Westview Weekly
Important Dates
16 thru 20 Spirit Week - details below
18 Marco's Pizza Night for Westview - online orders earn double points
20 Homecoming Football Game vs. Midview, 7:00
21 Homecoming Parade
21 Fall Fest at Bleser Park, 11:30-1:30
Westview K-Kids
Ms. Norris and Mrs. Lada are looking forward to advising the K-Kids Club for the 2024-2025 school year! K-Kids is a community service organization for Westview students in 1st grade -
4th grade. Meetings are before school in the cafeteria on Wednesday mornings
for the following dates: September 25th, November 6th, December 11th,
February 5th, March 12th, and April 16th. Meetings will be held from 8:00-
8:35 a.m. Students should be dropped off at the front doors at 8:00. Complete the Google Form included in the attached document. This permission form needs to be filled out by Friday, September
School Counselor Corner
School Attendance Matters!
Student Medication Information - Updated Info!
Avon Lake City Schools App
Another option for families to use to find information regarding Avon Lake City Schools is our app. Below is a picture of the app you may want to download for ease of use when looking for information about Westview or Avon Lake City Schools.
Westview Marco's Pizza Night - 9-18
The School Pizza Challenge offered by Marco's has schools in Northeast Ohio competing to earn the most points by purchasing pizza and other items from Marco's. This competition benefits Westview because a portion of proceeds associated to Westview when ordered support various projects and activities. Also, there is an overall winner at the end of the school year that wins a large prize to be used as the school sees fit. Marco's Nights happen once a month.
Westview has benefited from this contest for many years and we are looking forward to any support our community provides through this contest. Westview has used funds earned to purchase the giant fan in the gym, books for the vending machine, student incentive items, assemblies, and recess and gym equipment to name a few.
Information for Ordering:
· Phone, online, and mobile app orders will receive 20% donation back to Westview.
· WESTVIEW must be added to Fundraiser code on online or mobile orders.
· For call in orders, only orders that we have been told are for Westview will count towards donation.
24-25 Westview Calendar - Updated
The 24-25 Westview calendar of special or planned events has been updated and is below.
PTA Flower Sale
The Westview PTA Mumkin Flower Sale is happening now. Help the PTA support Westview students by purchasing great fall flowers that will support the purchase of Gaga Ball for our playground.
Use the link HERE to order online.
PTA Info
🧡 Fall
Email: nick.moore@alcsoh.org
Website: www.smore.com
Phone: 440-933-8131
Facebook: facebook.com/smorepages
X: @smorenewsletter