Wilder Blast
February 2025
From the Principal
Wilder Family,
Our leadership team is looking over the results of our Middle Of the Year parent survey to see how we can make adjustments that better meet the needs of our students, staff and families!
As a reminder, AMI days start on our 4th day out of school. Here is a link to the AMI webpage on the SPS website. You can find a virtual copy of your students packet on this page. While your student cannot edit the packet, you can print and and still complete the work if your student is missing their packet.
The past couple of weeks we have been hit hard with sickness. Make sure your student is getting lots of rest, eating healthy, and washing their hands to help us prevent the spread of sickness! Ms. Kristi has increased sanitation to try and help us stay healthy as well!
We had a lot of fun in January kicking off our second semester of learning. We can't wait to continue learning and growing into February! We would love it if you took time to talk with your student about how they are doing in class and what goals they are setting or would like to set.
With students in mind,
Ms. Hangen
Counseling Corner
The first week of February is National School Counseling Week! The theme this year is “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive.” If you want to know more about what I do as a school counselor, you can learn more by clicking here. Or just ask! During school counselor classroom lessons in February students are learning to arrive at the idea that we have different choices in life and while sometimes a choice may look or sound fun, it’s important to think about what will get us to where we want to go. We also introduce the idea of Stop, Think, Choose to give students a practical strategy. They will also be learning that recognizing and using our collection or relationships is an important strategy to help us throughout our life.
Home-to-School Connection Ideas:
- Talk with your child about who they trust and why. Share stories of trustworthy people who can be counted on in tough times.
- Give examples of life experiences where you chose the fun path, but should have chosen the harder path to meet a goal.
Attention 5th Grade Families
Pershing has invited all 5th-grade families to a scheduling night at Pershing! Below is a flyer from Pershing with more information on this night.
Calendar at a Glance
3-7: School Counselor Week
5: Last day to order a Nothing Bundt Cake
6: PTA Meeting 11:30 in Wilder Rm. 118
12: Kindergarten Prep in Library 5:00
14: Class Parties 1:00
17: No School
25: Spring Pictures
16: Author Izzy B. Visit
5: Kindergarten Registration 3:00 - 4:30
14-21: No School - Spring Break
Read to Succeed
February: Literacy at home toolkit
Your student's attendance matters. Being at school on time consistently is important to your students success at school! Reach out if you need support getting your students to school on time daily.
We had our first surprise attendance day in October where the students had extra recess! There is another one coming in November!
Wilder's Current attendance is 93.72%. Our Goal 95% and above!
Behavior Expectations
This month we will be focusing on the D - for determination of our PIRDE matrix. We have signs that help us remember our PRIDE expectations posted around the school. Ask your students how they have shown PRIDE this week!
We are also starting Positive Office Referrals! On Friday afternoons, if your student received a Positive Office Referral for showing their PRIDE expectation your student will call home from Ms. Hangen's office to tell you about how they are showing Wilder PRIDE.
PTA Information and Updates
Nothing Bunt Cakes
February Meeting
Wilder Dudes
Wilder Elementary
Website: www.sps.org/Wilder
Location: 2526 South Hillsboro Avenue, Springfield, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 523-5300