Talking Transition
October 2024
Transition Newsletter for students with disabilities and their families
What is a Transition Coordinator?
Hello, my name is Wendy Christianson and I am in my second year in the Stevens Point School District as the District Transition Coordinator. My role consists of helping students with disabilities and their families plan for life after high school. As part of an IEP meeting, students age 14 and older should start discussing transition planning and services. This could include, but not limited to: Job Exploration, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Postsecondary and Higher Education, Work Readiness: Social and Independent Living Skills Services for Home & Community, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy. Here are some ways to learn more about Transition Services in the Stevens Point School District:
- Check out our Facebook page for events and resources: https://www.facebook.com/SPASHTransitionServices
- Watch for this quarterly newsletter on transition updates and resources (next edition to come in December 2024).
- Attend the Talking Transition Presentation Series: more information below!
- Reach out to me at wchristi@pointschools.net or 715-345-5400 ex. 70846 to discuss specific questions or resources.
Transition Connections
Transition Presentation Series
The postsecondary transition planning process can feel overwhelming unless you know what agencies are available to support you and your child. This presentation series provides information to students with disabilities, parents, and educators on various transition resources in Portage County. The events are free and will be held once a month on Monday evenings from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. You can attend in-person or virtually.
October 21: Adult Long Term Care Services
November 18: Employment
December 16: Guardianship & Supported Decision Making
January 20: Parent Support Resources
February 17: Post-secondary Education & the Accommodation Process
March 10: Housing Resources
April 21: Independent Living & Community Involvement
Additional event information will be posted on the SPASH Transition Facebook Page. Please review each event for specific information on the topic and location. All events are in person and have a virtual option to attend. In-person locations vary.
Driver Education Grant Program
Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may apply to have their classroom and behind-the-wheel driver training for a Class D (Regular) driver license paid for through the Driver Education Grant Program. Students with grants can enroll in any driver education program offered by an authorized driver education provider. The tuition will be paid directly to the Driver Training school.
Note: Due to the popularity of the program, they are nearing capacity. There may be a pause or delay in accepting new applications.
Please click on Driver Ed Grant Application Link below to apply.
Upcoming Local and Statewide Transition Events
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin - Central Wisconsin Chapter
- Monster Mash Halloween Fun, October 26, 2024 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Moose Family Center, 1025 Second Street, Stevens Point, WI
- Registration
Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
- Self-determination conference: October 21-23, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells
- Registration and agenda
Family Voices of Wisconsin
- The mission of Family Voices of Wisconsin is to advance comprehensive healthcare and community support based on family-professional partnerships and family-centered principles that assure the health and well-being of children and youth with special healthcare needs or disabilities and their families.
- Training and events calendar
Midstate Independent Living Consultants (MILC)
- Youth Services Open House for Families: Friday, October 4 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Location: 3262 Church Street, Stevens Point, Questions call: 715-303-7681
- Pizza: 5:00 pm
- Presentation on services: 5:30 pm
- Tour/Q&A: 6:30 pm
- Games for youth: 5:30 - 7:00 pm
- Adapted Ice Skating: Saturday, November 9, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Location: K.B. Willet Ice Arena, Stevens Point
SPASH Transition Program Highlight
Project Life
The Stevens Point School District implemented the Project Life Program the beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year. This program was developed by Butler Tech. The program offers a comprehensive, multi-year transition-to-adulthood program in which individuals with disabilities can develop, practice and strengthen skills that are high predictors for increased adult independence and successful, integrated community employment. The program focuses on a course of study in combination with participation in authentic work-based learning experiences in the local community. Participation in this program will be through IEP team recommendation for high school juniors and seniors. We would like to thank the following business and community agencies for hosting our first rotation of interns: Buffalo Wild Wings, Land's End, Madison Elementary, and Willow Brooke Senior Living. Interns have been learning and growing by participating in work based learning through the partnership with these outstanding sites! We thank them for their support of inclusion and work-based learning opportunities for our students.
If you own a business or know of a business that would be willing to be a partner with the district by providing appropriate work based learning activities for students, please have them reach out to the Transition Coordinator.
We would like to thank the Rotary Club of Stevens Point for their generous donation to support the implementation of the Project Life program at SPASH! We are excited to offer our students this comprehensive curriculum and authentic work- based learning experiences and gratefully thank the Rotary Club of Stevens Point for their support!
Pictured below (left to right): Wendy Christianson, SPASD Transition Coordinator, Ashley Paulus, President of The Rotary Club of Stevens Point, and Jennie McMahon, Director of Student Services
Career and Technical Education Resources
Did you know that SPASH has a Career Center that can help students with Career Exploration, College Visits, Job Shadows, Youth Apprenticeship, and Job Postings? The Career Center will be taking students to the Program Showcase at Midstate Technical College in Wisconsin Rapids on Tuesday, October 22. The bus will leave at 11:30 am and return by 2:45 pm. If your student would like to attend, please have them stop by the Career Center or reach out to Wendy Christianson, Transition Coordinator, to get the required permission slips.
You can follow the Career Center activities at: Career Center Calendar