WBHS Counselor Connection
Info for WBHS students & parents - January 10, 2025
In this issue:
- 11th Grade College Prep Series - Sign Up Now!
- Schools to Tools - Construction Trades Opportunity at WBHS
- Application Based Classes for 25-26 School Year
- Joyce Ivy Summer Scholars Program
- Princeton Prize in Race Relations
- Michigan Ross Summer Business Academy
- OSTC Information Night
- Seniors - FAFSA is now OPEN - Fill it out!
- FAFSA Help Document by Mrs. Essig
- FAFSA Help Sessions
- Test-Optional and what it means when taking an SAT or ACT
- Fee Waivers for College Applications and ACT/SAT
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship and Community College Guarantee Virtual Info Session
- Scholarship Club for Seniors
- Scholarship List
11th Grade College Prep Series
This college prep series is designed for juniors who are interested in continuing their education in college. Join us each week as we share important details regarding the process. We know you have questions and we are here to help!
Testing, 1, 2, 3 - ACT/SAT Test Prep Planning and Advice Thurs., Feb 6, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium
Is test-optional really test-optional? What is a “good” score? We will share updates to the new digital SAT and test prep strategies. We will help you develop a testing plan & teach you how to determine when to send (or not send)scores. Open to 10th & 11th-grade students.
Making Your College List and Career Search Tools February 13, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. In College and Career Center
We will teach you how to create your college list and explore your chances for admission using the Common Data Set. Come learn about fantastic schools that you might not have considered. College is expensive! It’s essential to know your “why” and explore your interests and career possibilities. We will share a variety of career search tools to help you with this process. You will leave with many resources to help you explore. Bring your charged device as you will start your own list with exploration activities.
College App Prep - Part 1- Common App Preview & Activities Section Prep -Thurs., Feb. 20, at 10:30 a.m. in auditorium
Mrs. Essig will walk you through the Common App so you can explore the college application. You can create your Common App account now and start filling out certain parts of the application. This is a huge bonus so you can identify areas to strengthen while you have time. Let’s identify key strategies to strengthen your activities section before September.
College App Prep - Part 2- Asking for Letters of Rec -Thurs., Feb 27, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. in auditorium
It’s not as simple as it seems! Let’s talk about who you should ask for letters of recommendation and the information you need to provide for the recommender. There is a strategy for this as you can enhance the information your recommender provides on your behalf.
Paying for College - Virtual Junior Parent Night - March 12, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. virtual
Registration link: https://apply.oakland.edu/register/?id=39930417-d364-4ccc-8235-76ef55725598
Students and families are encouraged to join a live webinar to learn general information regarding the financial aid process. Topics include the elements of financial aid, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), private resources available, and more! Presentation Outline, FAFSA Worksheet, Federal Student Aid, State of Michigan Aid
Scholarships 101 - Event will be held in April/May. Registration link will be sent in April.
Looking for money to help you pay for college? Not sure where to start? Join us to learn how you can look for scholarships! Students will be given many links to help them navigate the search process. Bring your laptop/device. We will be working!
Essay Writing 101 - Event will be held in April/May. Registration link will be sent in April.
Join us as we discuss the Common Application essay prompts, personal statements, “Why XXX school” essays, and get students started with the planning and writing process. Mrs. Essig will share sample essays to help spark your ideas for your own essay!
Junior Parent Night - Preparing for the Senior Year - College Prep 101
If you were not able to attend the event that was held in December, please click on the links below for the information. In this educational presentation, we teach parents everything they need to know to support their juniors as they prepare for the college application and selection process.
Class of 2026 Junior Parent Night: Preparing for College Recorded Presentation
Class of 2026 Junior Parent Night: Preparing for College Slides
Class of 2026 Junior Parent Night: Preparing for College Packet
College App Boot Camp Class of 2026- August 2025 -Exact Date is TBD - iCenter
WBHS offers a College App Boot Camp prior to the start of school to provide assistance to seniors with their college applications. School counselors & teachers will be on hand to advise students on all aspects of the process. The sign-up will be released in May 2025.
All dates are subject to change as needed. Questions? Please email noelle.essig@wbsd.org or speak with your counselor.
