Family Demo Memo
January 23rd, 2025
Principal Message
Dear Jefferson Families,
I want to continue to inform you about an exciting new step we’re taking to ensure a focused and engaging learning environment for our students. Starting February 3rd, our school will begin using Yondr pouches as part of our ongoing efforts to support student engagement and maintain a safe, distraction-free school culture.
Yondr pouches are a tool that will help us enforce our existing cell phone-free and personal electronic device-free policy, which has been in place at Jefferson High School for the last two years. As we continue to refine our approach, Yondr provides a practical way to support our policy while minimizing distractions and helping students focus on their education.
What to Expect:
Introduction to Yondr: Our administration will be visiting all AVID classes and Senior Inquiry sessions (because not all seniors are in AVID due to PCC scheduling conflicts) next week to introduce the Yondr pouches, explain the policy, and go over expectations.
Special Accommodations: We understand that some students have specific needs, so we will be providing headphones that connect to school-issued Chromebooks for students with accommodations.
Cell Phones and Electronics Policy: As a reminder, Jefferson High School is a cell-phone-free school from Bell to Bell, meaning students will not be permitted to use phones or other personal electronic devices during school hours. This is not a new policy—it's been in place for the past two years, and we are simply using Yondr pouches to help enforce it in a more consistent way.
We encourage you to watch the video linked at the bottom of this message for more details on how Yondr pouches will work and how they’ll benefit our students. Please take some time to review the video and ensure you’re familiar with our policy and expectations, as these will help set our students up for success this year.
Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive and productive school environment!
Schedule/ Calendar
Weekly Schedule-January 27th 31th
Monday, Jan 27th- No School
Tuesday, Jan. 28th- No School
Wednesday, Jan. 29th- A Day
Thursday, Jan. 30th- B day
Friday, Jan. 31st- All 8 Day
Upcoming Schedule- February 3rd -7th
Monday, Feb. 3th- A Day
Tuesday, Feb. 4th- B Day
Wednesday, Feb. 5th- A Day *Flex
Thursday, Feb. 6th- B day *Flex
Friday, Feb. 7th- All 8 Day
Title One Compacts:
Hello Families,
Parents and guardians we are encouraging you all to review and discuss this compact with your child. attached is the link in English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, and Somali . Please select which one that's applies. Signatures from parents and teachers demonstrate acknowledgment and commitment to the compact’s principles. If you have any questions please call the Main Office for support. 503-916-5183
Student Support Team
Semester 2 Schedules:
All students have been scheduled for year-long classes. Any and all changes mid-year need to be approved by an administrator and be signed off by teachers and family.
We will be making Schedule Change Corrections only between 1/29-1/31:
Students current schedule does not allow you to meet graduation requirements.
Student does not have the minimum number of classes required.
Students are in the wrong level of a class.
Students are going to be adding a PCC class
Seniors are requesting a free period (please pick up a parent form in the Student Support Office)
We will be making Schedule Change Exceptions only between 2/3-2/7:
Students have an extenuating circumstance that requires you to change an elective and you are willing to discuss this change with an Administrator.
iUrban Teen
Math and English support/tutoring continues for Jefferson students with Seyla, Christina and Zavier. If they need help studying or getting their homework done, let them know we’re in the library after school from 3:30-5:30 on Mondays-Thursdays!
Jefferson Athletics Information:
Week of January 27th - February 1st
It is a great time to become a DEMO! We are currently accepting athletic participation registration for the following Winter Sports: Men’s Baseball, Women’s Softball, Men’s Track and Field, and Women’s Track and Field. Please go to FamilyID.com and create an account and sign up to participate. Jefferson High School FamilyID or type in www.familyid.com/organizations/jefferson-high-school-portland
Student-athletes must complete registration, have a valid physical on file, and be cleared by the Jefferson Athletic Office in order to participate in Spring Sports.
Men’s Baseball Coach: Clarence “Tank” Richmond - crichmond@pps.net
Women’s Softball Coach: Ashley Echang - aechang@pps.net
Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Coach: Jordan Polk - crichmond@pps.net
ADMISSION: The PIL will be charging admission in the following sports across the district. Wrestling and Men’s and Women’s Basketball. You can purchase tickets at the door or can pre-purchase online prior to the event.
Jefferson HS - Buy Tickets Online
PIL Single Game Ticket Prices -
Adults - $7.00
Students/Senior Citizens - $5.00
Elementary students - Free
Showcases and Tournaments - Prices Excluded
Jefferson High School names Ashley Echang as its’ new Head Softball Coach
We are excited to announce the hiring of Ashley Echang as the Head Softball Coach at Jefferson High School. Ashley is a graduate of PPS and has a love and appreciation of the sport of softball.
Ashley Echang - “I grew up a block away from Peninsula Park as a child and many days were spent playing softball throughout the public parks of Portland. My greatest childhood memories come from smashing the softball across the fields of Columbia, Wilshire, and Delta Park. Not only do I love this sport, I also appreciate the history of the sport as the greatest American pastime, but also can speak to the importance of softball for my Palauan culture. Back home in Palau, softball is a way of life and I was lucky enough to experience real island competition when I lived in Palua in 2017. My passion for the sport is something that I would like to spread amongst the students of Jefferson High School.”
