The Academy Comet
October 4th, 2024

Office Updates
Update from the Principal
Greetings, Academy Families and Friends,
Happy October!
We are off to a great start at school. Students have quickly learned the routines and systems of our school, and everyone is working hard to do their best learning! Thank you for making the effort to get your children to school on time every day. Being present at school is vital not just for your child's academic success, but also for their social and emotional development. When children attend school regularly, they build strong relationships with teachers and peers, which fosters a sense of belonging and community. Each day in the classroom, students are presented with unique opportunities for learning and growth, both academically and personally. Your involvement and support in ensuring consistent attendance send a powerful message about the value of education. Together, we can help our children thrive in a positive and nurturing environment, laying the foundation for a successful future. Thank you for your commitment to being there for your child’s educational journey!
As we look ahead, here are some dates to save:
10/8, 2:00pm: All School Sing
10/14, 10/15, 10/16: No School (Indigenous Peoples Day and Staff professional development)
10/26, 5-7pm: Trunk or Treat (sign up to host a trunk here)
11/7, 11/8: Parent- Teacher Conferences, half day for students
11/11: Veteran's Day- no school
11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Recess- no school
See you soon!
Classroom News
Neiko's stuffed pepper car
Viola's stuffed pepper car
Layla's stuffed pepper car
Nature's monkey bars
Discovering tiny forest creatures
Hanging around in the forest
In the Garden
First Grade EL
First grade has been working hard on their first EL module, Tools and Work! We have been using collaboration, initiative, and perseverance to work through numerous challenges in order to learn more about tools and habits of characters!
Kindergarten Moments
Community Events
Design a Plate
Brooks Memorial Library’s 43rd annual Design-A-Plate workshop in a take-home format! Stop by the Children’s Room at Brooks Memorial Library to pick up a Design-A-Plate packet. Create your drawings at home then return the packet to the library by 8:00 pm on Wednesday, October 16. Choose between an 8-inch melamine plate, a 10-inch melamine plate or a melamine bowl. The price is $7.00 per item for plates and bowls. Please include payment when the completed drawings are dropped off at the library. Cash and checks made out to Brooks Memorial Library are accepted. Plates and bowls will be ready for pickup in early December just in time for holiday gift giving! For more information, please call the Children’s Room at 802-254-5290 x1210 or visit our website at brookslibraryvt.org/kidhttps://brookslibraryvt.org/kids/DAP/s/DAP. Brooks Memorial Library is located at 224 Main Street in Brattleboro VT.
Brattleboro Area Jewish Community Events
NEYT The Gruffalo
Brooks Memorial Library is accepting donations!