Schools to Tools - Construction Trades opportunity at WBHS
We are thrilled to be hosting the Schools to Tools Mobile Field Trip on February 11th in and near the WBHS Auxiliary Gym. This is an amazing opportunity for students to explore construction trades and speak with industry professionals. Students will attend the event for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
The Schools to Tools Mobile Field Trip is touring schools across Michigan and features engaging hands-on challenges alongside dynamic virtual experiences that lets our students step into the world of the skilled trades. You can learn more about this event by clicking on this link: https://schoolstotools.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Video-Mobile-Field-Trip-Teaser-1.mp4
Students must sign up in advance because space is limited for this event. Once capacity is reached, we will close the registration and create a waiting list. Students should fill out the form below to express their interest. Mrs. Essig will send each student a confirmation email letting them know what time to report to the auxiliary gym.
Click on this link to register: https://forms.gle/KnfjzjTFJXh5eRwK8
Note: If you have a 2nd, 4th, 5th or 6th hour class with Mr. Muylaert or Ms. Mattson for 2nd semester, you do not need to sign up as they will be bringing their classes down and a space is already reserved for you.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Noelle.essig@wbsd.org. Thank you!
Application Based Classes for 25-26 School Year
Classes with Applications
Assist WBHS English learners by providing language and content area support while serving as mentors to foster academic and personal growth. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Farqad Alfatlawy at farqad.alfatlawy@wbsd.org.
Due NO LATER than 11:59 pm on January 17th, 2025. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Watson ryan.watson@wbsd.org or Mrs. Rojas at Jennifer.Rojas@wbsd.org.
To qualify for Co-Op, you MUST fill out this application or see Ms. Laura Wowk in 520.
This APPLICATION is DUE by Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Feel free to email: Mrs. Chase: Alycia.Chase@wbsd.org or Mrs. Rosenwasser: jenifer.rosenwasser@wbsd.org with any questions.
Yearbook Join the yearbook staff! If you have questions, please contact Ms. Ehlert at tarah.ehlert@wbsd.org.
The goal of the Student Leadership class is to develop your leadership skills and to provide you with opportunities that put your skills to use to positively impact your school and community. The online application is due by Tuesday, January 21st by 3:00 p.m. Late applications will not be accepted. Feel free to send us an email with any questions about the Student Leadership class. Mr. Reed & Ms. Strobridge.
Sports Specific Conditioning is a high intensity, specialized weight training class that is geared towards students that currently/actively participate in school sports or athletic teams. The class counts as a PE credit towards graduation and students receive a Pass (G) or Fail (H) grade that does not positively or negatively affect your GPA. Coach Hilbers
Science Capstone Class Application If you have any additional question, please reach out to Mr. Fraylick at nicholas.fraylick@wbsd.org.
Medical Mentorship - See Ms. Zanotti if you have questions. See flyer below for QR Code for application.
The application is designed to help identify students who are genuinely interested and prepared for the unique challenges and opportunities this class offers. I believe it will help us create a strong, motivated group of learners for this exciting course. See Mr. Fraylick if you have any questions.
Medical Mentorship Application
Joyce Ivy Summer Scholars Program for female high school students
The Summer Scholars program provides scholarships for talented female high school students to participate in a summer academic program at one of our partner programs – some of the most rigorous and selective colleges and universities in the country.
Scholars receive a full or partial scholarship, based on demonstrated financial need, to cover tuition, room and board, travel expenses, and supplies. The Joyce Ivy Foundation works directly with our set of program partners to combine Joyce Ivy scholarships with additional financial aid provided by the summer program. The application for summer 2025 is now available!
The Details
- Exposure to a diverse array of peers
- Exposure to a broader range of college options
- Development of leadership skills
- Academic and intellectual growth
- Greater self-confidence
- Scholars describe the experience as transformative
Eligible applicants are female identifying high school students living in Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio or South Dakota, who also attend high school in one of these eight states.
Applicants are academically high-achieving students who will be entering 11th or 12th grade in Fall 2025. Occasionally, an exceptional rising 10th grader is selected as a Summer Scholar.
Past Summer Scholars, who used their scholarships, are not eligible to apply again for another scholarship.
