Cosmos Communication
Christine Camacho Elementary - August 2020 Newsletter
Updates: August 24, 2020
Updates: August 10, 2020
Last week was an awesome week! We had New Family Orientation on Tuesday, and Kinder Camp on Thursday. We loved meeting all of our families that are new to Camacho. This week is going to be great, as well!
Tuesday, August 11th - Meet the Teacher Night
You will be receiving an email with Zoom links from your child's teacher. There are three times available, but you only have to attend one. 5:00, 5:30, 6:00. You will also get more information about what to expect with virtual learning!
Wednesday, August 10th - PTA's School Supply Event & Kinder Readiness Kit Pick-Up
Join us from 6:00-7:30 to pick up your child's school supplies! These are supplies that you ordered in the spring/summer for your Cosmo through the PTA! If you did not get supplies ordered through PTA, the Camacho School Supply List is attached here. School supplies can be picked up on the 2-5 side of the building, and Kinder Readiness Kits can be picked up on the K-1 side of the building. If you are unable to pick them up on Wednesday, please stop by the front office later in the week and they will have Kinder kits ready for you!
Thursday, August 13th - The 1st Day of School through Virtual Empowered Learning!
We cannot wait to meet and see all of our Camacho students virtually for the first day of school!
* If you have not had a chance to take a look at the COVID-19 Protocols that we will be following when we return in person, you can find them HERE.
* If you still need a Chromebook for your child, please call the Help Desk at 512.570.0566
* If you missed New Family Orientation, it is uploaded below!
Chromebook Distribution
We are doing a district-wide chromebook deployment to families this week on the following days/times/locations:
- Tuesday, Aug 4: 3-6pm @ Bagdad and Mason
- Wednesday, Aug 5: 3-6pm @ Cox
- Friday, Aug 7: 10am-1pm @ Pleasant Hill & Grandview
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Christine Camacho Elementary NEW FAMILIES Zoom webinar!
When: Aug 4, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Camacho Elementary New Family Orientation
NEW FAMILIES: Register in advance for this webinar:
- Meet the Teacher on August 11th @ 5:00, 5:30 & 6:00 will be virtual - Info to come from teachers soon!
About Us
Enrollment: Current - 705, Projected - 806
Mascot: Camacho Cosmos
Colors: Purple, Silver
Namesake: Christine Camacho
We are Christine Camacho Elementary, a National STEM Certified Campus
Gena' Fleming, Principal
Stacey Dowd, Assistant Principal
Mike Garcia, Assistant Principal
Ryan Cahill, Administrative Assistant
Tracy Clark, Registrar
Angelica Ortiz, Receptionist
Alyssa Lorenz, Counselor
Lucy Villarreal, Nurse
Andy Robinson, Librarian
Lorraine Provenzano, Cafeteria Manager
2020-2021 PTA Board:
President: Jacqi Williams
VP Programs: Lauren Chatfield
VP Membership: Sarah Stephens
VP Fundraising: Amber Anderson
Secretary: Vanessa Coffman
Treasurer: Katie Stevens
Follow us on Twitter: @Camacho_Elem
Facebook: @CamachoElem