Welcome Jaguars!
July 31st, 2024

Welcome Jaguars!!
We have an amazing year together ahead! My name is Melissa Mainini, and I am honored to introduce myself as the new Principal of Willis Jepson Middle School! I am truly so excited to join the Jepson community, and I can't wait to get started this year! Please be sure to read this newsletter for important information about the start of the school year. Our first day of school is Thursday, August 15th.
On August 12th and 13th, incoming 7th graders are invited to attend Orientation. Students with last names starting with A-K will attend on August 12th, and students with last names starting with L-Z will attend on August 13th. Please see below for more details. This event is hosted by our awesome WEB Student Leaders. Keep an eye out for a postcard in the mail that was sent to each 7th grader. Orientation is a great way for our new 7th graders to meet new friends, ask questions, and learn more about our school! Students will also receive their schedules.
8th graders are invited to an optional schedule pick-up in the Quad on August 14th from 8:30-10:30am. 8th graders may stop by anytime during this window.
I look forward to meeting all of you very soon. It is going to be a great year!
Go Jaguars!
Melissa Mainini
Important Dates
August 12 & 13: 7th Grade Orientation
August 14: 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up
August 15: First Day of School
August 15th is the first day of school!
- Students who have not received their schedule may pick it up in the Quad before the first day of school.
- School begins at 8:50am every day!
- Students are released at 3:00pm Monday-Thursday, and 1:03pm on Friday.
- Campus supervision and breakfast start at 8:20am.
- A free breakfast and lunch are provided to all students daily!
Home School Communication
Safety and communication are the foremost priorities of Vacaville Unified School District. We rely on our families to provide current contact information for their students through the AERIES Parent Portal. If you have not set up your AERIES Parent Portal, see below for the link to access AERIES. VUSD and Jepson will also continue to use Parent Square, our home to school communication platform. If you are new to Parent Square, follow the link below to create an account. Both AERIES and Parent Square have very user friendly apps for smartphones and other electronic devices. Make sure to set up your accounts today!
PE Uniforms
PE uniforms may be purchased at 7th Grade Orientation and 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up. The PE uniform consists of shorts and a shirt, $10 each or $20 for the set. Returning 8th graders may use their uniform from last year. Students may also purchase uniforms directly from their PE teachers. Cash is preferred, but checks are also accepted. Please make checks payable to Willis Jepson Middle School and write your student's name in the memo line.
Athletic Physicals
All students must have physicals to participate in athletics. One physical covers the entire school year. You may choose to get a physical through your healthcare provider.