Principal's Pen September 1, 2024
Volume 10: Issue 2:
Principal’s Message
Dear Cavett Families,
Happy September! We've had an eventful first month of school with many exciting activities and improvements. We kicked-off with Meet the Teacher, followed by Open House, and the Peter Piper Back to School Bash and The Ned Positive Mindset Assembly. We've had installed a brand new marquee and upgraded the air conditioning throughout the entire school.
A big thank you goes out to the voters who passed the bond initiative, making these renovations at Cavett possible! You can check out all the projects happening at TUSD schools by visiting this link.
Looking ahead, during our fall break, we'll be repaving the parking lot at Cavett. Additionally, our 21st CCLC before- and after-school programs will be starting soon. Application forms were sent home, so please return them as soon as possible.
Please review the important information in this newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the front office at 520-225-1300.
Warm regards,
Carol Leeson
Carol Leeson, M. Ed. Principal
Cavett Schoolwide Calender
Upcoming events:
September 2: No School Labor Day
September 6: Last day to by Yo-Yo's
September 9: 21st CCLC Before and Afterschool Program Starts
September 10: School Pictures
September 13: Hearing and Vision Screening
September 17: Utterback to visit 5th Graders (Level Up)
- Bus Evacuation Practice Drill 9:45 am
September 20: Counselor Parent Meeting 1:45.
September 23: 4th Grade Parent Opt in GATE Testing
September 24: Schoolwide Assembly: Big Bad Wolf Assembly
September 25: Ms. Macia's class Field Trip to Reid Park Zoo
Save the Date:
October 1: Picture Retakes
CAVETT 21st Century Community Learning Center 2024-25 Registration
CAVETT 21st Century Community Learning Center 2024-25 Registration
Toys from home
We want to make sure that we are paying attention in class and really enjoying our time with our amazing faculty and community. For that reason, we do not allow toys, Pokémon cards, stuffed animals, Legos, etc. to be brought from home and used on school grounds. These items can be a distraction in class and distract from our students’ learning. In addition, teachers may have specific reward days or a show-and-tell day where a child is allowed to bring something from home. During those special days, students should follow the teachers’ instructions and continue to leave the items in their backpacks until they have permission from the teacher to take them out. Cavett staff are not responsible for the loss of any items that are brought to school.
Community Service Projects
Community Clean Up
I'm Steven La Turco from the City of Tucson's Environmental and General Services Department. My role involves partnering with local communities to clean up public spaces. In my previous job, I was an educator and administrator for 31 years at TUSD. It is nice to see some familiar names on this list. As you are preparing for this coming year I was hoping you could share the following information with your families. This information supports keeping kids safe as well as keeping our community looking beautiful.
- Brush and Bulky Collection: Brush and Bulky will be picking up piles as kids start walking to school. Please remind children to avoid debris piles along sidewalks, as they can contain sharp metals, glass, rusty nails, and furniture. City crews do their best to create a safe environment, children should stay clear from the moving equipment and staff at work. To ensure pickup, residents should have their piles out by date indicated in the brochure attached.
- Illegal Dumping: Illegal dumping remains a concern. Residents can help by encouraging others to use the landfill. A special Brush and Bulky pickup is available for $55. Simply place your pile in front of your home, and the city will handle the rest, saving time, effort, and money. When hiring someone for cleaning or demolition, ensure they provide a current landfill receipt to confirm proper disposal.
- Graffiti Reporting: Graffiti can be reported to graffiti@tucsonaz.gov. The city promptly removes visible graffiti from both private and public property to maintain a beautiful community environment.
- Environmental Services Department: For questions about what our Environmental Services Department can do for your community, please visit our website at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Environmental-and-General-Services.
Thank you for your time and attention. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Steven La Turco
Ward 5 Newsletter
Ward 5 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
The 2024-2025 school year is in full swing. I want to wish our students and our teachers the best of luck this school year. I know you will all be successful. Education is the Key to Success!
I want to kindly remind everyone to please take extra precautions when driving around a school zone. Be mindful of all:
- Posted signs
- Speed limits
- Crossing guards
- School buses
- Children walking to & from school
- Our teachers, students, and parents deserve a safe commute to and from school. I know that with your help we can achieve this.
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions/concerns you may have. My staff will be more than happy to assist you. We can be reached at (520) 791-4231, or you can send us an email at ward5@tucsonaz.gov.
Your Ward 5 Council Member
Join us on the Cavett Facebook Page
Please use the link below for more information on setting up and using a ParentVUE app
ParentVUE YouTube video youtu.be/K3CfDEDZV3s
Cavett Attendance
Our 24-25 GOAL:
Student Attendance = Student Success! Every School Day COUNTS!
Monthly Attendance Fact
Students who have poor attendance in the early grades are less likely to be able to read well after 3rd grade!
