Sabre Scene
February 21, 2025
Principal's Address
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Second semester is in full swing, and we are excited about what this semester brings. We’ve wrapped up all of our open houses, with Salisbury’s event being a tremendous success—over 1,200 people attended. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a positive experience!
A few important reminders:
✅ Returning school registration is closing soon—please ensure your student’s registration is completed.
✅ Course selection for the 2025 - 2026 school year will begin in March.
📅 Parent Council Meeting:
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Salisbury Composite Library
This is an important meeting as we’ll be finalizing school fees for the 2025 - 2026 school year. We encourage you to attend and share your input.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Curtis Starko
Salisbury Composite High School
Festival Place Lot Parking Restriction:
Strathcona County is hosting the Canadian Small Modular Reactor conference from March 3-5 at the Community Centre. We are expecting 500+ in attendance each day. To support this event, we will be restricting access to the Festival Place parking lot from 07:00-10:00hrs to event attendees only. This will be bylaw enforced. Outside of these hours standard first come, first served parking is in effect. It is anticipated that parking throughout the entire Centre in the Park area to be at a premium these days as this displaces some County employees as well.
Parking is available:
- SAL north student lot
- On Festival Way - up to 2 hours,
- Underground parkades up to 2 hours free
- Across Sherwood Drive in the residential area
- Arena
- Kinsmen swimming pool
Consider carpooling or taking public transit.
Student Information
Opportunity Wednesday:
Opportunity Wednesdays take place every week, except for the first Wednesday of each month. This is a valuable time to receive extra help in your core classes, catch up on CTS projects, or visit our wellness center. Throughout the building, you’ll find various ways to enrich your high school experience. Keep an eye out for special events and opportunities posted around the school.
Salisbury Composite High School
Email: general.sal@eips.ca
Website: salcomp.ca
Location: Salisbury Composite High School, Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-8816
Facebook: facebook.com/salisburycomposite
Twitter: @SalComp