The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

September 20, 2024
Hello River Bend Families!
Each Monday, Dr. Schulte and I go "Live on Location" for Morning Tiger News with students and then wrap up with our Motivational Monday. Next week, we are going to be celebrating students who are earning their stripes and the amazing learning that is happening in classrooms. We will also address some behaviors that are areas of growth. Unfortunately, we had several students who did not demonstrate kindness and integrity this past week. Please remind your kids to be nice and treat others the way they want to be treated. Words hurt and we cannot tolerate calling others names or using adjectives that may disrespect how someone looks. Ultimately, those words negatively impacts the way they feel.
For our construction update, our storm shelter is coming along and now they have started on the Fine Arts addition. They worked this past week on running lines under the street and manholes.
TRAFFIC ALERT: It is likely that next Friday, the 27th, there will be roadwork on River Valley Drive to replace the areas of the street that need it. This will affect traffic, especially during arrival and dismissal. We will be down to one lane with flaggers. Please plan ahead and be patient. There are other entrances to River Bend off of Olive that wind through the adjacent neighborhood. Also, if River Valley Drive backs up for any reason, please go down to the roundabout or detour on a perpendicular street so there is no congestion preventing buses or cars from pulling into the parking lot. I will sent out a reminder if I am informed they are definitely going to do the work that day. They are aiming for a Friday so that it has the weekend to cure and open the street back up on that following Monday.
This week I added a section designated to our River Bend PTO communication.
I am leaving early today to go see the college kids in Arkansas. Woo Pig!!
Have a great weekend!
Each child as my own,
Spotlight on Culture
Mrs. Mitulski taught students a Mexican Folk Dance this week with a rhythm stick activity. Los Machetes is a traditional folk dance from the Jalisco region of Mexico. It was created by farm workers who used machetes as their main tool for harvesting sugar cane.
Next Week
Monday, September 23rd
D Day
Happy Birthday Mr. Schell & Dr. Schwartz!!
Tuesday, September 24th
E Day
Choir Practice- 4:00 PM
Wednesday, September 25th
A Day
School Picture Day
Honors Choir Rehearsal- 8:00 AM
E-Hour Lego Motorized- 4:00 PM
Thursday, September 26th
B Day
Choir Practice- 8:00 AM
Friday, September 27th
C Day
Spirit Day- Dress Like a Book Character Day
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, October 2nd - Rosh Hashanah
Saturday, October 5th - VICC Family Meeting at the City Museum (10 AM - 2 PM) & River Bend Carnival (4 - 6 PM)
Monday, October 7th (6:30 PM) - PTO Meeting
Tuesday, October 8th - Raising Canes PTO Fundraiser Night
Wednesday, October 9th (7:00 PM) - Parkway Board of Education Meeting
Thursday, October 10th - Early Release Day, 2:00 PM Dismissal
Friday, October 11th - Monday, October 14th -- FALL BREAK
Benchmark Unit 2 -- Character Matters
1st graders are reading a fable called 'The Ant and the Grasshopper.' One of the words students learned was INDUSTRIOUS. Teachers taught students to use the words, adjectives, and clues around that tricky word to figure out its meaning...and they did! Wow, way to go! We are building strong readers!!
Unit 1 -- Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
We will be introducing Lesson 3 over next two weeks:
Kindergarteners are learning that mistakes are okay!
1st graders will be able to name a skill they practiced.
2nd graders will be able to identify the outcome of a character's helpful or unhelpful thoughts.
3rd graders will learn how they can try a new way when learning something new.
4th graders will be learning how to check in on a class goal and make adjustments if they need.
5th graders will look at their personal goals and check in to see if they need to make an adjustment.
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.