Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, June 2024
Regular Board Meeting
Dan Waters, President, welcomed all in attendance.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, thanked The Winnetka Public Schools staff for all of their efforts this year, recognizing the many initiatives that staff supported to benefit students and families.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship Meeting
School Board Retreat
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, a selection of the five District schools share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate: Global Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Effective Communicator, Empathetic, Resilient, Creative Problem Solver and Collaborative. This month’s month’s feature was:
Project Based Learning Through Art:
ABCD (Artists Benefitting Cats & Dogs) at The Skokie School
At the start of the 23/24 school year, students from The Skokie School embarked on a field trip to Orphans of the Storm, an animal shelter that has served the North Shore community since 1928. Over 250 animal portraits were then created by The Skokie School students, staff, and community members, each inspired by a current or previous animal available for adoption at Orphans of the Storm. The students then planned a gallery exhibition, which took place at The Skokie School in Spring 2024 to show support, create awareness, and raise funds for the animals in need. The students’ efforts, from painting portraits to marketing the gallery exhibition, resulted in a substantial donation to the Deerfield shelter. On June 3, the students presented the $4,766 check and participated in hands-on service projects to support the cats and dogs currently living at the shelter. Throughout the process several animals were adopted (some by Winnetka families)! ABCD (Artists Benefitting Cats & Dogs) was a whole-school Project Based Learning experience. Thanks to Michael Greenman, Studio Arts Teacher at The Skokie School, who took the lead on this incredible learning experience…as well all students, staff, families, the PTO and the Orphans of the Storm team who were involved in making ABCD a success!
The School Board was presented with the preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2025. There will be a Tentative Budget hearing on August 20, 2024. The Tentative Budget will be on display for the required 30 days prior to the Final Budget approval on September 24, 2024.
Year-End District Improvement Plan /Annual Goals
The District Administrative Team presented this year’s accomplishments aligned with the Strategic Plan and School Improvement Plans and previewed anticipated work for the 2024/25 school year.
Informational Items
Bulley & Andrews shared a monthly Executive Summary on construction.
2023-2024 Annual Plan: End-of-Year Report
This report corresponds with the information shared during the presentation and represents work toward the annual goal areas this year.
Certified Evaluation Summary 2023-2024
All Certified Staff are evaluated on an established schedule. Non-tenured staff are evaluated annually and tenured staff are evaluated on a three year cycle. Data is summarized as a memo to the Board and listed by building for the seventy-seven (77) staff that were evaluated (60 non-tenured and 17 tenured). The memo contains the percentage of total staff including ratings in the following categories: Excellent, Proficient, Needs Improvement, and Unsatisfactory.
Staffing and Enrollment Update FY 2024-2025
The Board was given a regular update on staffing and student enrollment for projections from the month of June. The District will be monitoring student enrollment during the summer months to determine any future recommendations for staffing adjustments.
The Board conducted a 2nd read on policies brought forward at its regular meeting on May 21, 2024. Pending no objections, policies recommended for adoption will occur during the consent agenda portion of the meeting.
PTO Donation Mosaic/Shelving Donation Hubbard Woods School
The School Board approved a generous donation of a mosaic that will be a project integrated through the art curriculum this coming school year. In addition, they have made a donation of book shelving for the Resource Center.
The School Board approved a renewal of the lease of the field between The Skokie School and Carleton Washburne for use by The Scottish Soccer Academy, LLC. This partnership will continue through 2026.
Resolution to Appoint Treasurer
The School Board appointed Steve Wilt, the incoming Chief School Business Official, as the Treasurer for the School District.
Owner's Representative Contract Renewal
It was proposed and later approved to renew the contract with the District’s Owner’s Representative to oversee construction at the District’s five campuses, protecting the District’s interests and ensuring timely completion.
It was recommended and later approved that the District partner with Studer Education in order to develop its next Strategic Plan.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Greeley School Principal's Employment Contract
Preliminary FY25 Budget
Studer Education Partnership Services Agreement
PTO Donation Mosaic/Shelving Hubbard Woods School
Scottish Soccer Lease Renewal
Owner's Representative Contract Renewal
Action on Student Discipline Matter
To view the entire Board Packet from the June 11, 2024 Meeting, click here.