The Buzz
Spring Term - 14th March2024

Message from the Executive Headteacher
After the excitement of World Book Day and the wonderful costumes worn by the children and staff, the children are now enjoying science week. There have been several opportunities to get really excited by science including the ever popular science dome which was generously funded by HISNA. The children have also enthusiastically enjoyed a visit by some of the team from NPL who have done some amazing things with balloons, please ask your child about this.
We will be enjoying Red Nose Day tomorrow, please make sure you have made your contribution for the break the uniform rules day in school via the link.
HISNA has also funded some trees for school and we have been planting them, thanks to the team who have worked so hard on this and to Adam for his help. I am looking forward to having a forest school in a few years!
It was lovely to see the year 1 pupils sharing their work with their parents for the showcase this week and I hope you have found the parent consultations sessions useful this week.
Finally, as the end of term approaches, we are publishing our summer dates, the link is at the end of this newsletter, please do take a minute to check them and make a note of any you need.
Have a wonderful weekend when it arrives.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
HISN Comic Relief 'Break the Uniform Rules' Day
Tomorrow at HISN we are inviting you to 'Break the school uniform rules' for a day in support of Comic Relief.
- Wear a Red Nose
- Wear own tops/jumpers
- Wear own jeans/trousers/leggings/skirts
- Colourful Hair
- Wear own shoes
- Wear nail varnish
- Face paint
Simply go to the just giving page and make your donation: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rnd24-hampton-junior-school
The minimum donation is £2. Any money you can spare is greatly appreciated.
World Down Syndrome Day
'World Down Syndrome Day' (WDSD) is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome'.
Next Thursday, 21st March, children can wear mismatched socks or their craziest and most colourful socks, whatever takes their fancy - to celebrate the fact we are all unique and raise awareness. Please click on the links below for more inforamtion.
Coffee Morning Reminder
Across the partnership we are celebrating neurodiversity week commencing 18th March. During the week we will be having a coffee morning in the Rose Hall at Hampton Junior School on 19th March from 8.50am–10am; parents are welcome from across the partnership. This is an opportunity to meet with the Inclusion team as well as other parents.
HPP Inclusion Team:
- Lisa Maxted - HPP SENCo
- Chloe Hughes – HISN SEND Lead Teacher
- Gemma Delaney - HJS SEND Lead Teacher
- Karen Finnegan - HPP Parent Support Advisor
Jess Butler HPP Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner, will talk about the services she can offer to pupils and parents who are seeking support with their child’s behaviour or anxiety.
If you would like to attend please email Lisa Maxted via the office (office.hisn@hpp.school or office.hjs@hpp.school).
World Book Day
w/c 04.03.2024
RC, 1Y, 2MC and 2P all had 100% attendance last week - well done!
RF and 1Y had no late students last week
Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out for Aspiration
AM Nursery Sebastian
PM Nursery Albie
RC Tristan
RF Sophia
RK Marcel
RP Zaina
1B Rory
1C Malak
1D Olivia
1Y Ibanathi
2C Beauden
2J Leo
2MC Hugo
2P Naomi
This aspirational group aspire to be an Explorer, Policeman, Actor, Pharmacist, Vet, work for the WWF and an Astronaut and at the age of 6 one wasn't sure.
Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
Science week has been such a fun-filled week in nursery. We started by finding out more about a palaeontologist called Mary Anning from the Little People, Big Dreams book. We looked in wonder at a fossil in our classroom and shared our ideas about what it was. We could see why Mary Anning became so interested in them.
We loved practising our pencil grip on dinosaur pattern paper and using the fossil stamps in playdough. We also learned a Dinosaur dance in PE.
One of the highlights was cooking; we loved counting the chocolate pieces and crumbling the shredded wheat, stirring the mixture and sharing it between cupcake cases. We exercised such restraint in not eating the mini eggs and simply spooning them on the 'dinosaur nests' we had made.
Another highlight was our Volcano experiment; we were amazed to see how we could make it erupt. We have had such a special Science week with many of us wanting to be scientists when we grow up! Thank you so much for all of your donations to help make this week so special.
Time to talk - Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been celebrating 'Science week' at school this week. At home please talk about what your child has enjoyed this week. What was their favourite science experiment? Can you research some famous scientists together and find out why they were so important?
🟥 Reception
This week we have celebrated Science Week. The theme for Science Week this year is 'time' and Reception decided to focus on dinosaurs from millions of years ago. We found some huge dinosaur footprints in our classrooms! We talked about where they might have come from, how big we think the dinosaur might have been, and why we think it came to visit our classroom. We talked about what a scientist is and what sorts of things scientists do. We learnt about Mary Anning, a palaeontologist who found some amazing fossils of dinosaurs. Some of us even made our own dinosaur fossils out of salt dough. We also did a very exciting experiment, we made a volcano and watched it erupt.
RC and RK had their visit to the library this week, they had such a lovely time and were complemented by the library staff on their excellent behaviour.
Phonics - We have continued to recap all of the sounds that we have learnt so far. We have learnt the new sounds 'sh' 'ch' and 'th' and have been building words using these sounds. We have learnt that these have 2 letters but make one sound. Our handwriting letters are l, t and j.
