Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- May 16th, 2024
A Note from Mrs. Longden
To all our volunteers and donors, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your selfless contributions. Your support has been instrumental in the growth and success of our school, and we are truly grateful for your generosity.
The work of the School Advisory Commission, Home and School Parent Association, and the Social Fest Committee, are so appreciated for all of their planning and executing activities for the school.
We have many volunteers who help in the school, helpers in the classroom, retired teachers who teach for free, people who take on various tasks, people who jump in for special activities and projects, and those who attend field trips. We have those who deliver staff treats and those who come into stuff and stamp envelopes for our mailings.
We have other groups, such as the Knights of Columbus, and the American Legion, who sponsor and support our projects.
Then, there are all of those who are financial supporters. They give to every fundraiser, donate to special projects or the scholarship fund, and attend our events to support our school. We are incredibly fortunate and deeply grateful for their generous financial support, which is greatly needed and appreciated.
Thank you to everyone from the tiniest act to the largest contribution. Holy Trinity Catholic School is lucky to have all.
Mrs. Longden
As a culmination to our theme this year, we are planning a Eucharistic Procession after Mass on Friday, May 24th, 2024. Holy Trinity Catholic School's Student Council members are inviting you to join us for Mass at 7:45 am and a Eucharistic Procession to follow. After Mass we will have a procession around Kewaskum while praying the rosary and singing hymns.
Please gather in Father's driveway and we will get in order to process together.
In case of inclement weather, we will process inside the church and school.
See you there!
Great to be Grateful
Family Folders
In Family Folders this week:
*ITBS Information (Grades 2-8)
***This is the last family folder of the year. Please return the Family Folder so it can be reused next year! Thank you!
Art Show
The art show is up for viewing. Feel free to stop in at the school office to go see the display Thursday during school and after school until 3:00. Friday, the display will be up until 1:00 when it will be moved to the gathering space in church.
Principal for a Day
On Monday, Ms. Herman was our principal for the day. She treated the students and staff to an 'out of dress code' day and extra recess.
Thank you parents for supporting this at Social Fest!
Band/Orchestra Interest
For students who will be in 4th-8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.
Earlier this year we asked for interest in band/orchestra.The plan for the first year, 2024-2025, would be to have individual or small group lessons to begin with the basics of music reading and instrument play. We will then work on creating a band/orchestra.
There will be a parent meeting in the fall.
This is a work in progress and we are thankful for your patience as we work on ways to bring this to Holy Trinity.
Please fill out the survey attached if you are interested.
We want to acknowledge all those who have volunteered at Holy Trinity this school year!
Your dedication and support does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do!
You will find a token of appreciation in your family folders this week!
Advisory Commission - Maggie Lijewski, Amanda Carter, Sara Weninger, Luke Piwoni, Michael Lake, Elise Zupan, Christa Susen, Rhiannon Olson
Home and School Association Leaders - Dani Knorr, Courtney Gruber, Amanda Gall
Social Fest Leaders - Dani Knorr, Katie Breuer
Marketing/Advancement Committee - Angie Kern, Katie Herriges, Rhiannon Olson, Amanda Carter
School/Office Help - Pam Lefeber, Shawn Roberts, Mike McElhatton, Christine Schultz
Music/Concert Help - Lori Schoofs, Nick Pari, Sean Theusch
DARE - Tom Bishop, Kevin Kohn
Chaperones - Amanda Lecher, Rebecca Koller, Rita Szukalski, Bekki Scheel, Katie Breuer, Maggie Lijewski, Emily Marx, Kasandra Flasch, Noah Schoofs, Maria Survis, Kaycee Warnke, Rhiannon Olson, Nikita Ronk, Dan Nehls, Megan Marx, Katelyn Otten, Leah Averill, Lisa Cole, Katie and Garrison Coyne, Jamie Mertz, Julie Rosbeck, Sara Weninger, Lisa Mueller, Lindsay Mirsberger, Becky Krueger, Amanda Gall, Debbie and Dean Pankratz, Dennis Gundrum, Courtney Gruber, Jennifer Schladweiler, Jessica Herriges, Dan Nowacki, Christa Susen, Jeff and Elise Zupan, Amanda Carter, Carolyn Leister, Dani Knorr, Jessica and Marton Brown, Pam Lefeber, Barb Heberer, Hannah Harvey Schladweiler, Jessica Trunkel, Crystal Mulvanny, Angie Kern, Ashley Thull, Missy Herman, Stephanie Piwoni, Jennifer Hein, Jennifer Melzark, Nick Pari, Rosanne Nosacek, Ashly Kasten
Athletic Directors/Coaches - Angie and Nick Kern, Cassie Strasser, Pam Lefeber, Bonnie Herman, Katie Herriges, Stacey DeRuyter, Dani Knorr, Ty Cook, Joel Fleischman, Trent Griesemer, Sam Schlosser
Field Trip Monday Reminder
Reminder: Students need to bring a COLD LUNCH on Monday.
4K-8th grade will be going on a field trip to the Zoo.
3K will also need to bring a cold lunch as hot lunch will not be provided that day.
State of the School Report
See the attached document with our State of the School Report for 2023-2024.
Tutoring Opportunity
Sue Goeden has worked with students at Holy Trinity for reading tutoring and is available for tutoring this summer.
If you are interested in tutoring for your child, please reach out to her at 262-689-3594 or by email at dsgoeden@gmail.com.
SCRIP Reminder
As the end of the year approaches, we will be doing a SCRIP order next Monday, May 20th.
