Trailside Elementary Weekly Update
March 8, 2025
Week in Review
Dear Trailside Students and Families,
Thank you to all the students and staff who participated in ZCS's Do Days this week. We’re grateful for the opportunity to serve our community in various capacities. Examples of philanthropic activities around the building included:
-stuffing approximately 3,000 eggs for the Lions Club
-preparing Birthday Boxes for Isaiah 117 House
-creating cards and gifts for residents at Zionsville Meadows
-decorating drink sleeves with inspirational messages for patrons of Our Place coffee shop
In addition, a successful “Hat Day Dollar Drive” raised funds for Special Olympics/Unified Champions. We are grateful for your participation.
Here are some notes for upcoming events:
- PTO Meeting on Tuesday- PTO will meet for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, 3/11/25 at 9:15 AM in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there!
- March is Zionsville Youth Art Month - Please see the section below for details about Youth Art Month for information about where you can see Trailside student artwork displayed around town during the month of March.
- IREAD- Our 2nd and 3rd grade students gave their best effort on IREAD this week! A few make-up tests remain before the window officially closes next week and results should follow soon. We will keep families informed once scores become available.
- NWEA Testing- Beginning Monday and running through Spring Break, the NWEA testing window will be open. Please refer to communication from your classroom teacher regarding specific testing times so you can plan accordingly.
- Kindergarten Round Up/Registration- Kindergarten pre-registration is now open! If you have little ones ready to start their educational journey, don't miss this. Also, be sure to share information with neighbors and friends in our community with students ready to enter Kindergarten next school year. Important information is located below.
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jen Raycroft and Ms. Deb Pickett
Trailside Elementary
Upcoming Events
March 14- End of Third Quarter
March 20- Dads Club Meeting, 8 PM
March 21-22- Spring Musical, Frozen Kids
March 25- Kindergarten Round Up, 3-7 PM
March 27- Beach Day
March 28-April 4- No School, Spring Break
April 15- PTO Meeting, 7 PM
April 17- Dads Club Meeting, American Legion, 8 PM
April 25- Second Grade Field Trip to Children's Museum
May 1- Fourth Grade Music Program, 6:30 PM
May 13- PTO Meeting, 9:15 AM
May 14- Kindy 500
May 16- Second Grade Market Day
May 20- Fourth Grade to Statehouse
May 23- Field Day
May 26- No School, Memorial Day
May 27- Field Day Rain Date
May 28- Fourth Grade Celebration
May 30- Last Day of School; Talent Show
Youth Art Month
Youth Art Month is an annual observation held each March to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs. Established in 1961, Youth Art Month is a way to celebrate the skills that are fostered through experiences in the visual arts. The Zionsville Fine Arts Department has teamed up with the town of Zionsville to display student artwork for the month of March. Student work will be on display at Sullivan Munce Cultural Center, the Hussey Mayfield Library, 530 Home, Robert Goodman Jewelers, and at Cripe Photography.
- Vera Nagle
Ava O'Donell
Daniella Trinchieri
Meryl Gregory
Georgia Gallup
Sarah Spencer
Lila Burkett
Riley Felling
Blair Marquis
Alexandra Smith
Samarah McCullum
Beau Huntsinger
Eliana Lindsey
Easton Goffinet
John Wayne Turner
Cassie Weirich
Addi Cox
Gerardo Arguelles Sanchez
Jack Dodd
And other TSE students
Yearbook Ordering
It's time to order your child's 2024-25 Yearbook! Follow the link below to place your order online. If you need to pay by cash or check, please contact the office on how to submit your order.
Returning this year! Cripe Photography GIFT A YEARBOOK was a great success! Your school was able to donate 12 gifted books. You have the opportunity to donate a yearbook to your child's peers. Your school decides who will receive this awesome gift, thanks to your generosity!
Trailside Yearbooks - ORDER HERE
ORDER DEADLINE: March 14 (late orders cannot be guaranteed a yearbook).
Questions? Please contact Cripe Photography HERE.
Kindergarten Round Up- Class of 2038
Kindergarten (Pre) Registration Opening Soon (required in order to attend Round Up)
Kindergarten (pre) registration for the 25-26 school year is now open! Registration (part 1) is live for the graduating class of 2038! All ZCS elementary schools will host Kindergarten Round Up in the afternoon/evening of March 25th for registered families. More information and details to come soon.
Counselor Corner
Second Step
Second Step lessons began this week! Second Step is a research based social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum utilized throughout the district. Lessons will be taught weekly by your student’s teacher. To follow along and continue the learning at home, please utilize the family activation code below. This code provides you access to the Second Step website (www.secondstep.org) which houses a variety of resources including videos and information about what students is learning through weekly lessons.
