The Wildcat Week Ahead
3/25 - 3/29
Happy Sunday, GIS Families!
It's the last week of March already, which is wild! This week, we start the VTCAP for grades 3-6. This is a test all 3rd-6th graders take in the state of Vermont. Because we're testing in March/April, our local universal testing won't occur until May.
We practiced our Options-Based Drill on Thursday, and the classrooms did an excellent job. This week, we will have a fire drill.
This Thursday is a critical CIUUSD Board meeting. The meeting with the CIUUSD Board decides which budget to give the public for a vote. The meeting will be held in the GIS Library to accommodate more in-person numbers. Please come out and support our students, teachers, and staff. There is always a virtual option if you can't join in person.
As always, my door and inbox are always open.
Mrs. H
Vermont State Testing Starts 3/25 for Grades 3-6
Students in grades 3-9 take a statewide common assessment each spring. Until last year, that assessment has been the SBAC for English Language Arts and Math, and for students in grades 5, 8 and 11, the Vermont Science Assessment.
Beginning in 2023, that assessment changed to the Vermont Common Assessment Program (VTCAP), which some refer to as Cognia, and will continue to assess students in grades 3 through 9 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math and students in grades 5, 8, and 11 in Science.
The ELA and mathematics assessments measure the Common Core State Standards (CSSS) for English and mathematics, respectively. The science assessment measures the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Teachers will be sending out the days students are testing.
Dates to Remember
Weeks of March 25 - April 12- Vermont State Testing for grades 3-6
April 8- No School- Solar Eclipse Day
April 18- 1/2 Early Release @ 11:30 for teacher PD
April 22-26- School Vacation
Join the GIS PTA
We are looking for new members to join our team! We have a small group of people who are part of our PTA. Anyone is welcome to join. You contribute as much time as you decide. We help hold fundraisers for our school, welcome in new students, purchase new equipment, help with funding fun school field trips and so much more! If you are worried you don't have the time to help you get to choose how much time you contribute. We meet 1 day each month virtually from the comfort of your own home. If you are looking to get more involved in our school this is a great opportunity to start!
Contact to join!
Middle School Registration Information
All students going into 7th grade in CIUUSD have school choice for middle and high school. To start this process please make sure you fill out a residency form and pre-register with schools. Links are below. Families can register with any middle school they choose. The links below are the most popular. Mr. Mike is setting up visits with some schools and will be reaching out to coordinate those with families. If you have questions, please email him at
The Big Change Roundup for Kids
It's the last week of The Big Change Roundup for Kids!
Kindergarten Registration for the 24/25 School Year is Open
Summer Programming Registration
Photo Dump!
Some photos from last Thursday on School Spirit Day and Wednesday's dress like a teacher or student day!
Family Resource Center
Welcome to A New Week of Resources!
School Board Meeting Information
CIUUSD Special Meeting
The CIUUSD board meeting meets on the second Tuesday of each month. You can participate in person or virtually. Here is the meeting link to attend via Google Meet, or you can call in:
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 724-436-2108
PIN: 234 032 665#
Thursday, Mar 28, 2024, 06:00 PM
Grand Isle School Library
Important Links
March Book Reads
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Parent Meme Corner
Because laughing is good for the soul.
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913
Attendance Form: