Roadrunner Tweets
August 22, 2024
A letter from the Principal
Dear Roadrunner Families,
We’re excited to announce a special opportunity to enhance our school’s communication and spirit! We are raising funds to upgrade our campus marquee, and we need your support.
One of the easiest ways you can help is by purchasing items from our school spirit store. Not only will you be showing your school pride, but a portion of every purchase will go directly towards the marquee project. This upgrade will allow us to keep you informed with the latest news, events, and important announcements in a more effective way.
Every item you buy makes a difference! Whether it's a t-shirt or hoodie, your contribution will help us reach our goal faster. You can purchase online or fill out the order form and bring it to the front office.
Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our amazing school community.
Let’s work together to make this marquee upgrade a reality!
Warm Regards,
Katie Fehlker, RRE Principal
Every Roadrunner, Every Minute, Every Day!
Red Rock is selling campus spirit ware for all families! This is our campus fundraiser to upgrade our campus marquee to digital. Purchasing spirit wear for your student helps to raise needed money. You can purchase this online through the link OR fill out the order form and pay in the front office! The spirit wear store will be open until August 30th!
Dates To Remember
Aug 20: BISD School Board Meeting
Sept 2: Staff and Student Holiday - Labor Day
Sept 9: RRE Lunch Visitors Are Welcome - Please follow the Schedule
Sept 24: Open House
Sept 30: Fall Student Pictures
Parent Links
Attached are links that will be helpful to all parents regarding student activities, volunteer opportunities, etc.