The Home Links for the entire year are linked below.
- Kindergarten Home Links
- 1st Grade Home Links
- 2nd Grade Home Links
- 3rd Grade Home Links
- 4th Grade Home Links
Visit the website at www.secondstep.org and enter your grade level activation code. You will first need to create an account and then from your account dashboard you can select Family Resources.
Grade Level Activation Codes:
Kindergarten: SSPKFAMILY70
Grade 1: SSP1FAMILY71
Grade 2: SSP2FAMILY72
Grade 3: SSP3FAMILY73
Grade 4: SSP4FAMILY74
If you have any questions about the Second Step program, please do not hesitate to reach out for more information. Thank you for supporting your child(ren) in learning the skills which lead to success in school and in life.
Local Counseling Agencies and Groups - Zionsville Community Schools Student Services Department has compiled this list of professional counseling agencies as a guide for ZCS parents/guardians and students.
Attendance Matters
Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic growth and overall success. The Board of School Trustees and Indiana Department of Education emphasize the importance of being present in the classroom, as it allows students to fully engage in instruction, participate in class discussions, and benefit from the rich learning environment our teachers create. In addition, the State of Indiana uses attendance data to evaluate schools and performance. We readily recognize that some absences are unavoidable when illness or urgent family needs arise. Our team is always understanding and supportive of such situations or needs.
When students are consistently present, they are better equipped to excel academically and socially. We encourage all families to prioritize regular on-time arrival/attendance and schedule vacations during school breaks. This approach ensures your child won't miss out on essential learning opportunities that occur each day.
Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education and for helping us foster a community of learners who are present, engaged, and ready to succeed!
Clinic Information
Mindy Conrad, RN- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Lisa Stepsis, RN- Monday, Thursday
Email: tsenurse@zcs.k12.in.us (new contact email). Please use this shared email address to contact the clinic.
Phone number: (317) 873-8057 ext. 21993
Hours: 7:30am to 3:30pm
Call or drop in any time!
Please review the link below regarding transportation (bus, car, and new for this year- walkers and bikers!). All of our transportation procedures are in place to protect the safety of all those on our campus. Thank you for making safe transport to and from Trailside a priority!
Lunch/ Food Service Information
Breakfast service will continue daily in the cafeteria from 7:45 to 8:00 AM. Please note that the serving line will close promptly at 7:55 AM.
Important Details:
- Cost: Breakfast is $1.40, with a reduced price of $0.30 for students eligible for free and reduced lunch. If you need to apply for meal assistance, you can click HERE to access the application for free and reduced lunch consideration.
- Bus Arrival: Students who are to have breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria upon arrival.
- Car Riders: If your child is a car rider and would like to have breakfast, please ensure they are among the first in line for drop-off. Students in the BAC and Bridge programs will also have the option to enjoy breakfast if families choose.
- Time: Due to the short window of service, all students must finish their breakfast by 8:00 AM and head directly to their classrooms. Please note that food cannot be carried to the classroom.
The ZCS Food Service Website is home to lots of important information, including monthly menus, price lists, nutritional and allergen information. You can also learn more regarding meal assistance using the website or clicking here. For more information or assistance, you can contact the Food Service Department directly at 317-873-1232.
Trailside will welcomes lunch guests for students! You can use our online system to sign up to have lunch with your student in the office conference room. Please note that you need to sign-up at least the day before you are planning to come. You will need to bring your ID to check in. Please no more than 2 guests per student due to limited space. So that others may have the opportunity, we ask that you not sign up more than 1 time per calendar month. When you sign up, please put your student's name and classroom teacher in the notes. Here is the lunch visitor sign up link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TrailsideLunchVisitors@zcsk12in.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/
Volunteer and Visitor Procedures
During the school day, all volunteers come to the front office to check in. Before the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check.. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days before the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state-mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee for the full background check which will expire after 5 years.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government-issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
GROW/ Child Care Options
Bridge and Early Start Spanish are optional, fee based programs that “bridge” the time between the 7:50-8:00 arrival time for 1st-4th grade students, and the start of the instructional day for Kindergarten students, which is 8:50-9:00.
Before and After-School Care (BAC) is available for all Trailside students. Before school care begins at 6:45am and After school extends childcare from 2:30 to 6:00pm.
Eagle Rec offers fee based programs in a variety of interest areas.
Community Events
Please click the link below for information about many community activities going on in our area.
Buddy Up Fun Night- 3/22/25
Trailside Elementary School
Email: jraycroft@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: http://tse.zcs.k12.in.us/
Location: 4200 South 875 East, Zionsville, IN, USA
Phone: 317-873-8057