Robison Elementary Rocket Register
September 30, 2024
It's Time to Register for the Boosterthon!
It's time for our Fall Fundraiser and the 15th Annual Fun Run! Today is the first day students are able to register. You are able to see the times for your child's grade level fun run on October 16 in the Important Dates section below. We will be sending an RSVP form for parents who would like to attend.
Learning Garden
One of the many benefits of our Boosterthon Fun Run is we are able to raise funds for our Learning Garden. Take a look at some of the precious pictures from last week.
Picture Day is October 4!
This Week's Attendance Update!
Congratulations to our 2nd grade class for having the highest attendance rate (96.5%) for last week! Our goal is to have a minimum of 95% attendance school-wide for each grading period. Our overall attendance for last week was below this goal at 94.9%.
We will be recognizing students who have two or less absences each grading period for having exemplary attendance. For the first grading period, these students will get to choose an item from our new Traveling Treasure Cart.
Attendance is taken at 10:35 am every day. If your child is here at that time, they are counted present. If your child leaves and returns for a doctor appointment, and they miss the 10:35 am attendance time, the absence will be reversed, as long as a doctor's note is presented.
Checking Your Students' Grades (2nd-5th)
Please see the flyer below for step-by-step instructions on how to check your students' grades. You are able to view grades, absences, set up gradebook alerts, and even view state testing results, all in the Home Access Center.
Favorite Things of Our Staff
THIS LINK includes some favorite things of our staff. If you'd like to see what your child's teacher or a particular staff member favors, you can find this on the link. There is a link with a bitmoji in the last column that might not open due to the settings; however, everything else is accessible.
Free and Reduced Meals
This year, grace period ends on September 30th. This means all students who qualified for Free/Reduced meals last year AND have not completed an application this year, will revert to PAID meals.
Please see the links below for more information. The links include flyers in English, Spanish and Vietnamese and a paper application form if you prefer instead of the online application.
If you'd like to have your child's birthday celebrated at school, we offer parents the opportunity to purchase ice cream or cookies from the cafeteria to be distributed to their child's class during lunch. In order for our cafeteria to prepare for this, you must give at least one week's notice. You may email michelle.mendiola@cfisd.net if you are interested.
We are unable to allow students to hand out birthday invitations at school or to hand out birthday treats in the classrooms.
With our new electronic marquee, parents and guardians will have the option of purchasing a Birthday Marquee Message. Once our staff has been trained on the marquee and all details have been decided, we will communicate this information to you. Stay tuned!
2024-2025 PTO BOARD
Erika Mugavero
PTO President
Lauren Dazey
Christi Payne
Halie Fellows
Scott Scerbo
VP of Primary Fundraising
Jennifer Schmidt (co-chair)
Viviana Brinson (co-chair)
VP of Secondary Fundraising
Katrina Rogers
VP of Special Events
Tamara Caine
Important Dates
Tuesday, October 1
College Week-Wear your favorite college shirt.
- Student Council Officers Meeting (7:45 am)
- Fire Drill & Secure the Building Drill
Wednesday, October 2
College Week--Career Day, Dress the Part!
Thursday, October 3
College Week-Wear Sunglasses & Bright Colors
- Willie's Spirit Day & Night (All day--Just tell them you are affiliated with Robison)
- CFISD Board Work Session (6 pm @ MHAB)
Friday, October 4
- Individual Fall Pictures
- Garden Day (2nd)
Monday, October 7
- Kick-Off for Fall Fundraiser--Boosterthon Fun Run! Students will hear all of the details during their lunches.
- CFISD Board Meeting (6 pm @ MHAB)
Tuesday, October 8
- Student Council Meeting (Officers & Representatives) @ 7:45 am
- Student Health Screenings (Hearing & Vision)
- PTO Parent Information Night (6 pm @ Robison)
Thursday, October 10
- Evacuate & Shelter/Hazmat Drill
Friday, October 11
- Pink Out! (Spread awareness for breast cancer.)
Monday, October 14
Wednesday, October 16
- Boosterthon Fun Run--Pre-register for this fun event, which will make the check-in process much faster. You will need to have already scanned your driver's license to be in our system to print a pre-printed nametag. Register Here: https://forms.gle/okCHMMExJ5qbXwZQ6
- The deadline to pre-register is October 9!
- Fun Run Times
9:00-10:00: 2nd & 3rd
10:00-10:30: PK & ECSE
11:00-12:00: Kindergarten & 1st
2:30-3:30: 4th & 5th
Friday, October 18
- End of 1st Marking Period
- College Spirit Wear Day
- Garden Day (4th)
Tuesday, October 22
- PTO Color Me Mine Party (5-7 pm @ Robison)
Wednesday, October 23
- Fall Book Fair Begins
Thursday, October 24
- Book Fair
Friday, October 25
- Report Cards
- Book Fair
- College Spirit Wear Day
Monday, October 28
- Red Ribbon Week Begins
- Book Fair
Tuesday, October 29
- Student Council Officers Meeting (7:45 am)
- Red Ribbon Week
- Book Fair
- Family Night at the Book Fair (4:45 pm-7 pm)
Wednesday, October 30
- Last Day for Book Fair
- Book Character Parade
- Red Ribbon Week
Thursday, October 31
- Red Ribbon Week
ESL Classes for Parents
Robison Elementary
Website: https://arobison.cfisd.net
Location: 1700 Robison Woods Road, Cypress, TX, USA
Phone: 281-213-1700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobisonElementary
Twitter: @RobisonES