....smore of what we did this week
Please welcome Sophia to #teamprek. Your children were and continue to be welcoming, happy, friendly, enthusiastic, and bring positive energy to our classroom and school. THANK YOU!!!!!! We finished our voting and graphing bulletin board in the hallway for ALL to see. We know all about the election, graphs, and the voting process. Great job students. Stop by and see Ms. Mac and her awesome voting booth. We met our newest letter buddy Active A. We continue to watch have fun teaching, sesame street, and abc mouse to help us with phonics and vocabulary. We practiced in our phonics books, letter buddy journals and on our own with white boards and worksheets. We brainstormed and listed over 30 vocabulary words. We had an awesome halloween day with The Great pumpkin video and treats from the Nussbaumer family. We learned how to be responsible by watching videos and listening to 5th grade. We know all about it, just ask us. #HOORAYFORPREK!!!!!!!!!!
No school on Friday the 11th of November ...we will miss you...report cards will be emailed home to you on this day
....smore of what we will do next week
We will meet a new letter buddy. Please watch our video with your student. we will vote for the president and celebrate on Tuesday. We will have a special announcement on Wednesday. We will learn about landforms in social studies and science. We will practice one to one counting, number recognition, simple addition, patterns and sorting too. Scroll all the way down for pix and school event information please. Thanks for being the BEST parents in the league. I appreciate it!!!!! Have a great weekend and be safe, Mr. Alaxson & Ms. Ali:)!!!!!