AFSA PreK-12 Family Update
January 24, 2025

January 24, 2025
AFSA PreK-12 Families,
We would like to extend a huge thank you to all AFSA PreK-12 families for helping make AFSA such an amazing school! Thank you for your support!
AFSA PreK-12 Staff Appreciation celebration is next week. Please see below for more information.
Make sure to sign up for trimester 2 conferences! Conferences are next week!
TONIGHT is the AFSA High School Barn Dance! Open to all 7th-12th grade AFSA students! See information below!
Have a great weekend!
Important Date Reminders:
January 30 - 31 AFSA PreK-12 Conferences - No School
February 1 AFSA Elementary Winter Carnival and Silent Auction
February 6 AFSA High School Science Fair (7th-9th Grade)
February 14 AFSA Elementary ONLY NO SCHOOL (PreK-6 Grade)
February 17 - AFSA PreK-12 NO SCHOOL
February 20 AFSA High School Science Fair (10th-12th Grade)
Special Note - To access the downloadable files attached to the newsletter click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
Weekly Words with Wakefield
Spread positivity! Week three is showing me that as an administrator I need to make sure I am focusing on the growth and positivity in my life. It is too easy to allow issues or negative feedback to impact my day to day. As humans we tend to remember traumatic experiences over positive ones, recall insults better than praise, or think about negative things more than positive ones. We too often allow one bad moment in our day to take over all the good that took place.
So how do we rewire our thinking? One strategy I like to use is to give positive feedback frequently. When you see good, speak up and make it known. Each and every day we have great things happening around us. At AFSA teachers help students every day to achieve their goals, students are building their voices to advocate for themselves and others while families partner with the school to instill strong values.
We have amazing educators here at AFSA that directly impact our students. Can you help make a positive difference? Click here for the next step.
Mr. Wakefield
AFSA High School Barn Dance is TONIGHT!
TONIGHT is the AFSA High School Barn Dance! Open to all 7th-12th grade AFSA students! Tickets are $10 at the door but if your student brings a canned food item the price drops to $5! Dance runs from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Concessions will be available to purchase (cash only).
AFSA PreK-12 Staff Appreciation Week
We are celebrating all AFSA PreK-12 staff the week of January 27-31, 2025! We need your help! As part of the celebration we would like to pass on messages of thanks and encouragement as well as hand out treat bags.
If you would like to send an appreciation message please click here to fill out the AFSA PreK-12 Appreciation Message form or email them to Stephanie Forliti. We will print out the messages and deliver them to staff members the week of January 27-31. Click here to see the Staff Directory. Last day to submit a message is January 31 at noon.
There is still time to make a donation! We are looking for store bought individually wrapped items for staff treat bags. To make a donation please click here to go to the donation sign up form. Items may be dropped off at either the elementary or high school office. Last day to drop off donations is Monday, January 27th.
AFSA PreK-12 Trimester 2 Conference Sign Up
AFSA K-12 Trimester 2 Conferences are coming up January 30 (High School and Elementary) and January 31 (Elementary)! There is no school for AFSA K-12 students on January 30 and 31. Below you will find sign up information for both AFSA Elementary and AFSA High School conferences.
AFSA Elementary:
Conferences for grades K-6 will be available on Thursday, January 30 and Friday, January 31 (no school for students.) Conferences will be 15 minutes long.
Please sign up with your child's homeroom teacher. Students are welcome at conferences and are included in the planning to have items to present to their parents/guardians. Any additional specialists or teachers can also be scheduled, but the homeroom teacher should be the first one you visit with as they will have comprehensive information about your child.
Appointment times are separated into "In-person" or "Virtual" times. Please select a time based on the method in which you'd like to attend. If you select an in-person time, virtual will not be available (and vice-versa.) If you select a Virtual appointment, the link will be sent to you prior to your appointment time by your selected teacher.
To sign up for AFSA K-6 conferences please select the teachers you want to see in the PTCFast system - access by clicking here.
You may check who your child’s teachers are in PowerSchool. For help scheduling grades K-6 call 612-260-2662.
AFSA High School:
AFSA High School (grades 7-12) Trimester 2 conferences are coming up Thursday, January 30! Students do not have school January 30 and 31.
Conferences for grades 7-12 are available on January 30 from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm. Conference times are 15 minutes long and are available either in person or virtual.
When you sign up for conferences you may select as many classroom teachers as you want to see. Students are welcome to attend with parents. Appointment times are separated into "Virtual" or "In-person" times. Please select a time based on the method in which you'd like to attend. If you select an in-person time, virtual will not be available (and vice-versa.) If you select a virtual appointment, the Zoom link will be sent to you prior to your appointment time by your selected teacher.
