O'Plaine College & Career News
September 5, 2024
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Hello Blue Devil Families!
It has been a great start to the school year! For those who don't know me, my name is Trini Hartley and I am one of the Post-Secondary Counselors here at Warren. I'm proudly going into my 18th year at Warren and have been in the roles of both School Counselor and Post-Secondary Counselor at both campuses. Carri McGahan is the Post-Secondary Counselor at Almond, and together we partner to educate the school community about post-secondary options available to students after high school.
There are many events and opportunities available to our students and families throughout the year, some of which are upcoming and outlined below. I will get this information to you via periodic newsletters and email. Students, be sure to check your WTHS email regularly to stay in the loop! We encourage you to take full advantage of our services and programming, so you stay in the know and feel confident in your post-secondary plans upon graduating. The time between now and then will fly!
Over the summer, Mrs. McGahan and I conducted individual college and career planning meetings with over with over 160 Warren families. They got their questions answered, received guidance and resources and next steps were provided. If this is something your family would like to do during the school year, please reach out. Students, you can also meet with me individually by dropping in to the College & Career Center during your lunch study hall or by emailing me to schedule an appointment. No matter what your goals are after high school or where you are at with your post-secondary planning, I welcome any questions you may have. Believe it or not, it's not too early to begin planning for your next adventure!
Have a great year, Blue Devils!
Ms. Hartley (She/Her)
O'Plaine Post-Secondary Counselor
College Info
O'Plaine College & Career Center is Open!
- The O’Plaine College & Career Center (CCC) is located in Room 258 by the O'Plaine Library.
- This space is utilized for college visits, workshops and as an open lab for students to pop in during a free period.
- Students can drop in during the lunch periods and lunch study halls on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this semester.
- Simply report directly to the CCC instead of study hall, arrive on time and your attendance will be excused!
Introducing SchooLinks!
We're excited to roll out our new college & career readiness platform, SchooLinks. This robust resource will be an essential tool to help navigate your post-secondary exploration and planning.
For students to log in:
Go to SchooLinks and simply click "log in with Google" using your WTHS credentials
If you are signing in for the first time, you will be prompted to first complete the brief onboarding process. You will be trained on using SchoolLinks throughout this school year, but you are encouraged to view the brief tutorial here if you are interested in checking it out or signing up for college visits! Stop by the College & Career Center if you would like additional help. Parents/Guardians will also be able to create a shadow account to view the college information, upcoming college visits (under Events) and more! Parents, look for an email this month with more info.
O'Plaine College Rep Visits
- Students must be passing the class in which the visit conflicts in order to attend (your absence will be excused).
- If the student has an assessment, presentation or something big due in the class of the scheduled visit, they are expected to stay in class and can request the info provided from Ms. Hartley.
- If the visit conflicts with your lunch or study hall, it does not count as one of the three allowed.
- If it conflicts with lunch, you are permitted to eat during the visit.
- College visits are open to both freshmen and sophomores and are a full-period in length - students are expected to stay for the duration of the period.
- 1st semester the visits are live streamed from Almond, and 2nd semester they're in-person at O'Plaine.
- Period 2: Illinois Institute of Technology
- Period 3: Augustana College
- Period 5: Kenyon College
Thursday, September 12th
- Period 2: Northwestern University, Clemson University
- Period 3: Illinois State University, Valparaiso University
- Period 6: Saint Mary's College
- Period 7: University of Notre Dame, Ohio University, Roosevelt University, University of Illinois-Springfield
Tuesday, September 17th
- Period 3: University of Maine, Claremont McKenna College
- Period 4: The George Washington University
- Period 6: University of Missouri, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Missouri State University, University of Utah
Thursday, September 19th
- Period 2: University of Kansas
- Period 6: University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
For College-Bound Athletes
Are you thinking about playing a sport competitively in college? If so, you are encouraged to attend an NCAA Eligibility presentation TONIGHT, Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7 p.m. at Libertyville High School in the Auditorium. Families can expect to learn more about the recruitment process and eligibility requirements from the experts. Understanding the requirements and planning early in the eligibility process is essential - all high schools students considering playing competitively in college are highly encouraged to attend with their families. Note, we will also host an NCAA night at WTHS on Nov. 21 at 7 pm.
"8 of the Best" Webinar, 9/8 @ 3pm
The directors and deans of eight highly-selective, liberal arts colleges join forces to provide college-bound students and their families information about some of the most celebrated colleges in the United States. This 90-minute program provides valuable insights on the distinctions of the individual colleges and the opportunity to speak with eight of the best national, liberal arts colleges in the United States. Click to register.
Participating colleges include:
- Claremont McKenna College
- Colorado College
- Connecticut College
- Grinnell College
- Haverford College
- Kenyon College
- Macalester College:
- Sarah Lawrence College
Hear from Harvard, Princeton, UVA, Wellesley & Yale!
