Jan. 17, 2025

Jan. 17, 2025
The WSD Board of Education held a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16, that was live-streamed via the WSD Board of Education YouTube channel and can be viewed by visiting YouTube. The agenda and available supporting documents can be viewed online under Diligent Community. Below are some highlights.
Brian Bishop, superintendent, began the business portion of the meeting by providing comments and sharing District highlights. View the slideshow.
Policies 6145, 6255, 2400, 3440
The Board approved Policy 6255 - Independent Ed Eval Procedures Under IDEA - Second Read as presented. The Board also approved Policy 2400 - Student Educational Records - Second Read (version two) and Policy 3440 - Travel Reimbursement - Second Read, with several amendments to each that are not yet reflected on Diligent and in the links above.
The Board held Policy 6145 - Service Animals and Therapy Dogs in Schools to allow for additional revisions and a vote at a future meeting.
APR Presentation
The Academic Services and Assessment leadership presented a comprehensive summary of the District's MSIP 6 Annual Performance Report (APR). She reported that WSD scored 89.2%, meeting accreditation requirements and showing strong improvement from the previous year’s score of 84.4%. View the full report.
REACH and ECC Building Name - Discussion
The Board discussed the process of naming the new early childhood center located on the North Point campus that is currently under construction. It was agreed upon to seek student and community input for consideration at the next meeting. Look for an opportunity to submit your building name suggestion in the February issue of Inside the WSD.