Lincoln High School Class of 2022!
updated 6/6/2022
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Congratulations Lincoln High School Class of 2022!
Graduation will be hosted on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 8 pm in the LHS Stadium. Each graduate will be able to invite up to 8 ticketed guests (6 in the bleachers and 2 more may sit on the field). We also will be live streaming the graduation for all of the other friends family, near and far, to enjoy at home.
Key Information about Graduation
Important Dates/Times:
- Monday, 6/6 before school or in the office: pick up personalized senior checklist (updated 6/2)
- Tuesday, 6/7-Thursday, 6/9: get checklist completed and turn it into the office to pick up 6 bleacher seat tickets and 2 field seat tickets for graduation
- Friday, 6/10, 8am: students arrive at the stadium for rehearsal; students cannot attend graduation if they do not attend rehearsal
- Friday, 6/10, 7-7:15pm: students arrive to assemble for graduation - students will report to the Pence Gym (updated 6/2)
- Friday, 6/10, approximately 7pm: stadium will be opened for ticketed guests; the Sober Grad team will be selling Senior shirts (while supplies last; they can take cash, venmo or square payments) at both entrances to the stadium. Water will be sold ($1/bottle, cash only) at both entrances (updated 6/6)
- Friday, 6/10, 8pm: graduation ceremony begins; we expect it will last 90 minutes or so
- Friday, 6/10, after graduation: graduates will pick up their diploma from the Pence gym
- Friday, 6/10, after graduation: Sober Grad Night Event hosted at McBean Pavilion
- Monday-Friday, 6/13-17, 7:30am-4pm: another opportunity to pick up physical diploma from the office
The Day of Graduation
- 7 am: Senior Breakfast
- 8am: Graduation Rehearsal (REQUIRED)...please dress comfortably and wear sunscreen!
- Late morning: Senior Slide Show
- 7pm: Arrive for Graduation
~ graduates will their graduation clothes (see details below!) and carry in their cap, gown and stole
~ graduates - a reminder that you cannot bring anything into the stadium with you - so leave your cell phone, keys, purses, bags, etc... with your family or in your car
- 8pm-approximately 9:30pm: Graduation
~ we will ask students to avoid attention seeking behavior, as this is a special occasion focused on celebrating our Class of 2022; this is a time honored event worthy of respect and honor
- 11pm: Sober Grad Night
(updated 6/2/22)
Graduation Attire
- dresses (but not floor length and no trains - we don't want anyone to trip!)
- blouse or shirt with a collar (dress or polo)
- skirt/dress pants/slacks/khakis
- shoes: flats or platform shoes (no shoes with spiked heels) or hard soled dress shoes with socks; spiked/narrow heeled shoes may cause ankle injuries and can damage our field
- no jeans, shorts or sweatpants are allowed.
Graduates should carry in their cap, gown, tassel and stole into the Pence Gym and will put those items on after they've checked in at the Pence Gym. (updated 6/2/22)
Graduation is an important milestone in student's lives. Graduates and families should not bring/wear items that are distracting in nature or take away from the ceremonial aspect of graduation.
Caps, Gowns and Stoles, Oh My!
If you haven't ordered your cap/gown yet, you must contact Premier Grad Products right away - / 916-435-2331.
Later this spring (beginning in May), pins, patches, and cords will be distributed separately by the teachers/departments honoring their students. Patches and pins can be affixed to the stole (be sure to use a towel between the iron and patch to avoid burning the material!). Graduates - if you earned a pin or patch from a teacher at any point as an LHS student, please add those to your stole! (updated 6/2/22)
You are encouraged to unwrap and iron your gown and stole; take care not to burn the fabric; using a towel between the iron and material is helpful.
A reminder that your tassel, pins, patches and cords should be worn/affixed to your yellow stole at graduation. Students cannot personalize their items with their names - this is keeping with the tradition of unity in our last gathering as a class.
California state law specifically protects students’ right to wear “traditional tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment at school graduation ceremonies." (more specific information is here).
Graduates should carry in their cap, gown, tassel and stole into the Pence Gym and will put those items on after they've checked in at the Pence Gym. (updated 6/2/22)
Parking and Guest Expectations
- Parking will be difficult for graduation.