Dates & Deadlines
December 8, 2024 2025 application available online
March 1, 2025 Application deadline
By April 1, 2025 Decisions released via email
April 18, 2025 Scholarship reply deadline
Summer Scholar Application Components
- Three Short Answer Essays (250 words)
- One Long Essay (650 words)
- Parent/Guardian Tax Forms (Form 1040) for the prior 2 years
- Official Copies of PSAT, SAT, or ACT scores, if applicable
- Copies (screenshots) of financial aid applications submitted to partner summer programs
- One Letter of Recommendation from a teacher or counselor
- Official High School Transcript
Summer Scholars applicants must also apply directly to our summer program partners for admission financial
Please note- This is a highly selective program. Please see Mrs. Essig to have her review your application and offer suggestions. We have a great history of having students selected!
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
Due January 31, 2025
The Princeton Prize in Race Relations identifies and recognizes high school students who, through action and service, have demonstrated leadership in advancing racial equity, promoting racial understanding, or eliminating racial bias and prejudice in their schools and communities.
Prize recipients receive a cash prize of $1,000 and an all-expenses-paid weekend to a Symposium on Race at Princeton University, where they will meet and engage with other Prize recipients from across the country.
Prize recipients are recognized at ceremonies in their local regions by Princeton alumni.
PPRR operates through 28 Regional Committees and has an At-Large Regional Committee to support areas where we currently have no geographic presence. We are an alumni volunteer-run organization enlisting the support of over 450 Princetonians, all dedicated to an inclusive and supporting society.
The Michigan Ross Summer Business Academy
June 13 - 27, 2025
The Michigan Ross Summer Business Academy gives rising high school seniors the opportunity to discover business from the inside out. Explore how companies run, understand how leaders solve problems, and experience what it’s like to be a business student at Michigan Ross.
Application Deadline: Jan. 21, 2025 at 3 p.m. EST
OSTC Information Night - For Enrollment in 2025-2026
Senior Parents - FAFSA is now open! Check out Mrs. Essig's helpful FAFSA Doc!
Are you taking the SAT or ACT? It is important to read this!
Are you taking the SAT or ACT? We encourage you to wait to send your scores before sending them blindly to colleges. In this test-optional world, you want to see them first!
Juniors - As you start the pre-registration process for taking an SAT or ACT exam, the instructions will prompt you to list up to four colleges to send your scores. However, since many colleges are now "test optional," we recommend waiting to send your scores. You should first review your scores to decide if they strengthen your college application. Once a score is sent, a college may not be able to "unsee" it, so we suggest keeping control over your score reporting.
If you have any questions please see your counselor or Mrs. Essig.
Scholarship Club for seniors!
Mrs. Noelle Essig, College and Career Counselor, regularly uses her expertise to provide a personalized college search experience for WBHS students. This fall, she is also using her expertise to help interested students find ways to help pay for their education. Join Mrs. Essig as she guides you through the process and provides time each week for students to research and work on scholarship applications. Mrs. Essig will also conduct mock interviews for students who get selected for scholarship interviews.
The next meeting will be January 22, 2025 in the iCenter.
College Application and ACT/SAT Test Fee Waivers
10th and 11th grade: If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you can receive a code to waive your fees for the ACT and/or SAT. Please apply for free and reduced lunch first and confirm that you qualify then see your counselor or Mrs. Essig.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship and Community College Guarantee
Attend a Virtual Info Session- FAFSA, Michigan Achievement & Comm College Schol.
Students and families looking for help paying for college can attend an upcoming Virtual Financial Aid Presentation provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:
- FAFSA application information
- Federal financial aid programs
- State financial aid programs
- Scholarship searching resources
Are you not able to attend one of our Financial Aid 101 webinars? You can view a recording of the presentation.
Additional Financial Aid Webinars
SENIORS: Financial Aid Workshops for Seniors - FAFSA is open!
FAFSA Workshops
Receive professional guidance to complete and submit the FAFSA. This workshop is facilitated by Oakland University Student Financial Services and is available as a public service to all high school seniors and current college students, no matter where students choose to attend college. Each workshop session is expected to last approximately 30-60 minutes and will have options for a private breakout room to ask personal questions or share your screen privately for assistance.
Prior to your workshop:
Download the FAFSA Worksheet to access the steps to prepare for the FAFSA. All contributors (students, spouse, and parent(s)) must each create a studentaid.gov account (FSA ID) more than 24 hours before you complete the FAFSA. Record the login information in Step One of the FAFSA Worksheet. Do not create an ID for anyone else, you must use your own personal email and personal phone number. Review the items in Step Two of the FAFSA Worksheet to gather necessary information to complete the FAFSA.
