The Weekly Update #15
November 17, 2024
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We are in the final stretch before the students go home on Friday for Thanksgiving Break. With this in mind, I would like to call to mind the importance of us all giving thanks. Sometimes, we tend to forget the meaning of the holiday. This is the time that we gather with family and friends in order to recount the many things that we are thankful for. For myself, I truly give thanks for the opportunity that I have been given to be the leader of our school. This job is not for the weak at heart, nor is it for someone who does not genuinely care about the work that is needed to ensure the growth of our students. Every day is different in many ways, whether it is dealing with the students, the parents, the teachers, or even self-doubt that comes when you feel that you can not make everyone happy. However, one thing I can truly say is that I am thankful for all of the students, the teachers, the parents, and the staff of Southeast Middle. Without you all, I can truly say that I don't think that I would enjoy my job as much as I do. And I am thankful for every moment thus far. The good, the bad, and the ugly. My wish is that all of you have a great time with family and friends during this time.
With Thanksgiving upon us, this means that our 1st semester is winding down. When we return on December 2, 2024, we will be in the home stretch. Students will have 3 weeks of school left, with the 18th, 19, and 20th being early release days. During this time, students will also take mid term exams, with teachers turning their grades in before we leave for Winter Break on the 20th. Please make sure that your students are prepared to ensure that they are turning in work on time, as there will be little time left for any make-up work. Also, chromebooks will be picked up before Winter Break. We will send all of this home before students are to turn them in.
Again, i want to reiterate the dress code policy as we are inching closer to "cooler" weather. Students are allowed to wear whatever outer wear deemed necessary while they are at the bus stops. However, once they enter the building, only Southeast Middle outer wear is acceptable per the dress code policy. Not only this, but blankets are not allowed on the bus or in the classrooms. So, please ensure that your student leaves his/her blanket at home. Furthermore, during Casual Dress days, please ensure that your child is adhering to the school's dress code, which can be found in their planners.
Also, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Lastly, parents, please understand that we can not allow someone who is not on your child's demographic or emergency card to check him/her out. Our office staff checks this to ensure that your child is safe AT ALL TIMES. Please know that this is not to make life difficult, but to ensure the safety of our students.
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
CSAL @ Southeast
Monday, Nov 18, 2024, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Club Day (Morning Activity Schedule)
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024, 07:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Capitol @ Southeast
Thursday, Nov 21, 2024, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
PBIS Nachos
Friday, Nov 22, 2024, 11:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
$3 Casual Dress
Friday, Nov 22, 2024, 07:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Student and Parent Resources
Magnet Application Period
Please look at the dates on the attached graphic in order to ensure that you complete applications in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Coleman, our Magnet Site Coordinator, for assistance.
We are a Box Tops School!
Please scan eligible purchases in order to assist in raising money for our school. All monies earned goes back into the school for our students!
Sports Information
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Mr. Boyd
We would like to congratulate Mr. Boyd, one of our 7th grade Social Studies teachers who will be competing alongside 3 other law students from Southern University Law Center during Bayou Classic Weekend in New Orleans. This is a part of the BizTech Challenge that will be hosted by Nexu Louisiana. BizTech is a 15-week STEM based business pitch competition for students attending Louisiana's Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This competition will be done in front of a live audience. We are proud of his accomplishments and wish him well in the competition.
Basketball Victories
We would like to congratulate our Boys and Girls basketball teams for their victories against Sherwood on last Thursday! Way to geaux, teams!