- We do have accessible parking as required by law, but will not have extra accessible parking available so please know that accessible parking will be limited. If you need to drop off a guest at the top of the loop because they cannot make it from afar, feel free to drop off at the loop before you park in the community/parking lot. Please do NOT loiter in your vehicle at the loop.
- We will have every gate on the perimeter of campus open so that families can park in the community and can walk through campus to access the stadium.
- We strongly encourage you to carpool with friends/family. Be sure there are no valuables visible in your vehicle.
- Please be sure not to block the driveways of our campus neighbors and to be respectful of their homes/property by not leaving garbage or other items in the neighborhood.
- There will be two entrances - beginning at 7pm, both main gates (off the main parking lot by J Street) will be open, and the gate off the lot on Nicolaus/by baseball fields will be open. You can access field or bleacher seating from either gate
- Guests cannot bring in popups, coolers or other large/bulky items that take up space beyond your own seat or would obstruct the views of guests.
- If you bring an umbrella, we will ask you to close it before the ceremony begins.
- If you bring items like flowers or balloons, we will ask you sit at the edge or top of the bleachers or otherwise out of the way so that you do not obstruct the views of our guests.
- Guests cannot save space for others in the bleachers or on the field. Seating is by ticket type (bleachers or field) but is first come first serve.
- It will be hot (current high is projected above 105 that day!), but shortly after 7pm (and by 7:15), all of the bleachers and the field are totally shaded, so it will be warm, and full of people, but you will not have the sun on you (yay, for the little things!).
- Please dress for the heat.
- Students will be provided with cold water.
- Students will be selling cold bottled water for $1 each at both entrances - cash only, please!
- We are aiming to have AMR on site in case of a medical crisis related to the heat (we are trying to coordinate that presently)
- We will have the theater (air conditioned) open for guests with the ceremony live stream playing
- We will have 'cooling' stations in each corner of the stadium - cold water, chairs, and cold towels available for some quick relief from the heat
(added 6/2/22; updated 6/6)
Senior Meeting!
Here are the three items that were given to all seniors who attended the meeting:
- Senior Letter - Class of 2022 - click here
- Senior Meeting Agenda - Class of 2022 - click here
- Sober Grad Night 2022 Registration - click here
(added on 4/29)
"Graduate Check Out" Form
The form includes items like paying off all fines, returning textbooks, returning library books, returning chromebooks, etc... Students will receive their tickets to graduation upon the completion of the check list.
If your student is absent, they can pick up their check out sheet from Mr. Jodrey in the front office after 2pm on 6/6. We'll begin accepting completed check out documents and distributing graduation tickets on Tuesday, 6/7.
Graduation Rehearsal
During the Ceremony:
- students will be seated alphabetically with the start of the alphabet closer to the 50 yard line and the end of the alphabet close to the south end zone/stage. Your Zebra will know more specifically where they are sitting after rehearsal on Friday morning. (added on 5/12/22).
- families will receive 6 tickets for the bleachers and can get up to 2 additional tickets for seats on the field.
- students and guests are not expected to wear masks during graduation, but we will have masks available for those who feel more comfortable wearing one
- our school photographer, Debbie Brown, will take a picture of each graduate as they receive their diploma cover; details about pre ordering and ordering pictures is below.
- at the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates will exit the stadium. Students will be able to pick up their physical diploma right after the ceremony in the Pence Gym. We will leave the stadium open for a bit after the ceremony if families want to take pictures on the field. We encourage families to make a plan for where to meet up with your graduate after the ceremony (at the front of the gym and/or on the field).
- We would ask that families do not bring items that would block the view of other families will be allowed in the bleachers or you may be asked to lower the item or sit in a different location so that you are not blocking the view of other guests.
Additional C/O 2022 Activities
Graduation Photos
Debbie Brown is our school photographer for the 21/22 year. CLICK HERE for the pre order form for graduation photos. Pre-order forms are due to Debbie by 9pm on Thursday, 6/9/22. All of the details are available on the form, and if you have questions, you can reach out directly to Debbie Brown.
After graduation, families can go to to see and order their photos.
You can order photos after graduation, but for the best pricing, consider pre ordering! (added 5/25/22)
Flowers for your Graduate!
If you preordered flowers and have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Armistead (
We are no longer taking order for flowers at this time.
New this year!
The Floral Design Program will be taking pre-orders for Senior Bouquets. Bouquets are $40 each and must be paid for by May 20th. Bouquets will be picked up at the Graduation on Friday, 6/10 before the ceremony begins and can be given to your graduate after the ceremony.
