Counselor's Corner Jan.- Feb. 2025
Ellison Elementary
Happy New Year!🎉
Ellison Families,
We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday season. We’re excited to welcome all our students back to the hive!
With 2025 here, it’s a great time to start setting goals for what we want to achieve this year.
Setting goals helps us change our habits, overcome challenges, and reach new skills. It’s a chance to grow and step out of our comfort zone.
A fun and easy way to get students involved in goal setting is by creating vision boards. This activity is enjoyable for the whole family! In this newsletter, you’ll find helpful tips and ideas for making vision boards with your children. Setting and tracking goals also teaches valuable life skills like planning, organization, time management, communication, and confidence.
In addition, we’ve included ideas to encourage kindness. Kindness is a wonderful gift we give to ourselves and others, and our hope is that these acts of KINDNESS help make the world a better place!
As always, we are here to help; feel free to reach out via phone or email—our contact information is provided at the bottom of this newsletter.
Warmest regards,
❤️Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Sills❤️
January 6 Staff Work Day/ Student Holiday
January 13 Military Kids Club Meeting at 7:15
January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- Staff and Student Holiday
January 24 Bee Jubilee
January 31 100th Day of School
February 3 Military Kids Club Meeting at 7:15
February 3-7 National School Counseling Week
February 17 Staff Work Day/ Student Holiday
February 10-14 Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 21 Bee Jubilee
February 28 Buzz Fest
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Home Connection
Create a Vision Board
Making a vision board helps your child think through their goals, and it also serves as a powerful visual reminder of everything they would like to achieve.
How to Set Goals!
Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 10-14
One of our emphasis this month is kindness. Attached below is a great activity that allows children to actively participate in different acts of kindness.
KINDNESS by the Juicebox Jukebox
The following is a video of a song where children express what kindness is all about. This is a great way to discuss the importance of showing kindness at school, at home, and in our community.
Resources for Military Families
CLICK HERE or on the picture to go to the NISD webpage for military families.
Ellison's School Counselors
Counselor for Pre-K, K, 2, 4, ALE, ECSE
Phone: 210-398-1875
Email: beatrice.jordan@nisd.net
Mrs. Sills
Counselor for Pre-K, 1, 3, 5, ALE, ECSE
Phone: 210-398-1876
Email: victoria.sills@nisd.net
Website: www.nisd.net/ellison/services/ellison-counseling
Phone: 210-398-1850
Twitter: @GuidanceEllison