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/13/2025 06:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/13/2025 08:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/14/2025 06:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/15/2025 05:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/28/2025 06:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
01/29/2025 06:00 PM
Online Event
Virtual FAFSA Workshop
02/05/2025 06:00 PM
Online Event
Henry Ford Hospital Teen Volunteer Program
Check out this link in late Feb/early March for many volunteer opportunities at multiple locations! We are posting this here to put this on your radar because it fills fast and we don't want you to forget about it!
High School Programs | Volunteering at Henry Ford Hospital | Henry Ford Health - Detroit, MI
Scholarship List - Check often in Canvas for updates!
- On a Dragonflies Wings - seniors interested in mental health fields - Due April 30, 2025
- Boomer Esiason Foundation Academic Scholarship - Person or family member with Cystic Fibrosis April 18, 2025
- Organization for Autism Research’s Scholarship Program - Senior across the autism spectrum- April 21, 25
- 2025 Robert A. Schuele Scholarship - Senior - 2.3 + GPA - Monday, April 15th @ 9 p.m.
- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund - McDonalds Black & Positively Golden Scholars - 2.7 GPA, Attending HBCU - Due April 25, 2025
- Gamma Lambda Education Foundation - Senior African American Male 3.0+GPA- Due April 4, 2025
- Folds of Honor Scholarships - Dependents of fallen or disabled US Service members and/or First Responders - Opens Feb 1st. Due April 1, 2025 at 6 p.m. EST
- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund - HBCU Member Schools
- Wayne State U - Detroit Leadership Award Award for incoming freshmen -Due April 1st
- Michigan Retailers Association Scholarship - Work part time at a MRA Business- Due April 1st
- Automotive Aftermarket Scholarships - Automotive Related Scholarships - Due March 31, 2025
- Society of Women Engineers Scholarships -Female Seniors in Engineering or Computer Science with 3.5+ GPA- Opens Feb 2nd - Due March 31, 2025
- Jireh Scholarship Foundation - African American senior - 3.0+ GPA Due March 31, 25
- Michigan State University Alumni Scholarship - Due March 29, 2025
- Aveda Cosmetology or Barbering - Seniors - Various Due Dates
- Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs - Juniors- Due March 15, 25
- Courageous Persuaders Video Contest - 9th-12 grade students Due March 10th
- National Panhellenic Conference Centennial Scholarship - Seniors involved in women's leadership/organizations (Ex. Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run) - Due March 9, 2025
- Robert A Leonard Trust Scholarship - Seniors 2.8+ GPA- Due March 1, 25
- Foundation 649 Scholarship - Asian American/Pacific Islander Seniors - Due March 1, 2025
- Fred and Lena Meijer Scholarship - Employee or child of employee of Meijer -Due March 1, 2025
- ACS Chemistry Scholars Program - Underrepresented Seniors in Science - Due March 1st
- Cancer Pathways Essay Contest - 9th-12th Grade - Due Feb 28th
- Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation - Seniors in Michigan with a 2.5 + GPA - Feb 28, 2025
- MSGCU Scholarships - Many scholarships- Seniors - Due Feb 25, 2025
- Gayle S. Joyner Memorial Scholarship - Senior- Due 4th Friday of February
- Virginia Military Institute Merit Scholarships & General Peay 1962 Merit Scholarships - 3.75 GPA/1350 SAT/29 ACT Due Feb. 15, 25
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Hispanic Seniors 3.0+ -Due February 15, 2025
- Davidson Fellows Scholarship - Age 18 and under - All grades - Feb 12, 25
- MEA Scholarship - Seniors - Dependent of an MEA Teachers Union Member - Due Feb. 10th, 2025
- University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit Scholarships - Seniors - 3.8 GPA or 31 ACT or 1430 SAT - Due Feb. 7, 2025
- Jewish Youth Awards 2025- Jewish Seniors - Due Feb 7, 2025
- Ryan Fischer Legacy Scholarship - Hockey Player with 3.5 GPA Senior - Due Feb 7, 2025
- Elks Legacy Scholarship - Child/Grandchild of Elk Member -Seniors - February 3, 25
- SME Education Foundation Scholarship - 60+ Various Scholarships - 2.0 or higher Opens - Nov 1st - Due Feb 1, 2025
- Get To Foundation Scholarship - 12th Grade Scholar Athlete 3.0 GPA- Due Feb 1, 2025
- Hamilton Scholars Program for Juniors - Opens Dec 9th and is Due Jan.31, 2025
- Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan Scholarships - Seniors - Opens January 6th - Register by Feb 12, 2025
- Sparkling Ice Flavorful Futures -All majors 2.5+ GPA - Due Jan. 31, 2025
- THE FUTURE OF STEM SCHOLARS INITIATIVE (FOSSI) - Seniors attending HBCU 3.0 GPA+ STEM Field -DUE: Jan. 31, 25
- Oakland County Bar Association Diversity Scholarship - Senior interested in law - Due January 31, 2025
- Prestige Photography Scholarship - Seniors - Due January 31, 2025
- DAR Scholarships - Various Scholarships - Opens Nov 1st - Due January 31, 2025
- Michigan Council of Women in Technology Scholarship - 2.75+ GPA Female Seniors pursuing Tech Degree - Due Jan 31, 25
- Princeton Prize in Race Relations - All grades - Due January 31, 2025
- US Junior Chamber International Senate Foundation Scholarships- Seniors -Due Jan. 17, 2025
- Profiles in Courage Essay Contest -9th-12th grade students- Due January 17, 2025
- John Lennon Award for Songwriters and Composers - US resident between 17-24 yrs old - Due January 15, 2025
- Dolly Parton Songwriters Award - US resident between 17-24 yrs old - Due January 15, 2025
- Peermusic Latin Music Award Songwriters and Composers - US resident between 17-24 yrs old - Due January 15, 2025
- Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program - Essay - Due January 15 , 2025
- Tuskegee Airman Scholarship - 3.0+ GPA - Due January 2, 2025 to local chapter
Gamma Lambda Education Foundation
2025 Application Open
Link: https://www.glef1906.org/apply-for-a-scholarship
The Gamma Lambda Education Foundation currently has scholarships available for high school graduates who will graduate by June 2025. High school graduates are expected to enter an accredited college at the beginning of the 2025 - 2026 academic year. Scholarships are available in various amounts.
Requirements for consideration are:
Graduate from a Metropolitan Detroit Area Public High School or Public School Academy (Charter High School)
Grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
Acceptance and attending an accredited four-year college or university
African-American male
Participation in the Gamma Lambda Education Foundation Scholarship Program and related activities sponsored and/or approved by the Gamma Lambda Education Foundation (failure to participate will impact scholarship eligibility/award)
Application Procedures: Please Read Carefully
Submit completed application (Download both PDF documents above)
Submit transcript indicating grades for all courses completed through January, 2025 (grades 9 - 12 inclusive)
Submit two letters of recommendation:
1. One letter from a school instructional employee (i.e. counselor,
teacher or administration official) and
2. One letter from a community organization:
(a) Church (b) Scout troop (c) Junior Achievement (d) Co-op work
assignment/employer (e) A similar organization not listed (will
review for consideration upon receipt)
Submit a maximum 350-word essay using Microsoft Word (preferred application but not required, may use alternative or submit paper copy) on the topic of: “How a Scholarship Will Enable You To Achieve Your Academic Goals/Objectives”
(deductions for exceeding word limit and for usage of any AI based tools).Submit a letter of acceptance from a four-year college or university. This letter may be submitted by the time of interview.
(All applications must be post marked or email timestamped by the deadline/emails accepted)4
Please note that Ms. Essig posts all scholarship information in the College and Career Center Canvas page. Please follow the Canvas page for the most up-to-date opportunities!
How do I find scholarships?
1. Seniors - The FAFSA will open for the Class of 2025 seniors after December 1st. Apply for Financial Aid after December 1st at this link: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
2. Check with each college in which you are applying for merit-based scholarships and deadlines.
3. Check for memorial and alumni scholarship opportunities at each college in which you may qualify.
4. Check with student’s/parent’s employer, banks/credit union, religious & civic affiliations, etc. for scholarships.
5. Check the College and Career Center Canvas pages frequently.
6. Read the Counselor Connection
7. Conduct a search by using a national search engine, such as www.fastweb.com, www.scholarships.com, www.myscholly.com, etc. Be sure to create an email address just for these searches as students will receive a lot of emails. There is no need to pay money for these services! Watch for scams!
