OLIS CE Programs March 2018
Upcoming Programs
Wikipedia Revisited
Registration required.
Thursday, Mar 1, 2018, 03:00 PM
William Hall Library (Cranston)
LORI Resource Sharing Procedure Review
Come to meet your colleagues from around the state and to learn about the resource sharing procedures. We will review the procedures from start to finish. Whether you are from an academic, public, school, or other type of library, this is the session for you.
The session will cover:
- tips on discovering RI academic library resources
- available options to request items from RI public libraries
- interstate delivery
- the overall process and best practices of resource sharing among LORI and MA libraries through the interstate delivery system
Tuesday, Mar 6, 2018, 02:00 PM
Cranston Public Library - Central
Adult Summer Reading 2018
Wednesday, Mar 7, 2018, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library
Special Collections Roundtable
Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online (RIAMCO) brings together historical materials from a variety of Rhode Island repositories, including museums, historical societies, and archives. These historical materials consist of items such as legal documents from a company or organization, a person’s diary, or historical photographs. RIAMCO does not own any of these materials, but only hosts descriptions of them online. It provides researchers with a central place to find historical materials in Rhode Island. Karen Eberhart, Brown University Libraries, will give a presentation on RIAMCO. Is your library or archives already a RIAMCO member? If it is, you can share your perspectives and insights. Not a member or want to become one? You will leave with lots of information, including how RIAMCO can make hidden collections more accessible to researchers, how to use it to answer reference questions and guidelines for teaching patrons about it.
The Roundtable meeting will also include time for members to network around selected topics.
Thursday, Mar 8, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cumberland Public Library
Outreach to Children
How do you offer outreach in your community? We'll discuss what works (and what doesn't) and share tips for successful partnerships that have supported your outreach efforts. Please come prepared with an example of your current outreach model or ideas you have for a new endeavor.
We will also hear from State Archivist Ashley Selima and the Department of State’s Education and Public Programs Coordinator Lane Sparkman, to learn more about the new Teacher Resources from the RI Department of State.
Thursday, Mar 8, 2018, 01:00 PM
Fuller Creative Learning Center (East Providence)
Public Library and Municipal Agency Records Management
Records created and received by public libraries are subject to a process called records retention. Libraries are required by the State of Rhode Island to follow a schedule for the retention and disposition of their records. Schedule “LG13: Public Library Records” contains the requirements for public library records.
In this session, you will learn how to identify public records, use the approved retention schedules, and protect records until final disposition (keep or destroy). You will also gain an understanding of the role that records management plays in open government. Approved records schedules will be referenced from Municipal Departments Records Retention Schedules and General Records Schedules.
Tuesday, Mar 13, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cranston Public Library - Central
Behavior Management
Join us for a viewing of the YALSA webinar Repair the Harm: Restorative Approaches to Behavior Management in Libraries followed by a group discussion of behavior management.
Webinar description: When we welcome teenagers into our library spaces, we can expect a certain number of behavioral challenges. There are many approaches we can take as practitioners to guide and manage behavior in the library. Learn how libraries can make use of restorative practices to help teens learn from their behavior, in meaningful and transformative ways, and maintain access to their library.
Thursday, Mar 15, 2018, 09:30 AM
Newport Public Library
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training course designed to give members of the public key skills to help an adolescent who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The 8-hour course covers a range of common disorders and potential crises such as helping a young person who is having a panic attack, is contemplating suicide or is struggling with substance abuse.
This training will be held at Bradley Hospital and will be led by hospital staff. Youth Mental Health First Aid is geared towards individuals who desire to learn more about responding to a youth ages 12-18 in behavioral crisis. Because this training is limited to 20 participants and requires a significant time commitment, interested participants are asked to submit this application. Professional and paraprofessional library staff working with youth ages 12-18 in public and school libraries are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to applicants whose primary service area includes tweens and teens. The application will be open until February 1 and all applicants will be notified by February 2. For more information about about Mental Health First Aid please visit Lifespan.
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2018, 08:30 AM
Bradley Hospital, Riverside
LORI Resource Sharing Procedure Review
Come to meet your colleagues from around the state and to learn about the resource sharing procedures. We will review the procedures from start to finish. Whether you are from an academic, public, school, or other type of library, this is the session for you.
The session will cover:
- tips on discovering RI academic library resources
- available options to request items from RI public libraries
- interstate delivery
- the overall process and best practices of resource sharing among LORI and MA libraries through the interstate delivery system
Wednesday, Mar 28, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cranston Public Library - Central
Public Records and Open Meetings Acts: How to Avoid Troubled Waters
When it comes to public records, it’s critical to know the library’s responsibilities for open meetings, protecting patron records, and complying with requests for access library records. If you’re unclear or need a refresher on complying with the RI General Laws on Open Meetings and Access to Public Records – this program is for you! Join your public library colleagues to learn how to determine when the Open Meetings Act applies and when an executive session is appropriate. Other statutory requirements, such as posting notices, amending agendas, and maintaining minutes will be discussed.
You’ll also learn the library’s and Board of Trustees’ legal responsibilities for adhering to the laws for public records. Important procedural provisions will be discussed, including the way to respond to public record requests and establishing guidelines for public access.
Information about Open Meetings (RIGL -42-46) and related information for libraries and Public Records (RIGL 38-1 and RIGL 38-2) are on the OLIS website.
Lisa A. Pinsonneault is a Special Assistant Attorney General, in the RI Department of Attorney General, Civil Division, where she focuses on general litigation and open government matters. She graduated from Roger Williams University School of Law in 1998.
Thursday, Mar 29, 2018, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library
Strange Tech: Lending Non-traditional Technology Materials
More libraries are finding themselves lending out technology devices ranging from kindles to cameras, mobile hotspots to electromagnetic field detectors (for ghost hunting, of course!). As you venture out into this strange new world of library lending, what challenges can you expect to face? What lessons can be learned from other libraries' experiences with lending devices? And how can you build policies that make your materials available to your patrons while protecting your library's investments? This webinar will explore these questions, as we hear from a few RI libraries and how they manage their technology lending.
A link to the webinar will be sent out to registrants one week before the event.
Thursday, Mar 29, 2018, 03:00 PM
OLIS Continuing Education
Email: Neshmayda.Calderon@olis.ri.gov
Website: https://olis-ri.libcal.com/calendar/olisce/?cid=8293&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal%5B%5D=8293
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9313
Facebook: www.facebook.com/olisri
Twitter: @olisri