Winthrop Weekly
September 18, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
It was such a pleasure to see so many Grades 3-5 families at last night's Curriculum Night! The energy and excitement were palpable as we shared all the wonderful things your children will be learning this year. Tomorrow night, we look forward to welcoming our PK-2 families from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Please remember to check the schedule below as times will vary depending on grade level. We can't wait to see you there!
Today was Picture Day, and I have to say—our students looked absolutely fabulous! Their bright smiles made the day a memorable one. I know those pictures will capture the joy and enthusiasm your children bring to school each day. Picture retake day is scheduled for November 5th.
We were also honored to host a group of Japanese educators yesterday from the Teacher Organization for Skill Sharing (TOSS) in collaboration with Landmark School. Led by Professor Kazuki Tani, they shared how deeply impressed they were with our school, especially our co-teaching model and inclusive practices. In their words, "The services offered and teaching expertise on display gave Kazuki's team a lot to discuss and take back to Japan." This visit was a remarkable opportunity to showcase Winthrop’s dedication to providing the best for our students, and their feedback was humbling. The insights gained will reach thousands of Japanese educators, extending the impact of this exchange across their country. You can learn more about their organization and Kazuki’s work through the links below.
Warm regards,
Amy B. Sullivan
PK-2 Curriculum Night- 9/19 6:00-7:30 PM
We are looking forward to inviting all PK-2 families back to school on Thursday night. The curriculum night will consist of 3 opportunities to connect:
General Session – Meet with the administration to review school goals, initiatives, and procedures. You'll also hear from the counseling staff, school nurse, after-school program, and World Language teacher.
Classroom Sessions- Meet with your child's teacher(s) in their classrooms as an introduction to your child's new grade level. An overview of the curriculum, grade-level objectives, and classroom expectations will be shared.
- Specialist Sessions – Visit the gymnasium to meet your child's specialist teachers and learn about art, library, music, and physical education programs. Special education staff, as well as reading and math specialists, will also be available to speak with during this time.
The Curriculum night will follow a rotating schedule that provides families time to participate in all 3 sessions. Please see the schedules below.
Warm regards,
Amy B. Sullivan
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop Calendar
Important September Dates
Thursday, September 19th: Early Release, PK disimissed @ 1:30 PM, K-5 dismissed @ 1:50 PM
Thursday, September 19th: PK-Grade 2 Parent Curriculum Night @ 6 PM
Thursday, September 26th: Early Release, PK disimissed @ 1:30 PM, K-5 dismissed @ 1:50 PM
Come pick up your pre-ordered mums this Saturday during our Plant Sale 9-11am. We will have beautiful grasses and kale for outside fall decorating, along with easy to care for succulents to bring some greenery inside as summer slips away. Your purchases help FRIES support our school needs…musical instruments, playground equipment , author visits, classroom supplies, the list goes on and on… THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
Green Team
Who are we? All students (pre-K - 5), parents, friends, family, and fans of Winthrop School who help make our community cleaner and greener. While the Student Leadership Council (SLC) Green Team includes a group of student leaders who work hard on initiatives during the school day, the Winthrop Green Team provides an opportunity for all Winthrop families to get involved with events and initiatives in our community, often after school hours.
What do we do? Host annual events, seasonal programming, and year-long initiatives to help our community make sustainable choices that support our environment.
What are some examples of Winthrop Green Team events and initiatives?
Harvest of the Month - bringing local produce to our school cafeteria
Green Team ACE programs (4 weeks in fall and 4 weeks in spring)
Holiday Toy and Clothing Swap (late fall/winter)
Gardening Clubs
Earth Day - Community Clean-ups
Waste Reduction Awareness/Composting
Eco-bin for recycled clothing
Ipswich No Idling Campaign
What are some initiatives we are working on right now?
Black Earth Composting
The Winthrop and Doyon Green Teams have worked with town officials and the food services director over the past few months to switch Ipswich Public Schools composting contract to Black Earth, a company that will collect food waste from our schools' cafeterias and transform the resource into a high-quality compost that will help rejuvenate our local soil. Green Team volunteers have been educating students over the past couple of weeks on how to avoid contamination of our new compost bins. The students are doing an awesome job sorting their waste!
Turbo for Tigers Car Show
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976