Maths - This week in maths we have been learning about doubles! We enjoyed singing lots of songs about doubles, especially 'Mr Double Trouble!'.
Time to talk - Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been celebrating 'Science week' at school this week. At home please talk about what your child has enjoyed this week. What was their favourite science experiment? Can you research some famous scientists together and find out why they were so important?
🟦 Year 1
This week, we have had great fun immersing ourselves in all things science. We have been exploring this year’s Science Week theme of ‘time’, looking at how this links to science and thinking about what time means to us. We discussed how we tell the time, and explored how this differs from how our grandparents and even our parents told the time. We also thought about what things go very fast, e.g. the fastest animals, ways of travelling, or very slow, e.g. plants growing, building cities and large structures. We had great fun making our own pendulum and sun dial, as well as discovering lots of other amazing facts along the way through our various assemblies.
We have also continued with our focus on flowering plants in science, focusing on wild flowers this week. We learnt that a wild plant seed grows where it falls, it doesn’t need to be planted and it doesn’t need to be cared for as it grows. We also learnt that if a wild plant grows where it is not wanted, it might be called a weed.
We have continued on our exploration of rhyming words this week in English, inspired by our focus book ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray. We have practised finding matching rhyming words and recorded these in our books. We then used these to helping us write our own rhyme.
We have begun working with numbers within 50 in maths this week, and counting in tens. We have been counting large amounts by making groups of ten and adding the ones, and partitioning numbers by identifying how many tens and ones are in each, e.g. 27 has two tens and 7 ones. We worked out that this helps us when adding larger numbers together.
In PE, we have been developing our technique and control when performing shape jumps in gymnastics. We practised bending our knees when landing, and the importance of looking ahead to maintain our balance and control. We have also been developing our racket and ball skills, ensuring we keep the ball in the centre of the racket face, and using small movements to hit and control the ball.
🟩 Year 2
This week we have been celebrating science week which after our Science Dome brought great excitement across the classes. Science week this year has a focus on 'time'. We introduced the concept of science week to the children, what time means and how time is measured. We have looked at inspirational scientists and what they have achieved as well as have some fascinating visitors for assembly. In class we have created our very own time clocks using plastic bottles and a sun dial to measure how the sun changes throughout the day.
In English we have revisited different sentence types including commands, questions, statements and exclamations. Using this knowledge we have written a variety of sentence types and learnt how to use adverbs to add detail and interest for the reader. We will next move on to writing recounts, focusing on writing in the past tense.
In Maths we have been busy thinking about measurement focusing on length and height. We will soon be thinking about using an analogue clock to tell the time to the nearest 15 minute interval. Please help us to learn to tell the time using an analogue clock at home too.
We are very excited about our upcoming trip to Wisley Gardens next week. Please check the letter already sent on ParentHub for further information. Children will all need to be dressed in school uniform and bring a packed lunch (preferably in a disposable bag) as well as a water bottle. Children can wear their school shoes or if they would be more comfortable, they are welcome to wear their black PE trainers.
Spotlight - Computing
Children growing up today are immersed in new technologies. In the home, at school and in wider society. Technology is embedded in children’s everyday experiences from remote control devices, televisions, computers, tablets and phones. At Hampton Infants School and Nursery, we wish to ensure that we equip our children as active participants in the digital world we live in. We aim to educate all pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely.
Whilst computing is not an explicit part of the Early Years Framework we are always mindful of the opportunities we can give to our youngest learners to see and begin to use information technology safely. In daily provision you will find the interactive whiteboard being used for teaching and games, computer keyboards being incorporated into role play areas, cameras for the children to take photos and Yoto players for the children to independently access audio books. Bee Bots are a highlight of the Reception year as learners begin to explore programming and applying their knowledge of instruction and direction to a device.
In Key Stage one, children develop their computing knowledge and skills through the teaching of four main strands; computer systems and networks, programming, creating media and Data & Information. Each strand is visited in year 1 and year 2 with a carefully planned sequence of lessons support the development of the children’s skill set. Within this key, specific vocabulary is identified and taught to support understanding of computing relevant terminology. By the end of Key Stage one children are confident users of information technology and can understand simple algorithms, are able to create and debug simple programs and can use technology safely to organise, store and interpret data. Children will be exposed to a range of media as they access their learning and develop these critical skills such as chrome books, cameras, ipads and BeeBots as well as a wide range of computer programs from Scratch Jnr to Music Lab.
As we plan our curriculum we ensure they will be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but more importantly – safely. Each computing lesson starts with a ‘safety starter’ where we discuss with our learners the benefits of technology as well as the importance of using devices and programs safely. We teach the children the SMART rules; Safe Meeting Accepting Reliable Tell. These rules are taught and discussed each week as part of our computing lessons and reinforced through out Internet Safety Day each February.
HISNA Scholastic Book Fair w/c 18th March
Achieving for Children Webinars
Achieving for Children's Mental Health Support Teams are delivering a series of webinars for parents of primary aged children. The "Helping Children with ..." series of webinars will cover a range of common difficulties experienced by children.
The ‘Helping children with resilience’ webinar will support you in understanding how children develop resilience, while exploring a variety of helpful coping skills, and what you can do as a parent or carer to help them be their most confident self.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815