Ms. Barrington's Newsletter
Grade 3 is the Place to Be!
This Week
Monday (Day 2):
Take Home Folders (Please Return Folders)
Tuesday (Day 3):
Hot Lunch: Cora's
Wednesday (Day 4):
Library (Cancelled)
Leader in Me
Ms. Cleo Visiting
Thursday (Day 5):
Hot Lunch: Wok Box
Alien Inline Skating Residency
Take Home Folders (Take Home Folders Go Home)
Friday (No School):
What We've Been Up To
We Sharpened the Saw
We Compared
a variety of Little Red Riding Hood stories; we've been discussing Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, and Fractured Fairy Tales.
We Decided
Assignments for the Week
Calendar Items
January 20th-30th - Alien Inline Skating (Classes)
January 24th- No School (Staff PLF #7)
January 27th- Spirit Day: Book Character Day
January 28th- Semester 1 Report Cards Released
January 28th-29th - Alien Inline Family Nights (POSTPONED)
January 30th- Spirit Day: Scrabble Day
January 31st- No School (FMPSD PD Day)
February 12th- Popcorn Orders Due (Bring $2)
February 13th- Popcorn Day
February 13th- Classroom Celebration & Taste Test
February 14th- No School (Staff PLF #8)
February 17th- No School (Family Day)
February 24-28th - Teacher's Convention Break
March 6-7th - ECDP Open House
March 14th- No School (Staff PLF #9)
March 18-19th - Minor Baseball Visiting
March 20-21st - Kindergarten Open House
Notes From the Office
Absences or Late Arrivals: Please email: cgabsences@fmpsd.ab.ca if you are aware that your student will be absent or late. For early pickups or changes to pickups, families should contact the office via phone.
CG Gear: Our online store is up and running for the year. Check out https://christinagordon.entripyshops.com/ to order school clothing. There is a wide variety of styles, logos, and colours to choose from!
Hot Lunch Program: Hot Lunch ordering for the year is now open. Ordering will be open from the 1st to the 20th of each month in order to order for the following month. When placing your order you may notice a button to Volunteer for Hot Lunch days. Please consider volunteering to help sort and organize Hot Lunch from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. This program will not continue to run without the support of parent volunteers. To place your order click on the following link (https://christinagordon.hotlunches.net) and refer to the instructions below (Digital Take Home Folder). If you have any questions you can contact our Hot Lunch team at cgshotlunch@outlook.com.
Alien Inline: As part of our Physical Education program this year Christina Gordon students from Grades K-6 will have the opportunity to enhance their physical literacy skills and locomotor abilities with the ever popular Alien Inline program. The residency will run from January 20-30th. Alien Inline is a traveling inline skating program that brings inline skating gear to schools. Students will have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate varying forward and stopping strategies on inline skates as well as participate in a variety of skill testing fun games! This program is graciously covered by our wonderful Fundraising Association at Christina Gordon and thus is no cost to any student here. All students will be participating in the program. Attached is the modified Phys. Ed. schedule for their residency. Please take note of when your student has their session should you wish to send a helmet. While Alien Inline does provide helmets, students are STRONGLY encouraged to bring their own helmet if they have one. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Phys. Ed. teacher, Lindsey Greatrix (lindsey.greatrix@fmpsd.ab.ca).
Alien Inline Family Nights: Please be advised that the Alien Inline Family nights that were scheduled for the evenings of Tuesday, January 28th and Wednesday, January 29th have been postponed and will be held at a later date to be determined so that all of our Christina Gordon students, families, and staff members can attend and participate which is not possible at the moment. The school day sessions will proceed as scheduled. Special thanks once again to our amazing Christina Gordon Fundraising Association for their sponsorship of this and many more initiatives for the benefit of our Christina Gordon students and for helping us to cover the cost of rescheduling these Family Nights.
Paperless Valentine's Day: As we approach Valentine's Day, we wanted to inform you that as a school, we continue to look for ways to minimize our environmental footprint. Every year, millions of valentines are exchanged, and most of them end up in the trash. This is also true of goodie bags that contain small trinkets such as stickers, erasers, etc. This results in a significant amount of waste that is harmful to the environment. We believe that it is important to teach our children about the importance of environmental conservation, and addressing this issue is one small step that we can take to make a difference. As we did last year, this year our classroom teachers will all be providing an alternative to Valentine's Day classroom exchanges. This may look different in each class, based on the age and interests of the students, and may include things such as :
a classroom Valentine's Day craft that is shared
A favorite book that all children may bring along to have signed by classmates
A Valentine's Day craft that students leave a kind note or message on
Digital valentines
Teachers will advise parents what their class will be doing in the next few weeks. While this provides an environmentally friendly option, and we encourage families to consider refraining from exchanging valentines in the traditional manner, we understand how this is an important tradition for many families. We will continue to allow students to exchange valentines with their friends as they have in the past. Our goal will be to move gradually away from this in time so that we can truly minimize our environmental footprint. We encourage you to talk to your children about the importance of protecting the environment and to find other ways to celebrate Valentine's Day that continue to promote the values of kindness and friendship while being more eco-friendly. Thank you for your understanding.
Digital Take Home Folder
Need to Contact Me?
Ashley Barrington, Grade 3 Teacher
Pronouns: she/they
Christina Gordon School | Website: https://christinagordon.fmpsdschools.ca/
106 Parsons Creek Drive, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0B4
Telephone: (587) 276-2017 | Email: ashley.barrington@fmpsd.ab.ca
CG Twitter: @ChristinaGFMPSD | CG Instagram: @christinagfmpsd
Website: www.ashleybarrington.com | Twitter: @MsBarringtonCG | Instagram: @msbarringtoncg