8. Check Careeronestop: https://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-scholarships.aspx
9. College Board Opportunity Scholarships. https://opportunity.collegeboard.org/
10. For more information: https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types/grants-scholarships/finding-scholarships#how-find
11. Remember it takes work to receive most scholarships! You won't know if you don't try!
Mrs. Essig's College Prep Video Series
Mrs. Essig created this video series to assist seniors in the college application process. If you missed the emails or your senior missed the College App Boot Camp, these resources will be valuable to you! She will continue to add to this throughout the school year. Enjoy!
WBHS College Prep Series #2 - Using the Common Data Set Tool
WBHS College Prep Series #3 - Asking for Letters of Recommendation
WBHS College Prep Series #4 - Creating the College List
WBHS College Prep Series #5 - Types of College Application Deadlines and Fee Waivers
WBHS College Prep Series #6 - Introduction to the Common App & Inviting Recommenders
WBHS College Prep Series #7 - How to Fill Out the Activities Section of the Common App
Parchment: What you need to know before you start
Last week in advisory, we worked to help seniors create their Parchment accounts. If you were absent, please see the information and instructional video below.
What is Parchment? Parchment is a transcript delivery service that we (and most high schools and many colleges use). This is how WBHS sends your high school transcript to colleges, employers, the military and so on. The account you create today will be the same account you will log in to years from now if you need to request a transcript to show proof of graduation
Do I need a Parchment account if I’m not planning to go to college? Yes, everyone needs a Parchment account as many employers will need to see proof of graduation in order to hire you.
What do I need to know before I create this account?
When you create your account, remember, you will be asked to provide an email address. It's crucial that you DO NOT USE YOUR WBHS EMAIL ADDRESS! Instead, use your personal email address. This is a proactive step to ensure that once you graduate, your Parchment account remains accessible, as your WBHS Email address will be deleted.
When creating your account, be sure to use your full legal name so that your account can be properly matched to your transcript.
Before you begin, remember that at some point in Parchment, they will ask your permission to share your personal information with colleges and universities. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU SAY “NO” SO THAT YOU DO NOT GET SIGNIFICANT SPAM.
IF AT ANY POINT IN PARCHMENT it asks you to provide your GPA, and area of study, you are in the WRONG SPOT!!! Please click the Parchment icon and then the “DASHBOARD” link to return to the correct area.
There are three steps to creating the account.
First, you will create your account using your personal email address and password.
Second, you will be sent a verification code to the email address that you used. Sometimes, this can take a few minutes.
Lastly, once you enter the code, you must link West Bloomfield High School to your account. Look for the + sign at the center of the screen. If you don’t see it, click on the Parchment Icon at the top left of your screen and click on Dashboard to take you to the correct screen.
Before you begin, please watch this instructional video on how to create the Parchment account. Please watch the video and then work to create your account. - https://youtu.be/une5s-PGN40
If at any point you have difficulty creating your account, please fill out this Google Form and Mrs. Essig will make arrangements to assist you within the next few weeks. Do not panic, we are here to help!
College and Career Center in Canvas for 11th and 12th Grade Students
Parents - You can view the information by being an "observer" of your student in Canvas.
Below are some helpful links for Canvas.
Interested in an HBCU but not sure where to look? Check out this search tool that allows you to search by major. http://thehundred-seven.org/matchme.php
To get an estimate of your cost of attendance at a college or university, Google the name of the college with the term "Net Price Calculator." Each college has an estimator. This doesn't guarantee your cost of attendance but can be a useful tool.
Important Contacts
WBHS Counseling Department
Alpha Splits
Kelly Casinelli - Students with last names A-Ch
Joanne Wegrzynowicz - Students with last names Ci-Gra
Karen Brody - Students with last names Grb-Kl
Kason Dickerson - Students with last names Km-M
Kyle Landon - Students with last names N-Sh
John Hepper - Students with last names Si-Z
Noelle Essig - College & Career Counselor
Carla Jones - Mental Health Specialist
Administrative Staff
Mr. Eric Pace, Principal
Susie Aisner, Assistant Principal
Jamie Glinz, Assistant Principal
Dr. Stephanie Clark, Assistant Principal
Eric Pierce, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Newsletter Contact:
Email: noelle.essig@wbsd.org
Website: https://www.wbsd.org/west-bloomfield-high-school/counseling-office
Location: 4925 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI, USA
Phone: (248)865-6768
Twitter: @WBHSCounseling
Text - 652729
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Text - HELLO to 741741