Harvard, Princeton, the University of Virginia, Wellesley, and Yale would like to spend some time with you. Learn what it takes to attend these schools and hear more about the opportunities, scholarships and more from admissions officers of each. Webinar dates are Sept. 8, Sept 15 and October 6. For additional information and to register, click here.
QuestBridge Virtual Info Session, 9/10
QuestBridge is a powerful platform that connects the nation's brightest students from low-income backgrounds with leading institutions of higher education and further opportunities. Join admissions representatives from Colorado College, University of Chicago, University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University to learn about making a college list, applying for admission and financial aid, and keeping your search in perspective. Representatives will discuss benefits of QuestBridge, which allows high-achieving, low-income students from U.S. high schools to match with the top colleges around the country. This virtual info session is on September 10 from 7 - 8 pm. Click here to register.
Navigating College Admission Tests, 10/1
The Class of 2026 and 2027 are experiencing the biggest changes to the ACT & SAT in a century with the digital, adaptive PSAT and SAT and shifting landscape of the ACT. With the State of Illinois now requiring the Class of 2026 and beyond students to complete an ACT to graduate from a public high school, this is one presentation you won't want to miss! Come hear from the experts at Compass Education Group as they lead a pragmatic discussion of how to navigate this change. This presentation is on October 1 at 7pm in the O'Plaine Auditorium. REGISTER in advance. Topics will include:
- College Admissions and the Modern Testing Dilemma
- Latest Developments in SAT/ACT Digital Transitions
- The Value of the Digital PSAT for Diagnostic and National Merit Purposes
- Choosing Wisely Between Tests and Formats
- Crafting A Personalized Testing and Prep Timeline
- The Evolving Role of AP Grades and Exam Scores
- When To Submit Scores in a Test-Optional Era
- Test Prep Strategies: Cost, Format, Schedule, and Realistic Goals
Free, Optional Practice ACT for Sophomores & Juniors, 11/9 - 11/10
WTHS is offering a FREE, online, optional practice ACT test for WTHS Sophomore and Junior students on Saturday, November 9 - Sunday, November 10. Compass Educational Group will be virtually proctoring the practice ACT that morning, and students can take the practice test from the comforts of their own home. Click HERE to review the details & to register. Deadline to register is November 4 at 5 pm.
Upcoming College Fairs
While visiting college campuses is an important part of the college search process, college fairs are free and a great way for students and their families to visit with many colleges at once. See list below for some upcoming fairs in our area, including the college fair at CLC on October 17! Click links below for more info and to register (registration is required).
9/15 NACAC Virtual College Fair, 12 - 5 pm
9/17 Lake Forest Academy, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
10/5 NACAC National College Fair in Chicago, 11 am - 3 pm
10/6 NACAC National College Fair in Milwaukee, 12 - 3 pm
10/8 Choices: For College-Bound Students with Learning Differences at Niles North High School, 6 - 8:30 pm
10/13 NACAC Virtual College Fair, 12 - 5 pm
10/16 Christian College Fair in Elmhurst, 6 - 8 pm
10/17 Regional College Fair at the College of Lake County, 6 - 8 pm
10/19 Christian College Fair in Northfield, 6 - 8 pm
11/3 NACAC Virtual College Fair, 12 - 5 pm
Meet with 10 Engineering Universities at CLC Engineering Night, 10/2
Learn about careers in engineering and computer science and meet with representatives from area engineering schools on Wednesday, October 2 at CLC from 5:30 - 8 pm. This event is free and open to high-school students and their parents. Pre-Registration is highly encouraged.
Attendees can expect to:
- Learn about various engineering professions and majors (civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical, computer science, aerospace, etc.) from practicing engineers
- Get an overview of the college search process for engineering (how to research engineering schools, the application process, college costs, choosing an engineering major, etc.)
- Tour the CLC Baxter Innovation Lab, a makerspace/fab lab for CLC students and the Lake County community
- Get info on CLC's guaranteed engineering admission partnerships with UIUC (Engineering Pathways), UIC, and NIU
Empowering Students in Engineering Undercover at U of I, 10/19
Dive into a thrilling spy-themed day at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where you'll engage in exciting challenges and hear from student organizations. Students MUST be accompanied by ONE parent or guardian. Lunch is provided! Don't miss this chance to uncover the secrets of engineering success and connect with future mentors! This event is hosted by the Society of Women Engineers. Click here to register.
Career & Job Info
US Military Reps Visiting O'Plaine Cafe
Representatives from the below branches of the U.S. Military will have an informational table in the Cafe during all lunch periods as indicated below. Stop by if you are interested, would like more info or have questions!
