Hamlin Happenings - Week 22
Weekly Updates from the Hamlin Office
Office Updates
Upcoming Dates:
- Valentine's Dance - 2/14/25 - 4:30 - 7:00pm
- No School 2/17/2025
7th Grade Shakespeare Trip - 2/20/25
Springfield Final Installment Due - 2/20/25
1st Installment of Graduation Fees Due - 2/21/25
Candy Grams On Sale All Week
Valentine's Dance - February 14th - 4:30 - 7:00
Spring Clubs
Worth Township - Youth Services
Boy's Basketball
Good luck to the Hamlin Hawks!
Tuesday 2/4 @ Central Park
Thursday 2/6 @ Home vs Arbor Park
U.S. News & World Report - Best Middle School
We are excited to announce that Hamlin has been ranked #384 out of the more than 23,000 Public Middle schools nation-wide evaluated by the U.S. News and World Report. As a result of Hamlin's high ranking, we have earned eligibility to display a U.S. News Best Middle Schools award badge. Badge eligibility recognizes educational excellence, as described here.
We are so proud of our students, teachers, and staff for their hard work and dedication to learning to earn such a prestigious award!
As part of our new breakfast and lunch program, we are seeking feedback from parents/guardians and students about the menu offerings. Attached are two PDFs explaining the FD Meal Planner app provided by our food service company, Whitsons. We would love for you and your student to provide feedback on the different menu options.
To provide Feedback:
- Visit FD Meal Planner
- Type in your student’s school
- Choose either the breakfast or lunch menu
- Click View Menu
- Select the menu option you wish to review
- At the bottom, Rate (1 - 5 Stars) and leave a comment if you wish (You do not need to leave your personal information if you do not want to.)
- Click Send Feedback
By providing feedback on the breakfast and lunch options, we can better tailor the menu to our students' tastes and preferences.
February Breakfast Menu
For more information, and to leave a review on a menu option, click the picture.
February Lunch Menu
Read to Succeed with the Chicago Wolves
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Hamlin Spirit Wear - On Sale NOW!
As a reminder, Hamlin receives 10% of sales back as a fundraiser😀