To sign up for AFSA High School (grades 7-12) conferences please select the teachers you want to see in the PTCFast system - access by clicking here.
You may check who your child’s teachers are in PowerSchool. For help scheduling grades 7-12 please call 651-209-3910.
Model United Nations Register Today! - calling all 7th-12th graders
Join student delegates in grades 7-12 from all around the state as they form country groups in local YMCAs and schools to gain an international outlook on issues that affect the way we live.
Model United Nations registration is now open! Last day to register is February 9th! See attached flyer for more information.
If your student is interested in being a part of this year's AFSA MUN delegation please have them attend the next meeting this upcoming Tuesday, January 21 during second lunch in the study hall. Please contact Ms. Nelson with any questions.
AFSA High School Athletics Fundraiser - PIZZA!
Support AFSA Athletics with your PIZZA purchase! Starting January 6th through January 29 AFSA Athletes are holding a special Heggies Pizza fundraiser to raise money for all AFSA Athletic teams! Pizza's are large (12") and range in price from $11 - $14. Choose from the following:
- Double Cheese
- Sausage
- Pepperoni
- Sausage & Pepperoni
- Sausage and Mushroom
- Inferno
- Deluxe Combo
- Six Pack
- BCB (Bacon Cheeseburger)
- Chicken Alfredo
- Breakfast Pizza
- Cauliflower Crust Sausage & Pepperoni
- Cauliflower Crust Marcherita
- El Jefe (Mexican style with Chorizo, jalapenos and more)
To purchase pizzas find an AFSA athlete or contact our Athletic Director, Ms. Vorwald, avorwadl@afsak12.com. Thank you for your support!
Scholastic Book Fair Coming End of January
The elementary and high school are both hosting Scholastic Book Fairs the week of January 27th. Fair hours for each location vary. Please see below. Students will have time during the school day to shop at the book fair. Instead of sending money along with your student think about getting an eWallet. A book Fair eWallet is a convenient, simple, and secure way to give money to your student to shop at the fair. For more information about eWallets and the elementary and high school book fairs please click on the links below.
Did you know you can also shop online? Starting on the first day of the Book Fair, families can shop online for 14 days in The Scholastic Store. Just click on the links below to go to the website of either the elementary or high school.
AFSA Elementary Book Fair:
Students will have the opportunity to go to the book fair during the school day with their class. The Fair is also open on Thursday, January 30 1:00 - 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, February 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Click here to go to the AFSA Elementary Book Fair Website
AFSA High School Book Fair:
Students will have the opportunity to go to the book fair during the school day. Hours for the high school book fair are January 27-29 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and January 30 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
AFSA Elementary Winter Carnival and Silent Auction
AFSA Friends and Family are invited to the AFSA Elementary Winter Carnival Saturday, February 1 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Volunteers are wanted! Click here for more information and to sign up.
Join us for games, concessions, silent auction and more.
- Family friendly games in every classroom!
- Tickets are $1 each (1 ticket per game!)
- 5th & 6th grade group SAE projects for sale
- “Adopt a stuffy”
- Silent Auction open Jan. 27 - Feb. 1
- Scholastic Book fair
Tickets for games are $1.00 each and each game costs 1 ticket. Tickets can also be used for concessions and more (amount of tickets for concessions and other items varies). Tickets can be pre-ordered in any even dollar amount. Preorder your event tickets - click here. To redeem your tickets stop by the front desk during the event.
The auction will open at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, January 27th and close Saturday, February 1st at Noon. You do not need to be present at the event to participate in the auction. Winners will be notified following the closing of the auction and can pick up items at the winter carnival or during school hours at the elementary building. Gift cards/certificates can also be mailed upon request. ALL money earned will benefit the students preK-12 and will be directed towards experiential learning opportunities. Silent Auction Link
Thank you to the AFSA Parent Group for hosting the concessions, silent auction, and “adopt a stuffy”! Thank you for your support of AFSA PreK-12!
AFSA High School MN Agriculture Night
Save the date! Join us for a special night highlighting the Minnesota Agriculture Industry Thursday, March 6th, 4-7 p.m. at AFSA High School. Rachel Visser the 71st Princess Kay of the Milky Way will be joining us along with a variety of MN agriculture businesses and organizations. Including MN Pork, CFANS, MN Beef Council! ALSO - The Eggroll Queen food truck will be joining us! This event is open to the public. Watch for more information on our social media and website! www.afsak12.com
Annual Lead Testing Information
Attached to this Family Update is information about lead testing at AFSA PreK-12.