Ashley currently works as the TRIO Assistant Director of Talent Search at Portland State University. She works to recruit, retain, and engage low income, first generation students in PPS to enroll in college on full or partial scholarships.
Ashley is thrilled to bring her diverse background and expertise to Jefferson High School's Softball program. She is committed to fostering a culture of excellence, teamwork, and personal development among the student-athletes while ensuring a competitive edge for the team. She is excited to work within the Jefferson community, while maintaining strong partnerships and developing hardworking student-athletes but also respectable young women to serve our community and world as outstanding citizens.
Please welcome Ashley Echang, Head Softball Coach at Jefferson High School.
Demos I Say!!
Demo Spotlight
Name: Titus Rodela
Grade: 11
Activity: Wrestling
Favorite meal before a match?
Fruit Bowl - mango, watermelon, cantaloupe
How long have you been participating in this activity?
10 years
What famous athlete inspires you?
Jordan Burroughs
Best wrestling moment of the year?
Hit a flying squirrel - move in a match
Best part about being a DEMO?
The community- we all know each other.
Out of Season Sports Workouts
Open Period : 1/6/25 - 3/2/25
Limited to a maximum of six hours each week per program, not per student (including open gyms).
Allows optional, fundamental skill development with an unlimited number of student-athletes. NO 8th graders or students from other schools may participate.
No competitions/games or tryouts permitted.
Athletics Practice Schedule Week of 1/20/25 - 1/27/25
Basketball 3:45 PM - 8 PM Gyms
Wrestling 3:45 PM- 6 PM Wrestling Room
Swim Contact Coach Lucas Matt Dishman Pool
Upcoming Events: 1/27/25 - 2/1/25
January 24th
M. Frosh Basketball @ Wells 4:15 PM ER 2:45 BL 3:00
W. JV Basketball vs Wells 5:00 PM
M. JV Basketball @ Wells 5:45 PM BL 4:30
W. Varsity Basketball vs Wells 6:30 PM
M. Varsity Basketball @ Wells 7:15 PM BL 5:30
January 25th
M. Frosh Basketball @ McDaniel 4:00 PM BL 2:45
W. JV Basketball vs McDaniel 3:00 PM
M. JV Basketball @ McDaniel 4:00 PM BL 2:45
W. Varsity Basketball vs McDaniel 4:30 PM
M. Varsity Basketball @ McDaniel 5:30 PM BL 4PM
January 27th
Novice Wrestling 4:00 PM
January 29th
M. Frosh Basketball vs Grant 5:00 PM
M. JV Basketball vs Grant 5:00 PM
M. Varsity Basketball vs Grant 6:30 PM
W. Varsity Basketball @ Grant 5:00 PM ER 3:15 BL 3:45
W. Varsity Basketball @ Grant 6:30 PM BL 5PM
Swim Meet at Dishman Pool 6 PM
February 1st
Wrestling @ Silverton HS 7:00 AM BL 6:00 AM
Jefferson High School Sports Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Academic requirements are as follows and students who fail to meet any of these requirements are not eligible to participate in sports. 1) student must have passed five classes the previous semester; 2) student must be enrolled and be passing five classes in the current semester; 3) student must be making satisfactory progress toward graduation by earning the minimum number of credits: 4.5 credits by the start of 10th grade, 10 credits by the start of 11th grade, 17 credits by the start of 12th grade. In addition, students must have earned the following GPA the previous quarter: 2.0 with no F's or 2.5 with one F. Students who do not meet this requirement may register and participate but will be placed on academic probation for the current quarter and must attend study sessions.
Attendance Process and Expectations
Attendance Process:
1) Attendance reports are sent at 2:30pm to all coaches.
2) Coaches will share with players their attendance.
3) Coaches will follow attendance policy (policy below).
4) If a student questions the validity of the attendance - The Coach will contact the AD.
5) The AD will then investigate and make a determination.
6) The AD will share with the Coach the determination.
*It is expected that the player or other players will not reach out to the teacher of record about the attendance concern after a determination has been made.
Attendance/Athletic Eligibility
A Student/Athlete must attend school for the entire day of that practice/game day.
Day of:
1 or more Unexcused classes: LAT, CUT, or ABSENT - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day.
>2 Excused classes - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day and will be directed to the Athletic Director.
Prearranged Absences will be addressed on a case by case basis.
How to Excuse an Absence
As a parent or guardian, you have several options to excuse your student's attendance:
Call 503-916-5180 Option 2 (please leave a message if it goes to voicemail); The office checks voicemail for the last time at 3:30 daily
Email JeffersonAttend@pps.net
Send a note with your student
An absence may be excused if the absence is caused by:
(A) The pupil’s sickness, including the mental or behavioral health of the pupil;
(B) The sickness of some member of the pupil’s family
(C) An emergency
(D) Pre Arranged Appointment
If you student has a medical appointment, have reception print them out an attendance note
Excuse all day absences on ParentVue
As a student:
Check your attendance in StudentVue often during the day, if you believe your attendance is incorrect, check with your classroom teachers first and have them email the office if you need a correction.
If you are going to an appointment, have the desk reception folks at the appointment print you out an attendance note and turn it into the office.
Ask your parent/guardian to call the office and leave a message to excuse qualifying absences
Students may not excuse their own attendance, even if the student is 18 years old