Sumter STEAM Charter Updates (2/27)
Amazing Things Happen When Potential Meets Opportunity!
Welcome to our First Community Newsletter!
Welcome to our first community newsletter! One of our five core pillars of Sumter STEAM Charter is meaningful family & community engaged. Designed with you in mind, our hope is for this newsletter to serve as another communication tool to remain engaged with the community so you can be in the know with what's happening at Sumter STEAM Charter!
SSC Application Submitted to SCDE & SCPCSD
Progress Updates: Turning a Vision into Reality
We’re picking up "steam" at Sumter STEAM Charter. Since officially forming in September 2019, our planning committee has been hard at work sharing our story, mission, and model for what will be, if approved, Sumter’s first tuition-free, public charter school. As we move forward in a quest to change the narrative about what is possible for the children of Sumter County, here are a few important updates to share with our community stakeholders.
Our planning committee has been regularly meeting since September, with the official incorporation of Sumter STEAM Charter taking place in October.
We have conducted dozens of deep-dive research visits into other public charter schools across several states.
Our three-month-long “Hopes and Dreams Listening Tour” concluded in December 2019 with extensive outreach that included: a detailed community needs assessment, 100+ presentations of our charter school proposal, participation in various community activities, focus groups, and community awareness sessions.
We currently have six sub-committees that are working on tasks including community outreach/support, curriculum & instruction, operations, policy, finance, and facilities.
We officially submitted our comprehensive charter application to the SC Department of Education and SC Public Charter School District that includes a 155-page narrative and 32 appendices totaling over 1,000 pages outlining our “roadmap to excellence.”
Our website went live on February 10.
Here are some of our next steps:
We are excited to move forward in the authorization process, which will take place through a three-tier process over the course of the next several months and culminate by May 1st with either the approval or denial of our charter request. Our planning committee is eagerly preparing for the next steps in sharing our story, mission, and model with our chosen charter authorizers.
We are also in the final stages of completing our 501(c)3 application for federal tax exemption status.
SSC's Hopes & Dreams Listening Tour - The "Why" Behind our Charter School Proposal
SSC Celebrates Public Schools Week: February 24-28, 2020
What do you already know about charter schools?
Charter schools are tuition-free public schools that operate on a ten-year contract called a “charter” in a manner that is transparent and accountable to the families and communities they serve. Charter schools have flexibility from many education regulations and are governed by an individual board of directors. Charter schools provide educators with the flexibility to operate different types of public schools that focus on specific missions. There is no cost to attend and no test-in requirements for students. Here are a few interesting facts:
- Approximately 7,000 charter schools are authorized across the United States and collectively serve 3.2 million students across 43 states & DC.
- In South Carolina, charter schools have been in existence since 1996.
- Currently, there are three authorizing options in South Carolina: the local public school district, the South Carolina Public Charter School District, and the Charter Institute at Erskine.
- Charter school students are held to the same standards as traditional public schools including state testing and report card ratings.
Our Approach to Social-Emotional Learning
Everyday Learning at Sumter STEAM Charter
- Active Learning
- Teacher as the Facilitator
- Project-Based Learning
- STEAM Discipline Integration
- Inquiry-Based Learning Environment
Our Approach to Professional Learning
Behind the Design-Thinking Scenes of Sumter STEAM Charter: Starting with the End in Mind
SSC School Goals
SSC Learner Profile
SSC School Design Key Features
What does it look like to be a scholar at Sumter STEAM Charter?
The two images above illustrate a scholar's journey as s/he progresses throughout their tenure as a scholar at Sumter STEAM Charter. Our grade levels are grouped into academies to provide for a more personalized learning environment. The focus area and expected student competencies for each grade level are outlined. Scholars leaving the primary academy in grade three will be reading on grade level and on track to score in the 85th percentile on end-of-the-year benchmark assessments as they exit the elementary academy. Such off-the-chart achievement will help equip our scholars with the foundation to handle the rigor of 4-7 high school credit-bearing classes in the junior academy.
As scholars progress to the senior academy, many will finish state-required high school coursework (remember, we are a charter school that follows state graduation requirements) so that the focus during the second half of their junior year and full senior year will be devoted to dual enrollment programming and work-based learning experiences. Under this model, we are committed to graduating scholars with a clear purpose!
Our Approach to Personalized Learning
Our Approach to Project-Based Learning
Our Approach to Meeting Work-Force Needs in Sumter
Upcoming Events
March 7 - SSC Informational Booth set up at the Reading in the Park Event (Memorial Park, 1-4 pm)
March 9 - SSC Planning Committee Meeting (11:30 am -12:30 pm)
March 19 - SSC Awareness Session with Highland Park Neighborhood Association (6-7 pm)
If you would like to invite a representative from the SSC planning committee to come out and share more with your group about our story, mission, and model...let us know by emailing info@sumtersteamcharter.org.
SSC Meets with Sumter MOPS
Want us to share with your group?
SSC Meets with Palmetto Optimist Club of Sumter
Stay Connected with Sumter STEAM Charter School!
Email: info@sumtersteamcharter.org
Website: www.sumtersteamcharter.org
Location: 100 North Main Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: (803) 216-5745
Facebook: facebook.com/sumtersteamcharterschool
Twitter: @Charter4Sumter