Bordeaux Elementary School
February 9, 2025
Dear Families,
I wanted to let everyone know how much we appreciate your patience this last week with all the weather related changes. I know it can be a challenge juggling life when the schedule is flipped upside down multiple times, but everyone was calm, cool, and collected. Ms. Jeneca and Ms. Jessy were slammed with juggling the schedule changes, late arrivals, and early pick-ups. However, they also were appreciative that people were understanding and willing to be patient. Kindness goes a long way and we all love our Bordeaux community. For now, this upcoming week looks a bit calmer.
Just when we thought we were going to have a normal day of school, we had to go into a modified lockdown drill. The Shelton Police Dept. gave us a call that there was a situation in the neighborhood so we made the decision to keep students inside until we got the all clear. This meant that some students weren’t able to get to their classrooms in the portables. However, the students were fantastic and after a brief amount of time we were able to get everyone back to class and continue on with the day.
This past Saturday the Bordeaux PTSO and school staff spent the morning putting together over 1,000+ CandyGrams as part of the annual Candy Gram Fundraiser. Candy Grams will be given out to students in the classroom this Friday, Feb. 14.
Don’t forget this Wednesday is an early release Wednesday and students are dismissed at 2:00.
Finally, this last week we had the opportunity to celebrate our wonderful counselor and resident Elvis impersonator, Mr. Wirzbicki for counselor’s week. Mr. W does so much for our students and staff it would be impossible to list everything. I know that I can confidently speak for the staff that Mr. W is a great colleague for us all, but more importantly a friend and supporter. He works diligently for all our students, staff, and families and often donates his time and energy to our PTSO and helping to facilitate donations and assisting those in need. I depend on him each day to help me keep the building running smoothly and also to keep me laughing and looking on the bright side. As you all know, Bordeaux is a special place, and Mr. W helps make it so.
Cold and clear weather ahead, and as always, it’s a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog!