Walton High School
Teacher Contact Info & Help Hours
This is your one stop support stop for Walton High School. We will be updating this as new information is available.
WHS Office
The front office hours are from 7:30AM - 4:00PM.
Focus Parent Portal: Grades, Attendance, Etc.
STEP 1: To register or reset your password for the Parent Portal please visit the following link:
STEP 2: Once the registration process has been completed, you will have to present yourself, with at least one photo ID, to your children’s school office for approval. Once your request has been approved you will have access to the Parent Portal at the following site:
For assistance with Focus, please contact Ms. Sherry Gross at Sherry.Gross@walton.k12.fl.us OR call 850-892-1270 ext.4404
WCSD Bus Transportation
Walton County School District: Let's Talk!
Walton County School District is committed to ensuring our students, staff, and community have a safe and productive learning environment that enables each student to reach his or her potential for learning. Our “A+” school district achievements are a result of the collaborative efforts of students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators, and the community.
We invite you to send your questions, concerns, suggestions, and even compliments through our new Let’s Talk system. Use the blue tab located on the right of our school's home page (look for the "Let's Talk" logo above) to send your message. You may also text us at 850-204-9667.
In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
For the safety of our students, please make sure whomever is checking out your student is on file as an emergency contact and has some type of picture identification.
If the person is not an emergency contact, the parent/guardian must provided a written note (with a date) informing the school of who will be checking out your student.
Express Student CheckOut...
Parents/Guardians, please send an email at least 1 hour prior to check out time to whs.checkout@walton.k12.fl.us with a picture of your ID, your child’s name and request check out time. We will send a pass to your child’s class to head to the SSA office at the requested check out time, they will check out at the kiosk, and then exit the school.
Attendance/ Excuse Absence Notes
Contact Information: Ms. Youlanda Guice (850-892-1270 ext. 4427; GuiceY@walton.k12.fl.us)
To submit a WHS student excused note for absence, please send an email to: whs.attendance@walton.k12.fl.us Please make sure you include your child’s full name, your first and last name, date of absence, and brief explanation for absence. If you have a doctor’s note, please attach this documentation to the email.
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Guidance Support
Mental Health Support/Services & ELL/504 Plans Serives and Support
Please contact Dr. Lindsey Tate at 850-892-1270 ext.4412 or email her at Lindsey.Tate@walton.k12.fl.us
Dual Enrollment: ECTC / NWFSC Support
Please contact Ms. Randi Anne McKie at 850-892-1270 ext. 4416 or email her at McKieR@walton.k12.fl.us
Student Success Coach
Ms. Tiffany McKinney is available to meet with students who need some additional support to be successful in class or post-secondary world. She is able to assist with test fee waivers, tracking your student's progress for the bright futures scholarship, and more. Her contact information: Tiffany.McKinney@walton.k12.fl.us or you can call her at 850-892-1270 ext. 4445.
You can also make an online appointment with her: Ms. McKinney's Online Appointment Book
Scholarship Coordinator
Ms. Jennifer Carnley is available to meet with juniors/seniors who are looking for guidance in applying for colleges and scholarships. Her contact information: jennifer.carnley@walton.k12.fl.us or call her at 850-892-1270 ext. 4487 for an appointment.
Would you like to schedule a Multi-Teacher Conference???
Please contact your grade level counselor to set up an appointment to meet with all (or most) of your student’s teacher all at the same time.
Testing (SAT, ACT, and CLT Test):
SAT Fee Waivers
SAT Fee Waivers must be requested directly from the College Board. Go to the link below to review eligibility criteria and steps:
ACT Fee Waivers
Email Ms. Tiffany McKinney, WHS Student Success Coach (Tiffany.McKinney@walton.k12.fl.us) for an ACT Fee Waiver.