Marines: 1st Wednesday of the month
Navy: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Air Force: 4th Wednesday of the month
Army: 10/16, 12/18, 2/19 & 4/16
Healthcare Career Exploration Night at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, 9/24
Interested in health care? Come talk first hand with professionals about careers in health care. This event is FREE to attend and is open house format from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital located in Barrington. Students can expect to hear from professionals about clinical and non clinical hospital roles with and without college degrees and see demonstrations from the DaVinci robot and laparoscopic surgery tools. Representatives from local colleges will also be in attendance. Click on flyer for more info.
Northwestern Medicine Discovery Program
NW Medicine’s mission is to “create a pathway for the next generation of healthcare leaders”. Through this program, chosen students are exposed to a broad range of healthcare careers through tours, guest speakers, group discussions and hands-on projects. This is geared toward students at least 15 years old, current sophomore or junior, and highly interested in a career in the healthcare field. This program is in Lake Forest and is highly competitive (only 30 students per Chapter). Deadline to apply is September 30, 2024. Click here to register and for additional information.
STEAM Scholars Program
The STEAM Scholar Program aims to connect highly motivated students interested in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics with hands-on learning experiences. Selected students have the opportunity to visit four STEAM-related businesses and facilities, where they will learn from business owners, local employees and educators about the STEAM career opportunities in our own backyard. This program is open to all rising Sophomores and Juniors who live in or attend high schools located within Illinois’s Tenth Congressional District. Due to space constraints, only two applicants per high school will be selected for participation in this competitive program. Click here to apply. Applications are due September 30!
Can You Code Your Own App?
The Congressional App Challenge is a nationwide competition that encourages students to learn science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills by coding their own app for any digital device. This challenge is open to all middle and high school students who live or attend school in the Tenth District. Students can choose to participate individually or as part of a team of up to four students, if two of the team members meet eligibility requirements. To enter, participants must upload a video showcasing their app and an explanation of what they learned throughout the app-making process. Click here to register by November 1, 2024 (registration indicates your intent to compete).
Lake County Sheriff Explorer Post Program
This program is open to any 14- to 21-year-old interested in law enforcement careers. Students will help the community as well as learn about careers in law enforcement and foundational policing skills. For additional information see their website.
Post-Secondary Dates to Save
9/5/24 North Suburban Conference NCAA Workshop, 7 pm at Libertyville High School
9/5/24 O’Plaine Open House, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
10/1/24 Navigating College Admissions Tests, 7 pm in O'Plaine Auditorium
10/17/24 College Fair at College of Lake County, 6 – 8 pm
10/29/24 Intro to CLC Webinar, 7 pm via Zoom
11/9/24 FREE, Optional, Virtual Practice ACT for Sophomores & Juniors
11/21/24 Guiding the College Bound Athlete, 7 pm in O’Plaine Auditorium
12/9/24 Industrial Tech Night w/ Mini College Fair, 6:30 at O’Plaine
12/18 – 20 First Semester Cumulative Assessments
1/23/25 Sophomore College Planning Night, 7 pm in O’Plaine Auditorium
2/1/25 ASVAB - Optional Career Exploration Assessment for Sophomores, Juniors
and Seniors, 9 am at Almond
2/6/25 Camino a College una presentación para los estudiantes (Freshmen y Sophomores) que van a ir a la universidad y sus padres y será en español, 7 pm en O'Plaine Auitorio
2/27/25 “Find Your Glow” Exploring Post-Secondary Options for Freshmen, 7 pm in O’Plaine Auditorium
3/7/25 “All About Scholarships” Workshop, during all lunch study halls in O’Plaine Library
4/25/25 Career Expo, during all lunch study halls in O’Plaine Main Gym
5/27 - 29 Second Semester Cumulative Assessments
Check This Out!
The College Tour
The award-winning TV series, The College Tour, shares the story of a single college or university through the authentic lens of its current students. Learn from real students about their real experiences on campus, as viewers get an insider’s perspective on college life and college culture. This TV series is a comprehensive guide to aid your college research, helping you answer the ultimate question: ‘Which college is best for me?’ Take the ultimate campus tour now by watching episodes of this informative TV series. Streaming now on Prime Video or check it out here.
"What Are The Fastest-Growing Jobs Of 2024?"
The current job market might be turbulent at best, but there are still several career paths with strong projected growth trends through 2024 and beyond. In response to fluctuating job markets, job seekers are prioritizing high-growth careers and recession-proof jobs, upskilling to maintain a competitive edge. Check out the list of in-demand fields in the full Forbes article here.
"Tuition: $9,400. Dorm Room Interior Designer: $10,000?"
Some students arrive on campus expecting certain comforts. And they, or their parents, are willing to pay thousands to settle in. Check out the New York Times article here.
Winner Winner!
The first student who read this far and seeks me out in -person will receive a Chipotle gift card!!!! I will be at O'Plaine in the College & Career Center on Thursday 9/5! Students, do not miss class for this as it will disqualify you!