There will be no SCRIP order on Monday, May 27th as it is Memorial Day.
Watch the newsletter next week for summer ordering days!
Kwik Trip Grocery Only is currently on bonus for 15%. Kwik Trip Gas will be on bonus for 7% starting May 18th.
Social Fest Class Baskets
Social Fest Auction
Class Baskets:
Class projects this year will be a basket provided by each class.
We are looking for one parent from each class to help with the organizing and execution of this auction item. We will be combining Middle School (6th-8th grade) as one basket.
Tasks include:
- Decide on a theme/idea for the basket
- Ask other class parents for items to fill the basket
- Email classroom teacher so they know what is coming and how to help
- Fill the basket and return to school by July 16th, 2024
Each class basket will have a unique theme. The goal is for the entire class to help solicit the items to fill the basket. Maximum value of the basket would be $500. Please see how you can help.
We are hoping these themed baskets will be a BIG HIT in our Auction again this year...these baskets can range from a night on the town for Mom and Dad, to a family trip to Virginia Beach, and a Family Game Night basket for everyone to enjoy, plus much, much more! We are asking that all parents participate in some way to support your class basket. Parents can purchase gift cards or vouchers for the basket, or donate money that will go toward the purchase of items. Questions? Have an idea for a donation for your class basket?
Thank you to those parents that have volunteered.
Last Day of School
The last day of school for 3K, 4K, 1st-7th grade is Wednesday, May 29th, 2024.
Dismissal is at 10:30 A.M.
We will not have busses for dismissal that day.
If your child(ren) will be going home with someone other than parents, please let the office know. You can call, email (holytrinityschool@htschool.net), or send a note with your child.
Questions, please let us know.
Thank you.
Little Folks After School Care 2024-2025
Little Folks offers after school care at Holy Trinity.
This next school year they will be able to offer it for children that are 4 years old and older.
If you are interested in this, please reach out to Little Folk at (262)626-4023.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Attached is the 2024-2025 School Calendar.
Please note, it is subject to change.
You will receive a copy at the end of the year.
Catholic Schools Week Banner Project
During our Catholic Schools Week field trip to St. Frances Cabrini, students worked on a project creating a banner. It was all put together and a picture of it is below. This is hung at St. Frances Cabrini.
Upcoming Dates
May 16th-17th - Art Show in the Gym
Thursday, May 16th - Volleyball Parent Meeting (6:00 PM-7:00 PM)
Friday, May 17th - Baptism Mass (May/June/July Baptisms)
May 18th-19th - Art Show in Gathering Space
Monday, May 20th - Field Trip to Milwaukee County Zoo (4K-8th Grade)
Wednesday, May 22nd - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Wednesday, May 22nd - 4th Grade field trip to Pioneer Village
Thursday, May 23rd - Field Day (Wear Athletic Clothes)
Friday, May 24th - Mass (Eucharistic Procession after Mass)
Monday, May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28th - 8th Grade Graduation
Tuesday, May 28th - 5K Graduation
Wednesday, May 29th - Mass
Wednesday, May 29th - Last Day of School - Dismissal at 10:30
Calendar of Cash
May 9 - Janet Melzer
May 10 - Rhiannon Olson
May 13 - Helen Beisbier
May 14 - Jim & Paulette Wilmot
May 15 - Carol Altschwager
Calendar of Cash 2024-2025
Calendar of Cash tickets are available for the 2024-2025 school year!
How does Calendar of CA$H work?
*Tickets are sold $20 each, now until August 28th, 2024 at 8:00 A.M.
*Sale of tickets cannot be accepted after 8:00 A.M. on August 28th, 2024.
*Total of $10,000 is given away in 181 days, next school year 2024-2025.
*You have 181 chances to win and multiple days as your ticket is put back in if you win!
Parish/School Events Flyer
Please see the attached with events happening within the Parish and School.
Kettle Moraine Symphony
The Kettle Moraine Symphony is thrilled to be presenting a very fun and family-oriented concert full of all your favorite movie soundtracks! On Saturday, May 18th at the West Bend High Schools' Silver Lining Arts Center, we'll create movie magic as scenes from some iconic films will come to life with a live full symphony orchestra on stage! Poster is attached- there are multiple ticketing levels and kids get in free.
Camp Chesterton 2024
Camp Chesterton 2024. See the attached flyer for your communications about our summer one-day camp for kids ages 8-12. We will have Mass, games, lunch, age-appropriate virtue talks, house competitions, and more! It will be a day filled with summer fun, faith, and a glimpse at our joy-filled Chesterton Academy community. Cost is $50, register online here: Camp Chesterton — Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee (chestertonacademymke.org) by May 31. Cost includes T-shirt and lunch.
Summer Camps Available
This is a special outreach effort to shine a light on two super special and important camps in our community!
-LeadGB Girls Camp which is a girls focused leadership and empowerment camp.
This offering has (2) sessions (June 17-21 or June 24-28) for youth aged 6- 14 to attend.
More information can be found here, Lead GB - Camps & Youth Programs - UW-Green Bay (uwgb.edu)
-Music Camp, which is in it’s 55th year here at UWGB!
This camp will have four areas of interest for campers to choose from: Jazz, Composition, Piano, and Strings.
We will be offering (1) session (August 12-16) for youth aged 14-18.
More information can be found here, Music Camp - Camps & Youth Programs - UW-Green Bay (uwgb.edu)
Attached their corresponding flyers.
Scholarships are available for all camps and guest housing on campus (for out of towners).
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603