South Maple Elementary Newsletter
December 2024
Upcoming Dates
December 2-6......................Scholastic Book Fair
December 6.........................Report Cards home with students
December 17.......................PTO Meeting @ 3:30
December 20.......................Movie Day/Sponsored by PTO
December 23-January 3......Holiday Break/No School
January 6..............................School Resumes
January 20.............................No School/Teacher PD
March 24-April 1....................Spring Break
Movie Day sponsored by SME PTO
You will be receiving additional information from you child's classroom teacher.
GCS Student Handbook
December Specialist Newsletter
Winter Gear
Thank you for sending your child prepared to enjoy recess outside during the cold and snowy weather. We appreciate you labeling their coat, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens.
The SME Schoolwide Behavior Target for December is:
- We Can Listen and Follow Directions the First Time.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Thank you for sending breakfast/lunch money in a clearly labeled envelope.
For additional food service information please click on the lunch tray picture.
SME Arrival/Dismissal Information
- The student day will begin at 7:55AM and ends at 2:35PM.
- As many of you are aware morning and afternoon traffic is very congested in our area. Please drive safely and follow traffic laws
Office Hours
Diane Parker, Principal
650 East Fifth Street
Gaylord, MI 49735