AFSA Spirit Wear
Show off your school spirit with some AFSA gear! We have a ton of different sweatshirts, tshirts, sweatpants and so much more to choose from. Just click here to check out all of the options and place an order.
Science Fair Judge Volunteers Needed
Be a part of this year's 24th Annual AFSA High School Science Fair! All students at AFSA must complete a science fair project and present their findings to a panel of judges. This year, we are holding two science fair nights, February 6 for grades 7-9 and February 20 for grades 10-12 and we need your help! For each night we need about 40 science fair judges. If you are interested in volunteering click here to register. Thank you for supporting AFSA Prek-12!
AFSA PreK-12 Yearbooks - On Sale Now!
Elementary Yearbooks (PreK-6th):
Elementary Yearbooks are on sale now for $15. Yearbooks will be delivered at the end of the school year. If you would like to order an AFSA Elementary (PreK-6) yearbook online please click here. Cash and check payments can be made in the front office of the elementary school. Orders for the AFSA Elementary yearbook ends April 25th, 2025.
High School Yearbooks (7th-12th):
High School yearbooks are on sale now! Yearbooks are $45 if ordered by March 8, 2025 and after that the cost goes up to $55 until the last day to order, April 29, 2025. Click here to order the HS yearbook online. The HS yearbooks are ordered through Entourage (not SchoolPay). You can also pay for high school yearbooks with cash or check in the front office at the high school.
AFSA Class of 2025
AFSA Class of 2025 Graduation Information:
Graduation will be held the evening of Friday, June 6, 2025 at Bethel University in Arden Hills. Directions and details, including ticket information, will be sent home later in the school year. Thank you!
AFSA K-12 Culver's Fundraising Nights
Join us at Culver's in Little Canada (2880 Rice Street Little Canada) for our Culver's fundraising nights throughout the 2024-2025 school year! See dates below! Take your family out to dinner and support AFSA K-12 at the same time! AFSA receives 10% of all food purchases from 5-7 p.m.
- February 18, 2025
- March 18, 2025
- April 15, 2025
- May 20, 2025
Special thank you to the Little Canada Culver's for their continued support of AFSA K-12!
Lunch Menu
Community Events and Opportunities
Thunderbay Trail Sign Design Contest
The City of Little Canada needs your help to create signage for the Thunderbay/ Westwinds trail! Youth in grades K-8 are encouraged to submit a sign design that urges users of the trail to slow down and look before crossing the intersections of Edgerton Street, Vanderbie Road, and Payne Avenue. Three winners will be chosen. Visit https://bit.ly/LCSignContest for information and to submit an entry. Last day to submit an entry is February 3rd.
Girl Scouts
Friends Spark With Girl Scouts, kids can thrive—making new friends, learning new skills, and experiencing new things as part of a supportive, inclusive community. Through flexible programming, kids discover who they are and grow into the confident leaders they were born to be. Kids in grades K-12 can join for just $25. Sign up by March 31 and receive a $10 coupon for a Girl Scout event or camp! Financial assistance is available for participation fees and more. No proof of income is required. With Girl Scouts, kids can thrive. See attached flyer for more information.
AFSA PreK-12 Family Directory
The school directory is a great way for AFSA PreK-12 families to stay in touch! Click here if you are a current AFSA PreK-12 family and would like to be added to the 2024-2025 school directory. The directory will be emailed out to all participating families. If you have been in past directories you will still need to sign up this year to be included. Questions? Please contact Ms. Forliti
AFSA PreK-12 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
The 2024-2025 AFSA K-12 School Calendar is attached to this newsletter!
If you are having a problem downloading this file please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA PreK-12 Upcoming Events 2023-2024
January 27
AFSA PreK-12 Scholastic Book Fair - Both AFSA Elementary and AFSA High School Click here for more information
January 30 - 31
AFSA PreK-12 Conferences - No School
February 1
AFSA Elementary Winter Carnival
February 6
AFSA High School Science Fair (7th-9th Grade)
February 14
AFSA Elementary ONLY NO SCHOOL (PreK-6 Grade)
February 17
February 18
AFSA PreK-12 Culver's Fundraising Night
February 20
AFSA High School Science Fair (10th-12th Grade)
February 25
AFSA PreK-12 School Board Meeting
Click Here to go to the School Calendar for event details
AFSA PreK-12 Contact Information
Please call the attendance line or email the following if your student is absent.
Elementary Attendance Line (Grades PreK-6):
612-260-2664 or email k6attendance@afsak12.com
High School Attendance Line (Grades 7-12):
651-209-3910 or email hsattendance@afsak12.com