Each term is two years in length.
If you are interested please fill out and submit the form below
LPAC Community Engagement Meeting
We need your input!
Join us for a discussion on how to improve services for students in the Littlerock High School Community Center.
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) targets resources to enhance students’ classroom
learning opportunities and well-being, particularly in regard to English Learners, students of poverty,
and foster youth. The development of the LCAP is dependent on input from staff, employee
representative groups, and community members. We invite you to participate in the interactive discussion of how to best meet student needs.
See following flyers in English and Spanish bellow:
Monday, Oct 23, 2023, 05:30 PM
Littlerock High School, East Avenue R, Littlerock, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
2023-2024 Campus Climate Survey (Parents Please Take!)
September is Suicide Prevention Month
What Parents Should Know: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide is Preventable : Take Action for Mental Health Campaign
Call or Text '988' for The 988 Lifeline: a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24-7
Get Help Now! LA County Dept of Mental Health - 24/7 Help Line at (800) 854-7771
Club Meetings
- CSF meets Room 129 at Lunch on Tuesdays.
- The class of 2025 meets on Mondays in room 106
- Key Club (fun service projects) meets on Thursday at lunch in room 201 - All Welcome!
- Want to mentor a Freshman? Join Link Crew Wednesdays at lunch in Community Center.
Late Afternoon Bus
🐺Lobo Spirit Days!🐺
Littlerock High School staff, faculty, and students follow the tradition of weekly spirit days!
Wednesdays- Wear College apparel from any college and promote College awareness to our students. Some teachers and staff members have even started a collection of different college shirts and hats.
Fridays- Wear Lobo apparel/school colors (blue, green, silver trim) to show your school spirit. School apparel can be purchased through our student store on campus, school clubs, and sports teams throughout the school year and the Jostens school store online. Supporting our school and students is a great way to inspire positive school culture and promote college awareness.
The Lobos Library is Open!
Get Your Bus Pass! 🚌
Order Your Portait Prints Now
AV Community Fall Sports 2023 Registration
Accessing your Student’s Grades in PowerSchool
PowerSchool App: The PowerSchool app is directly linked to the PowerSchool parent portal, providing real-time updates on your student's grades and attendance. You can find it in both the Apple App Store and Android App Store. Search for "PowerSchool" and use the district code NWMZ to access your student's information.
Parent Portal: Access the Parent Portal directly at https://powerschool.avhsd.org. This portal allows you to view your student's grades and other relevant information.
AV High School District App (Parent Link): This app is available for both Apple and Android devices. You can find it in the App Store by searching for "AV High School District." Download the app to access news, and information, and track your student's progress.
Choose the option that suits you best to stay informed about your student's academic progress in the Antelope Valley Union High School District.
2023-2024 Bell Schedule & Key Dates
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ver el Horario y Calendario del 2023-2024.
Mark Your Calendars
9/23: Senior Sunrise Football Field 6am, rescheduled from 9/16
9/25: Blood Drive
Littlerock High School
Website: https://www.littlerockhs.org/
Location: 10833 East Avenue R, Littlerock, CA, USA
Phone: 661-944-5209