This is a PRE Order form for the Blue and Gold Rose Bouquet for Graduation. Bouquets are $40 each and will include 6 yellow and 6 blue roses with leather and babies breath.
Orders and payment must be received by May 20th. Orders can be placed with the online form linked below, but orders will not be complete until payment is received. Payment can be dropped off in the main high school office in a sealed envelope labeled: Senior Bouquet Attn Mrs. Armistead. Cash or Check made payable to Lincoln High School only please.
Questions about the bouquet order process please email Mrs. Armistead
(added on 5/2, updated on 6/2)
Sober Grad Night 2022!
New info (added 6/2): Sober Grad Night tickets are available at lunch on 6/1 and 6/2. Senior t-shirts and last minute ticket purchases will be available on June 8th and June 9th from 12:30-2pm by the library. Senior shirts are available for $15 each and we only have limited sizes available at this point. Sober Grad will also sell shirts at graduation while they are available!
A reminder that students must have graduated with the Class of 2022 to participate. If your student purchased a ticket but does not actually graduate, SGN will refund the cost of your ticket to you.
PARENTS - click here to volunteer for this special night!
Original information/details:
Tickets will go on sale in late April for $45; prices will increase to $50 in mid-May. There is an option to fundraise for a ticket, too. Students can watch Schoology and the families can watch the Sober Grad FB page for details on fundraising options.
PARENTS - click here to volunteer for this special night!
Every student that attends Sober Grad Night will also get an LHS Class of 2022 t-shirt!
Doors will be open on Fri., 6/10 from 11pm-12am, and checkout is at 5am on Saturday, 6/11! Once students are checked in, graduates cannot leave between 12-5am unless their parent/guardian comes in person to check them out.
Contact info for Sober Grad Night Program:
- Vickie Vineyard - 916 532 0174
- Suzanne Fukui - 916 521 0477
(added on 5/12)
Scavenger Hunt is Done - In addition, the SGN team is running a scavenger hunt on campus - students can participate by scanning the QR codes around campus to start. If you have questions, reach out to the SGN team or Mr. Jodrey in the office! (updated 6/2)
Live Stream of Gradution
We will be Live Streaming our graduation at no cost at This is a great way for family who are far away, don't enjoy crowds/heat to enjoy this special day in real time. The Live Stream will remain available for view at no cost after graduation, as well. (added on 4/26)
Adopt a Senior - Class of 2022
Senior Celebrations on Social Media
Senior Slide Show
Yard Sign Pick Up!
Where are our Seniors Headed off to?
Awards Nights!
We hosted our Class of 2022 Senior Awards Night on Monday, 5/16 and we gave away over $204,000 in scholarships from our amazing community to our incredible graduates!
There are lots of banquets happening/about to happen to honor students involved in various clubs and programs. Congratulations to ALL the seniors who made their mark by participating in our community and school activities whether it is a campus club, Band, Choir, FFA, World Languages, AVID or athletics!! (added on 5/25/22)
Junior/Senior Prom
Students should watch Schoology and listen to announcements regarding Prom Ticket sales. Students CAN bring guests, but need to check in with Mrs. Pineschi (in the office) for guest pass information - it must be turned in by the deadline published on the guest pass form for consideration (all guest passes are due by 8am on Wed., 5/4 - added on 4/8/22)
Please note that all Saturday Schools and/or detentions must be served in order to attend Prom.
Senior Parade Details!
We will be parading with our caps and gowns to the following schools on the following days. It's great to see former teachers and be recognized as a graduating senior, and you'll inspire hundreds of elementary aged students to reach for that graduation goal!
Monday, May 23
Creekside Oakes Elementary
Lincoln Crossing Elementary
Scott Leaman Elementary
Twelve Bridges Elementary
Twelve Bridges Middle
Wednesday, May 25
Sheridan Elementary
Carlin C. Coppin
Foskett Ranch Elementary
First Street Elementary
Glen Edwards Middle School
If you would like to attend one or both of these days, please pick up a permission slip/Field trip form from your government teacher or Mrs. Emerson in the office.
Forms are due next Wednesday, May 18. Turn them in to Mrs. Edwards in the office.
All seniors are welcome, whether or not you attended those schools.
(added on 5/12/22)
Lincoln High School
Phone: 916 645 6360