- 9 or less absences each year- 64% can read at grade level
- 10 or more absences each year- 43% can read on grade level
- 18 or more absences each year-17% can read on grade level
School attendance is important to student growth, but sometimes we forget how quickly absences add up.
Every school day counts and everyone can make a difference!
Please remember, students
should not have more than 1 absence for every 25 days of school.
Talk to your child about the importance of coming to school!
Monthly Attendance Tip
If your child is not wanting to come to school, talk to them about the reasons why. Work with your child and their teacher to find ways to solve the problem. The school counselor is also always happy to provide support!
A missed school day is a lost opportunity to learn!
We do not sign children out of school after 2:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and after 1:30 PM on Wednesday.
Counselor's Corner
Counselor's Corner
All families are welcome to come discuss important topics about our students’ emotional and social needs. Handouts and refreshments will be provided!
September, Friday the 20th at 1:45pm Discipline Strategies Topics discussed will include: •Ways to proactively encourage positive behavior •Establishing consequences •Addressing misbehavior in the moment.
October, Friday the 18th at 1:45pm Confidence & Self-Esteem Topics discussed will include: •Setting a culture of confidence •Helping children work through struggles •Daily strategies for confidence building
Volunteers and Visitors
Volunteers and Vistors
We welcome your support! If you are interested in volunteering in your child's classroom or throughout our campus, please contact our office manager, Ms. Quintana, to learn how you can volunteer.
The safety of our Eagles and our Staff is our upmost concern, please sign-in at the front office anytime you are on campus.
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and Lunch
School lunch and breakfast are now free to all students! We do ask that you still complete all forms necessary in synergy while registering your child, as your responses help us with our school funding. Please pay specific attention to the Title One and Free/ Reduced lunch forms while you complete your registration.
Healthy Snacks for School
We will have a daily snack time to support our students' minds and bodies. Snacks can be brought from home; however, we are asking students bring only "healthy" snacks, and please not to share anything with others as a health precaution. Donations of snacks for the entire class at the beginning of each month are greatly appreciated. Please only bring individually packaged snacks.
Healthy snack suggestions include:
- Pretzels
- Cheese sticks
- Fruit snacks
- Popcorn
- Animal crackers
- Chocolate chip granola bar
- Goldfish
Please remember that gum and candy are never allowed at school or our afterschool program. Additionally, hot chips (Takis, Hot Cheetos, etc.) are proven to cause stomach issues. We would like to promote healthy snacks for our community. We also want to keep our campus looking clean and beautiful; gum can get caught on people’s shoes, furniture, and playground equipment. We want to avoid these sticky situations at Cavett.
Health Office
Health Office
If your child has allergies, medication that needs to be taken at school, or other health concerns, please contact our Health Assistant, Ms.Camila, at 520-225-1317.
Character Trait of the Month: Respect
- This month’s focus is Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways. We hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together! Respect is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
- Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Respect. Here are 2 “PurposeFull Pursuits” you can complete together!
- A fun way to remind students to show Respect to others is to create a non-verbal cue. As a family, come up with a non-verbal way to cue your student to remember to show Respect to others. An example of this would be anytime you raise the “Respect Rooster” on your hand by closing the middle 2 fingers and bringing your pointer finger and pinky finger up, your student would be reminded to practice living out Respect.
- Review Respect as a family! In our lessons we are teaching that Respect means to see value in people and things and treat them with care. Agree as a family to set aside a certain time each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect to practice being present in the moment without the distractions that can come from technology. Debrief and discuss this challenge afterward. Consider to embracing this practice at least 1 day each week!
- Conversation Starters:
- Can you share or show what Respect means?
- What is 1 way you have practiced Respect lately?
Dress for Success
Our Eagles are active throughout the day. It is important that they wear appropriate outdoor clothing and closed-toe shoes to fully participate in these activities.
Additionally, it may be beneficial to provide a change of clothes to keep in their cubby or backpack. This should include socks, underwear, a shirt, and pants appropriate for the current season, all labeled with your child’s name and placed in a Ziploc bag. If your child comes home with soiled clothes, kindly send a replacement set as soon as possible.
Cell Phones
We have seen a lot of usage of cell phones and air pods during the school day. Please remind your student that if they bring their phone, air pods, smart watches etc. they need to keep it in their pocket or backpack, and we are not responsible for items lost or stolen. Students are not allowed to use electronics during class, passing period, etc. Students seen using electronics without permission will have items confiscated. You may view the TUSD Policy here.
Thank you Voters!
Cavett has received all new Air Conditioning Units and a New Marquee that will be up and running soon!
Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) is excited to announce the commencement of the $480 million school bond program, approved by voters in November 2023. Visit the Bond Book to view the original proposal or visit the Summary Page to view the breakdown of projects by categories. The first projects, set to be completed in the fall 2024, are aimed at enhancing educational infrastructure across the district. Many details may be obtained by exploring the Dashboard on this page. Photos and Videos of project progress can be viewed on our Gallery Page.